FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 27, 2013
Contact: Kelly Sittig
Iowa Cancer Consortium
O: (319) 335-8816
C: (319) 321-9390
2013 Iowa Cancer Summit Honors Iowans, Headlines National Speakers
DES MOINES, IA – Each year, the Iowa Cancer Consortium (ICC) hosts the Iowa Cancer Summit, bringing together cancer survivors, health-care providers, researchers, public health professionals, and other Iowans to share information and best practices in cancer prevention, screening, treatment, and quality of life.
Two members of the Iowa Cancer Consortium (ICC) will receive awards at this year’s Iowa Cancer Summit, planned for October 10-11, 2013 at Mercy Medical Center in Des Moines, IA:
· Gail Orcutt of Pleasant Hill will receive the sixth annual Iowa Cancer Champion Award, given each year to an individual or organization who demonstrates commitment to reducing the burden of cancer in Iowa through work on policy and legislative issues. Ms. Orcutt was nominated based on her leadership in working to advance policy to help eliminate radon-induced lung cancer in Iowa. She is an active member of the Iowa Radon Coalition, a member of the ICC, and a volunteer with the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network and the American Lung Association. A photo of Ms. Orcutt is available at
· Gabbi DeWitt of Cedar Falls will receive the 2013 Karen Packer Spirit of Collaboration Award, which honors Iowans who have an outstanding commitment to collaborative cancer control efforts in Iowa. Ms. DeWitt, who is featured in the 2012-2017 Iowa Cancer Plan (, was nominated based on her collaborative work to reduce health disparities, especially in regards to breast cancer screening. A photo of Ms. DeWitt is available at
Ms. Orcutt and Ms. DeWitt will receive their awards around 4:40 p.m. on October 10th at Mercy Medical Center, 1111 6th Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa.
This year’s Summit also includes three notable keynote speakers:
· Otis Brawley, MD, FACP, chief medical and scientific officer and executive vice president of the American Cancer Society, and author of How We Do Harm, will headline the Summit with his keynote presentation Cancer Control in the 21st Century at 8:30 a.m. on October 11th. A photo of Dr. Brawley is available at
· Karin Hohman, RN, MBA, president of Strategic Health Concepts, Inc. in Arvada, Colorado will present Best Practices in Comprehensive Cancer Control Policy, System, and Environmental (PSE) Change Approaches at 9 a.m. on October 10th. A photo of Ms. Hohman is available at
· George Weiner, MD, director of the University of Iowa Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center, and president of the ICC will present Cancer Research Today at noon on October 11th. A photo of Dr. Weiner is available at
The Summit will also include a panel discussion featuring four Iowa legislators at noon on October 10th.
More information about the Summit is available at .
The Iowa Cancer Consortium (ICC) coordinates the efforts of hundreds of individuals and organizations who work together to conquer cancer. Formed in 2001, the ICC developed a comprehensive state-wide plan, which includes strategies designed to improve disease prevention, early detection, research, survivorship and quality of life for Iowans affected by cancer. More information about the ICC and its partners and programs is available online at Follow the ICC at, or on Twitter at @CancerIowa.