Tel No. 01467 621277Email –

School Information Line – 0870 054 4999 Pin number - 022430

Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome back to the start of a new session, and especially to our ‘new parents’. I’m sure you’ll find the Port a happy, friendly place and hope that you will all become involved in your child’s education.

Please note that this first newsletter is given by PAPER COPY to ensure that all parents receive a copy. You will receive further newsletters by email if requested. Thank you.


Nursery8.45 - 11.55 / 12.20 – 3.30

P1 to P79.00 - 12.30 / 1.30 - 3.25



We are delighted to welcome:

To Nursery

Katie Ferry, Lucy McCann, Poppy McLean, Abbie Maxfield, Daisy Mitchell and Alice Stein.

To Primary 1

Lily Davidson, Eli Davies, Goncalo Ferreira, Archie Findlay, Dainius Gedvilas, Ryan Buxton, Rebecca Irbena, Natalia Kazmierska, Michalina Krakowiak, Liam Littlejohn, Maria Rejzner, Reuben Strachan and Noah Thomson.

We would also like to welcome:

Farhan Aryan to P2

Staff for this session are as follows:

Head Teacher–Mrs Nic Boyle

Nursery – Mrs Julia Hutcheon

P1 - Mrs Susan Kelsey

P2 – Miss Karen Grant

P3/4 – Mrs Karen Simpson

P4/5 – Miss Kirsty Allan

P6/7 – Mrs Elaine Allan

Support For Learning (SFL) Teacher

Mrs Diane McFarland (Mon all day & Wed pm)

Visiting Specialist Teachers

P.E. – Mrs Claire Simpson (Mon pm & Wed am)

Art – Mrs Anne Middleton (Tues all day)

Drama – Mrs Ruth Charlton (Tues am)

French – Mr Remi Journe (Thurs am)

Non Teaching Staff

Office Staff – Mrs Karen Taylor (Admin /


Mrs Yvonne Donald (clerical)

Early Years Practitioners –

Mrs Linda Beattie

Mrs Una Thompson

Mrs Wendy Kelman

Pupil Support Assistants – Mrs Jenny Brown

(PSAs) Mrs Margaret Sinclair

Mrs Angie Watt

Educational Psychologist – Stuart Bull

Pupil Support Worker – Mrs Shona Lees

Janitor – Mr Michael Ross

Lollipop Person – Mr John Murray

Cleaners – Ms Sarah Mitchell & Ms Monika Gorska

Kitchen staff – Mrs Wilma MayMrs Claire Till


School crossing patrol hours are as follows:

8.30am to 9.05am

12.25pm to 1.35pm

3.20pm to 3.50pm(2.55pm to 3.25pm on a Wednesday)

Please do not send your child to cross the road before or after the crossing is manned.

If you cycle to school you MUST come off your bike at the crossing but this is only allowed once you have completed your Bikeability training.


Many members of staff are trained in First Aid.They will deal with any minorbumps and scrapes that occur. Parents

will be notified should any more serious injury occur. Please note that any head injuries are always notified to parents by means of a letter in the pupil’s school bag.


Thank you to those of you who have been filling up our container in the playground with your unwanted clothes! Please keep using this facility –the school gets a percentage of the money. The container is in the front playground. Please ensure items are put in the containers in a bag. Thank you in advance.


We are continuing to encourage children to choose healthy foods. To help us with this, would you please avoid sending your child to school with sweets, crisps and fizzy drinks. A reward scheme operates where children will gain points and prizes for bringing a healthy snack.

Email correspondence

If you would like to change from receiving paper copies of all notes and letters, or if your email address has changed, please complete the return slip at the end of this newsletter. Thank you.


Just a reminder that the price of a school meal is£2.15 per ticket – this is processed through the lunch system online. P1-3 pupils all receive school meals free of charge and P4-7 pupils pay for school meals.

There is water available to drink at lunches, however we sell milk (20p) and fruit juice (15p) each day. If your child would like to purchase juice or milk, please ensure that they have any money in a named purse or wallet. Thank you.


If any parent feels they can give an hour a week at lunchtime or after school to work with children on appropriate skills and interests, we would be very happy to support any initiatives. Please indicate on the tear-off slip if you would like to become involved in running an extra-curricular club. A rota can be organised so a parent doesn’t have to help every week.

As you may well be aware, changes in legislation require that adults working with children without a teacher undergo a Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) check. Please do not let this put you off volunteering to help in school, as all costs for the check will be met by Aberdeenshire Council. We will send further information to interested volunteers.

We are always looking for parent helperswithin the school. Tasks may include washing paint pots, playing games with children, telling stories, baking, admin jobs etc. We are also looking for anyone keen to help in our library. Please indicate below if you can help.


The Parent Council AGM takes place on Thursday 8 September at 6pm at the school. The Parent Council are always on the lookout for new members of the Committee so if you would like to get involved, we would be delighted to welcome you to the meeting.


You should have already received a separate note with details of after school clubs for this term. Please ask at the office for further information.


To ensure a safe, enjoyable and productive learning environment for PE, we must take children’s clothing into account. For safety and hygiene, children must change and wear the appropriate footwear and clothing.

PE kit should consist of a t-shirt, a pair of shorts and a pair of suitable indoor or outdoor shoes. Slip on gym shoes are quick and easy to put on and take off and cheap to buy for indoor shoes. Trainers are ideal for outdoor shoes. Joggers/sweatshirts are fine for outside as we hope to take the children outside whenever possible for P.E.

All watches and jewellery should be removed. Pupils will be allowed to take part, however, if their ears are newly pierced and for the six week period after piercing ONLY, provided they are covered with micropore tape. We do not provide this, however. They must remove their earrings after this period, though, otherwise they cannot take part in PE. Pupils with long hair must tie it back.

Thank you for your co-operation.


Just a reminder that uniform is available online through Tesco. Please ask at the office if you require further information.


We are very fortunate to have visitors who come into school to enhance our pupil’s experiences.

This session we may have a variety of chaplains who will be visiting our school. They may be visiting classes and / or taking whole school assemblies.


Aberdeenshire council has changed the way parents receive online alerts about school closures and changes to school transport. You can now sign up for these notifications through myaccount on the Aberdeenshire Council website – if you currently pay for school meals online, you will already be registered.

myaccount is a simple, secure way of accessing a range of Scottish public services using just one username and password and 13,000 parents across Aberdeenshire are already enjoying the benefits of it.

As well as being able to sign up for alerts, your home page will

automatically give you handy information such as your bin collection days, where your nearest recycling centre is and the names of your local councillors.

So, if you want to be kept up-to-date and take advantage of the other myaccount benefits, sign up to the new system by going to the Aberdeenshire Council website and clicking on the red register button in the top right-hand corner.


It is preferable if parents / preschool children do not use the pitch during school hours, as we regularly use the open space / equipment for activities. Thank you for your cooperation.


Mon 29 Aug -P1 start full days

Thurs 8th Sept – Parent Council AGM, 6pm, in school. All welcome.

Wed 14th Sept – Photographer in school (individual & family photos). Further details to follow.

Wed 21st Sept – Parents Evening, 3.30-6.00

Thurs 22nd Sept – Parents Evening, 6.00-8.30

Further details to follow

Fri 30th Sept – Macmillan Coffee Morning Further details to follow.

Fri 30th Sept – Parent Council Quiz Night Further details to follow.

Fri 7th Oct -School closes for October holidays at usual times.

Mon 24th Oct -School opens after October holidays.

Finally, we have come to the end of the first newsletter of this session. Sorry it is so long and there are so many returns to make!

You are invited to comment on the return pro-forma on any aspect of school whether as a comment/suggestion, compliment or concern. These are responded to as and when necessary.

If you wish to discuss any item further or any aspect of school that affects you or your child, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We will be happy to arrange a convenient time to meet and discuss any issues.

Yours sincerely,

Nic Boyle

Head Teacher

Port Elphinstone School

Dates for your Diary: 2016 - 17

Term Dates (inclusive)

Term 1  Tuesday 16th August – Friday 7th October

Term 2  Monday 24th October – Wednesday 21st December

Term 3  Thursday 5th January – Friday 31st March

Term 4  Tuesday 18th April – Friday 30th June


Friday 10th FebruaryMonday 1st May

Monday 13th FebruaryMonday 5th June

In Service Dates

Monday 15th AugustTuesday 14th February

Monday 14th NovemberWednesday 15th February

Tuesday 15th November



Email correspondence - new details – AUGUST 2016

  • I would like to be included in the emailing list - please remove my name from paper copies
  • My email address has changed

My email address is:

Child’s name(s):Class(es):

Parent Signature ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Comment/Suggestion, Compliment or Concern






Signature…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………August 2016



I would like to be involved in running an extra-curricular club. Please state further information below.

Name - ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Child’s name and class ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Club ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………




(Delete as appropriate)

I am able to help as a parent helper in class /doing admin jobs / in the library

Parent/Carer Signature: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Child’s name and class: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(Delete as appropriate)

Disclosure / PVG: Yes I have a PVG / no I do not have a PVG, so pack needed