Web Server Maintenance and Security
Certificate Program
2015 - 2016
(Subject to Change)
Evening Class: 5:30-10pm (Tues/Thurs) AND 8-2:30 (Saturday)
Instructor:Duane Rhinehart
Online: 10 additional hours per week (required component)
Dates:Class begins on Thursday, February 4 (36 weeks)
Counselor: Juanita Ledesma
Windows & Linux BasicsApache Server Technology
PHP/MySQL with XAMPPJava using Eclipse
Windows Server AdministrationNetwork Fundamentals
ASP.net using Visual Studio (Beg)ASP.net (Intermediate)
Certificate Overview
This course is designed to prepare students for job training in the vast web server maintenance and security field. Upon completion of this program, students will have been exposed to a broad range of web server skills.
Web Server Security and Maintenance in San Diego and Beyond
Businesses are constantly looking to fill web server maintenance/security- related positions. Past graduates have secured positions such as Web Server Administrator, Help Desk Coordinator, Software Developer, Information Technology Specialist, UNIX Administrator, Systems Administrator, Web Master, Web Developer and Web Administrator. These positions range in salary, responsibility, education and experience. Overall, the skill requirements overlap in many of the positions.
Earning the Certificate
The certificate is awarded to those students who have completed a minimum of 90% of classroom attendance and have successfully completed all modules and assignments. Instruction in this class encourages students to focus on integrating web server skills with present strengths and skills. Students who do not complete 90% of the course will not be eligible to receive a certificate.
Online Component
Students will need access to an internet connection to complete the MANDATORY on-line portion of the program. Students will be expected to spend at least 10 hours per week online and pass weekly quizzes in order to earn the overall certificate. Topics to be covered will be addressed in the classroom.
The most successful students have a working knowledge of the Internet and reasonable keyboarding skills. It is also imperative that students understand the basics of a Windows operating system. Supplementary classes are offered through our center and should be taken prior to the start of this class. This program is not recommended for an entry-level computer user.
Our goal in the Web Server Maintenance and Security Certificate Program is to enable students to develop a working knowledge of the hardware and software associated with web servers. The web server field, like many other computer-related fields, is growing and changing rapidly as companies find a need to both maintain and secure their servers.
Because technology is a dynamic and ever-changing field, learning these skills can be an excellent starting point in a computer career. People who enter computer careers should be aware that these skills will need to be continually upgraded. Taking additional classes, reading extensively, subscribing to trade journals, joining career-related user groups, and/or learning on-the-job is imperative to stay abreast of this ever-changing labor market. It is probably safe to say that most computer-related careers entail much more than the proverbial “9 to 5” commitment.
While many successful job seekers obtain a degree in the computer technology field, a person who stays current and can demonstrate expertise in the latest technology can often find a position within the field regardless of educational background. Another predictor of success in this field is maintaining a positive attitude. As the old adage goes, “You’ll get out of it what you put into it.”
Guest speakers and field trips have been an important part of the learning process. Students will also be exposed to job search information and/or workshops which may include writing a resume, job search strategies, networking, and interviewing tips.
All students are strongly encouraged to google “informational interviewing” to learn the details of informational interviewing. Students are strongly encouraged to begin the “informational interviewing” process as soon as possible. The benefits of informational interviewing include:
- Opportunity to research chosen career field
- Lets you speak with a professional and/or expert currently working in field
- Begins the networking process critical for future employment
- Produces information needed to keep your finger on the pulse of what’s happening in San Diego
- Allows you to find out if you have what it takes to succeed; “Trying on jobs to see if they fit”
The best way to learn about a career field is to talk with people who are currently employed in that field. They can give you crucial information such as current hiring trends, what’s hot and what’s not, and serve as your mentor/guide.
Effective July 1, 2012, all Continuing Education campuses will be smoke-free. This action was the result of months of consideration and discussion by faculty, classified staff, students, and administrators. The Continuing Education Academic Senate, Classified Senate, Administrative Governance Council, and Associated Student Bodies each independently reviewed the smoke-free proposal and passed supporting resolutions. On March 12, 2012, the Continuing Education Executive Governance Council unanimously approved implementation, and the policy was presented to the SDCCD Board of Trustees on March 29, 2012.
This program is designed to give students a general working knowledge of the intricate field of web servers and prepare them for the transition into the current workforce. The program emphasizes planning, organization and production. Teamwork has become an integral part of business; therefore, students may be encouraged to work in teams. Overall, a student’s success in this program rests on the old saying, “You get out of it what you put into it.”
Attendance is imperative to earn the Web Server Maintenance and Security Certificate. Lectures cannot be repeated. When classes are missed, students miss out on valuable information and resources essential to the web server field. In order to earn the certificate of completion, students must be in attendance for 90% of classroom time. Students who do not complete 90% of the coursework will not be issued a certificate.
This is an educational environment. Please make every effort to respect the San Diego Community College District and your classmates. Do not use offensive material or create anything that disrespects our diversity.
Students are prohibited from receiving audible pages and making or receiving cellular/digital phone callsin the classroom. Students with extenuating circumstances should set their phones on vibrate and leave the classroom to take the call.
It is highly recommended that students use the class e-mail address to communicate with instructors and to document any absences. The instructor will give a class e-mail address. Free e-mail addresses can be obtained through either Yahoo.com or Hotmail.com.
If you have a verified disability that may necessitate special accommodations, please make an appointment to see our DSP&S counselor, Katie Serbian, by calling 619.388.1800. Katie can also be reached at . Proof of disability from your physician will be required.
One of the most important factors to success in the work place is the ability to follow instructions. Success in the Web Server Maintenance and Security Certificate Program will depend on your ability to follow instructions.
Back up your work regularly! This is your responsibility. Please ask for help if you are not sure how to back up. It is essential to learn this habit. To lose hours of work is a nightmare, particularly if you have a deadline close at hand.
All assignments and projects must be completed in order to earn the certificate. Outside assignments may be required to fulfill certificate requirements. Absence Guidelines will also apply to Project Deadlines. All projects must be turned in by the deadline given.Some projects will require teamwork and research. Most projects will require:
1. A statement of purpose (1/2 to 1 page typed)
2. Thumbnails, storyboards, and/or flowcharts
3. A presentation (stand up in front of the class and present your project)
Students this year will be expected to contribute a minimum of TEN hours per week on-line outside of the classroom. Students will be walked through the set-up process during the first week of class. Students will not need any special software or programs and will only need an internet connection which can be accessed at a local library if need be. This on-line piece will be used for supplemental teaching including exposure to new material, research, quizzes, writing assignments, and video tutorials. This on-line piece will be a required, integral part of the certificate program.
Students made a huge impact in our last election. If you are not registered to vote, please consider registering on-line today by following this link:
tinyurl.com/reg2voteonline (Please choose the vote-by-mail option.)
- If I sign up for an information session, am I automatically placed in a Web Server Certificate class?
The information session is just the first step in applying for the program.Please follow the procedures outlined in the information session in order to reserve a space in this program. If you have any questions, please email the counselor at .
- What is the purpose of the information session?
The purpose of the information session is to give you detailed information about the course so you can make an informed decision to determine if this program is right for you.
- What computer courses at your center should I take to be ready for the program?
The WSMS is not a course for beginner computer users. A student should be confident using and working on a computer. Minimally, recommended courses are:
- Internet Basics
- Basic Linux Operating System
- Keyboarding (type 35 wpm or more)
- PC Basics
- File Management
- Computer Care Software Tools
- Cisco IT Essentials
- Do you offer job placement after I complete the Web Server Certificate Program?
No, we do not offer job placement. SanDiegoatwork.com provides information regarding Career Centers located throughout the San Diego area including Escondido, Carlsbad, and Oceanside. A variety of job search assistance services may be available through our SDCE Career Counselor, Doug Elliot. His website and class visitation information will be provided in class.
- Will this program qualify me or extend EDD unemployment benefits?
Many students receiving Unemployment Insurance (UI) have successfully completed this course with approval from the Employment Development Department (EDD). Please contact your EDD representative for further details.
As of January, 2012, financial aid is no longer available in certificate programs offered through San Diego Continuing Education. Students who have financial aid loans can no longer get their loans deferred while attending certificate programs through Continuing Education. Financial aid opportunities continue to be available at Mesa, City, and/or Miramar College.
If for some reason you need to drop the course, please let the instructor and counselor know immediately so we can attempt to fill your space with another student. Meet with the counselor to learn about other options that may be available.
Parking permits mayl be required beginning in Fall, 2016. The fee will be $35.00 per semester.
To learn about days off during the school year, follow either of these links:
During the orientation, you will be provided with date(s) to return your completed application packet. It is the student’s responsibility to write these dates down. On the return visit, the counselor will meet with you for approximately 15 minutes. Please plan your time accordingly. It is IMPERATIVE to be on time; latecomers, even five minutes or less, will not be admitted.
Application packets are not accepted electronically. Incomplete application packets are not acceptable. If a student turns in an incomplete application packet, they will be placed on the stand-by list and contacted if space becomes available.
Part of being successful in a certificate program requires students to follow written and verbal instructions. Please be sure to follow the instructions provided in the orientation.
Students are expected to attend all classes and be on time. Occasionally, students may need to be absent due to circumstances beyond their control. The following list suggests circumstances which may be excusable. Verification may be required.
- Illness (student needs to notify instructor/staff)
- Personal Family Emergencies
- Court Appearances
- Arrest
- Jury Duty / Compulsory Military Training
- Work (if prearranged with Instructor and Counselor)
- Formal Leave of Absence (prearranged with Counselor)
- Other circumstances not mentioned above may be taken into consideration
Each occurrence will be viewed separately; material missed during these absences will need to be completed in order to earn the certificate.
Absences shall not exceed 3 days per month. The total absences shall not exceed 10% of the total program hours.
Students may be referred to the Counselor or dropped from the program for excessive absences, partial attendance, tardiness, arriving late, and/or leaving early. Three (3) consecutive unreported absences may result in a referral to counseling and/or dismissal from the program. If a student is chronically absent and does not contact the instructor and counselor, they will be dropped from the program.
For students receiving special funding to attend school (including Unemployment Insurance or Veterans Benefits), be aware that attendance has a direct impact on your benefits. In some cases, benefits may be denied or cancelled due to absences and/or partial attendance. Please check with your benefit program representative for additional information.
Requests for record of attendance
It is in the best interest of each student to keep track of their own attendance. In those unique cases where a student needs to request the record of their cumulative attendance hours, the student must fill out a transcript request that can be obtained at the front desk. Additionally, students must submit a written request explaining why this information is needed. Approved requests will be processed at the end of the calendar month in which they were requested. This process may take up to 10 working days to complete due to the recent reductions of classified staff in Continuing Education.
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