'ĀINA In Schools is a farm to school program of the Kōkua Hawai'i Foundationdedicated to connecting children to their land, water, and foodto grow a healthier future for Hawai'i.
2013-2014 SCHOOL YEAR
'ĀINA In Schools is currently accepting applications from public elementary schools on O'ahu for participation in the program starting in the 2013-2014 school year. A limited number of schools will be selected as Participating 'ĀINA Schools. These 'ĀINA schools will implement at least 2 of the 3 core components (Nutrition Education, Garden-Based Learning, and Healthy Food on Campus), and at least two other components (Agricultural Literacy, Waste Reduction, and Family & Community Outreach) during the 2013-2014 school year.
Schools not selected at this time will remain eligible for Kōkua Hawai'i Foundation resources including workshops, field trip grants, mini-grants, and resource guides. Individual teachers who would like to utilize 'ĀINA In Schools lessons in their classrooms are encouraged to attend workshops and trainings and may learn more by emailing . All events and resources are listed on our website and announced regularly via our e-newsletter. Subscribe at
To learn more, please review the following information:
- 'ĀINA In Schools Program Overview
- 'ĀINA In Schools Component Overviews
These documents are available at To request these documents be sent to you via email, write to .
'ĀINA Team: Schoolwide awareness and broad community support are essential to the success of the program. Participating 'ĀINASchools must have the support and commitment of the Principal and/or Vice Principal, at least two teachers (upper and lower grade), PCNC, Custodian/Groundskeeper(s), Cafeteria Manager, and at least two supportive parents. These people will form your 'ĀINA Team who will communicate and meet regularly in order to implement the program at your school.
Directions for Completing this Application: Open this document in Word. Fill out the form using the grey text fields. Use the <tab> key to go to the next field or click on a grey box and begin typing. Save a copy for your files and send the application to ith the subject line "AINA APPLICATON."
Applications are due no later than Monday, April 15, 2013.
School Name:
Street Address:
Zip Code:
Grade Range (K-5, K-6, etc.):
Number of Students:
Percent Free/Reduced Lunch:
Principal's Name:
Principal's Email Address:
Please list the main contact for this application.
Contact's Name:
Contact's Phone Number(s):
Contact's Email Address:
Contact's Position at School:
Identify the people who will serve on your school's 'ĀINA Team if selected to participate in the program. Team members meet regularly to implement the program and report school progress to KHF staff. Please list names and titles in this table:
Team Role / Name / Position / Email AddressPrincipal or VP
Upper Grade Teacher (4-6)
Lower Grade Teacher (K-3)
Custodian/ Groundskeeper
Cafeteria Manager
4) Has your team met and reviewed the 'ĀINA In Schools Program and Component Overviews together?
Yes No
KHF strongly encourages the School’s 'ĀINA Team to identify an 'ĀINA Team Coordinatorto coordinate Team meetings and serve as the main liaison between Kōkua Hawai'i Foundation and the school. This may be a staff person or parent, or a community member approved by the 'ĀINA Team and School Administration.If the school would like to start a Garden Club, the 'ĀINA Team will need to identify a Garden Club Advisor to manage club activities and meet with students weekly. KHF provides per-semester stipends to support these roles. Descriptions of each position's responsibilities are available upon request at .Please start thinking NOW about school staff, parents, and other supporters who may be able to fill these important roles.
5) Has the team come to an agreement on which program components would be welcomed and implemented by your staff and school community in the first year?
Yes No
Please check which of the 3 Core Program Components (minimum 2) your school would like to begin implementing in the 2013-2014 school year:
Nutrition Education (8 lessons per year for Grades 2 and 6. Requires parent volunteers and/or teachers to deliver the lessons. Training and supplies are provided.)
Garden-Based Learning (8 lessons per year for Grades K, 1, 4, and 5. Requires parent volunteers and/or teachers to deliver the lessons. Training and suppliesare provided. A weekly garden club who tends the garden and maintains a compost system is recommended to support a school garden.)
Healthy Food On Campus (1x/week Fresh Choice Salad Bar and/or Healthy & Local Snack Program; initiated by school's 'ĀINA Team with consultation from Kōkua Hawai'i Foundation)
Please check which other components your school will be implementing (minimum 2):
Agricultural Literacy (Farm, Lo'i, Loko I'a, Restaurant, or Market Field Trips and Farmer or Chef visits focused on Grades 3 and 4)
Waste Reduction(Utilize KHF composting, recycling, and waste audit program materials to reduce waste in the classroom, cafeteria, and school grounds)
Family & Community Outreach (School-wide events and Family Nights coordinated by school's 'ĀINA Team)
Existing Programs Schools are not required to have existing programs to be considered eligible, but readiness must be demonstrated.
6) How do 'ĀINA program offerings fit in with your school's educational and wellness goals and initiatives? Please describe in one paragraph.
7) Does your school have an existing garden? If yes, please describe in one paragraph.
8) Does your school have an existing nutrition or healthy snack program? If yes, please describe in one paragraph.
9) Does your cafeteria currently offer a salad bar and/or snack program? If yes, please describe in one paragraph.
10) Does your school have an environmental or "green" club? if yes, please describe in one paragraph.
11) Does your school have a lead garden or environmental education coordinator on staff or as a volunteer? If yes, please describe in one paragraph.
12) Is your school already partnering with another organization (non-profit or business) to implement any environmental and/or wellness initiatives? If yes, please describe in one paragraph.
13) Does the school have shelf or closet space to store the supply kits for the nutrition lessons (up to 3 large plastic bins)?
14) Is there space on campus for a large garden or series of smaller gardens?
15) Is there space on campus for a toolshed or is there an existing storage area that can accommodate wheelbarrows, garden tools, buckets, and supply kits for garden lessons (up to 10 small plastic bins)?
16) Would your school's custodial team welcome a garden on campus?(Garden maintenance does not need to be performed by custodial team, but they should be involved in this decision as their mowing and green waste practices may be impacted by a garden program.)
17) Are school meals prepared on campus or delivered from another school or catering company?
18) Please check items below that currently exist in your school cafeteria.
'ĀINA In Schools 2013-2014 SY Application
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flat top grill
tilt skillet
steam kettles
convection oven
deep fryer
pressure cooker
stock pot stoves
3-compartment sink
ice machine
heated warmerswalk-in refrigerator
walk-in freezerreach-in refrigerator
reach-in freezerwater fountain in cafeteria
food processor
'ĀINA In Schools 2013-2014 SY Application
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19) Would your school's cafeteria manager support a salad bar and/or healthy snack program, if your school does not currently have one?
20) Is there an instructional kitchen or teaching space on campus equipped with a stove, sink, kitchen tools, etc.? If so, how is it currently used?
21) Can your school provide a conference room or other space on campus for regional nutrition and garden trainings for 'ĀINA docents (20-30 people) during the school year?
Volunteer Support'ĀINA In Schools relies heavily upon volunteers from both the school and broader community to implement its various program components.
22) Do you have a strong volunteer pool already among your school community? If not, what have been the challenges asssociated with building a strong volunteer base at your school?
23) Do you feel your school will be able to recruit and support 2 core volunteers per grade level to support lessons on campus?
24) Who at your school will be responsible for recruiting and supporting parent volunteers for the program? This can be the school's PCNC or a parent or teacher.
Next Steps:Kōkua Hawai'i Foundation will be contacting you about the status of your application by April 30, 2013. If you have any questions, please contact the KHF staff at , 638-5145.
Mahalo for your interest in bringing the 'ĀINA In Schools program to your school to grow healthy keiki, schools, and communities!
'ĀINA In Schools 2013-2014 SY Application
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