Press Release for Scott MacMullan Law, LLC
June 21, 2013
Scott W. MacMullan appointed to the Maryland State Bar Association Public Awareness Committee for the 2013-2014 term.
The Public Awareness Committee enhances the public’s understanding of the law through community education and outreach. It presents MSBA’s two most successful, ongoing public service projects: its series of 24 public awareness legal information guides, which are disseminated to the public free of charge, and its Speakers’ Bureau, through which 250 volunteer attorneys go out into the community and educate the public about the law. The committee also sponsored its May Law Day program, a lawyer/student/teacher conference highlighting its special Positive Messaging Video and Poster Competition on “No Courts, No Justice, No Freedom,” in conjunction with CLREP. It also hosted, through a partnership with the Young Lawyers Section, nine community service projects as part of the One Bar, One Community project.
About Scott MacMullan Law, LLC
Scott MacMullan Law, LLC provides general legal services in the State of Maryland the District of Columbia. The firm provides counsel and advocacy in a wide range of civil, criminal and family law matters. The firm’s motto is “Local Knowledge You Can Trust.”
For more information contact 443-494-9775 or
The Maryland State Bar Association is a professional, non-profit, voluntary organization comprised of over 23,000 attorneys and judges across the state of Maryland. It monitors judicial and legislative issues in the state, offers legal education opportunities and promotes leadership within its programs that ensure the delivery of quality legal services to all citizens. MSBA is committed to furthering the efficient administration of justice and equality for all under the law.
Founded in 1896, the Maryland State Bar Association celebrated its Centennial over the course of 1996, following the theme "Striving for Justice." In addition to special events, a 300 page Centennial Book and other promotions, a public service project was an integral part of MSBA's Centennial.
MSBA is known for its outstanding membership services, dedication to public service and voluntary pro bono efforts. MSBA offers an array of membership services and benefits for its members and works to continually better the legal profession. MSBA promotes the spirit of public service and the spirit of volunteerism. It functions as an excellent mechanism to channel the volunteer efforts of Maryland attorneys to help society, serve to those in need and tackle some of the state's most pressing problems, like the current legal service to the poor funding crisis. The strength of MSBA lies in its members, and their willingness to volunteer for the public service.