Fee Simple Investments Limited

The Estate Office, PO Box 9087, Tamworth, Staffs B79 9EF email:

Application for consent to assign or charge lease and to sub-let property

Please complete all particulars in full and return this form to the above address with a cheque payable to Fee Simple Investments Limited for (see pricing page on website) being the application fee payable. By doing so, no representation is made or given that consent will be issued. After consideration and if consent is granted, we will send details of the terms and conditions relating to the approval.

Property address: …………………………………………… Our ref: ………………

…………………………………………………………………. Post code:…………...

Land Registry title number:………………………………... (if known)

Current use of the property: Residential / commercial / other (specify):


Present owners details: (Please use full names)

Owner (1): ………………………………………………..Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms

Owner (2): ………………………………………………..Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms

Owner (3): ………………………………………………..Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms

Contact details: (If different from above)

Address: ………………………………………………………………………………


Post code: ………………………. Email address:………………………………..

Telephone numbers: (Daytime)………………………(evening)……………….

Present mortgage lender (if any)

Name: …………………………………….. Account No: ……………….….

Lenders address: ………………………………………………………………

Present property insurers:

Name:………………………………………Policy No: ……………………….

Date property purchased:……………………..

If application is for consent to assign the lease answer the following:

Purchasers details: (Please state names in full)

Purchaser (1) ……………………………………………….. Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms

Purchaser (2) ……………………………………………….. Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms

Purchaser (3) ……………………………………………….. Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms

Purchasers address: …………………………………………………………….

.. …………………………………………………………..

……………………………………Post code: ………….

If application is for consent to mortgage the property answer the following:

New Lenders name:


(Note: The account number if not presently known must be advised when known)



Insurance arrangements:

Proposed sum insured: £………………

(Note: theproperty must be insured through our agency – details to follows or enclosed)

Intended use of property: residential/commercial/other (specify)……………………

Is property to be used for:Owner-occupation Yes/no Letting? Yes/no

Purchasers solicitors:

Firm name:…………………………………. Ref:………………..

Address: ……………………………………………………………


………………………………………… Post code: ……………...

If application is for consent to sublet the property, answer the following:

Sub-tenants full names: …………………………………………


Proposed tenancy terms:

Tenancy type:……………………….. Length of term:…………

Proposed use of property: …………………………………………

Rental: £………………. Per annum/quarter/month/week

(Note: consent will not be given to sublet the property for longer than the unexpired residue under the existing lease and only on condition that the sub-lease contains an absolute prohibiton on assignments and mortages of the underlease/tenancy agreement)

Details of person submitting this application:

Name: ………………………………………………………………

Address: ……………………………………………………………

Signed: ……………………………………………………………..

On behalf of:……………………………… Tenant/Purchaser/Other

Please now return this form to the address at the head of this letter. Please note that consideration cannot be given to telephonic requests.

Application for consent to assign lease worddoc