Town of Rochester Broadband Initiative
Hi Neighbor,
My name is Mark Bellehumeur and I am a citizen volunteer on the Town of Rochester Telecommunications Subcommittee along with Councilman Ron Santosky, Councilman Francis Gray and citizen volunteers Alex Miller and Jonathan Blair. Why this letter? The response to a recent survey of Rochester residents overwhelmingly supports the upgrade of our town’s communications infrastructure, and there is a desire for better services.
The Town of Rochester has many large areas that are not connected to cable service. We are organizing through this effort to help change that. If we are successful, you could soon have access to cable television, and/or a high-speed internet connection (and a possible alternative to your current phone service). This is important because individuals and businesses in our town increasingly rely on being connected to the internet. For those of you who want a potential alternative to commute to work, extend weekends, or spend more productive time without leaving our beautiful area, broadband is key.
Our town subcommittee needs to quickly gather information for Time Warner’s upcoming yearly budget approval, this month! If we complete our task, more miles of cable will be connected in our township. Additionally, you should know that we are looking into alternatives for Rochester that may provide you with other connectivity choices. Before we can explore wireless internet, DSL services, broadband over power lines, or other internet services, we need to respond to the current provider available to us. Please consider this information, and help us address the first of several initiatives by giving us your response to this inquiry.
Thank you for your help.
Please feel free to respond before June 21st on the attached form. You can e-mail it to me at: , or drop it off at the Town Hall in Accord or fax it to 626-3702
Time Warner Cable Survey
Town of Rochester
Please Print Clearly:
Full Name:______
Mailing Address:______
Street Address:______
City, State, Zip : ______
Evening Phone Number:______
Day Phone Number:______
E-Mail Address:______
Are you currently a Time Warner customer?______
Are you interested in Digital Cable TV Service?______
Are you interested in Broadband Internet Access, i.e. – Road Runner, Earthlink, etc.?______
Do you have a home computer?______
Who is your current Internet Service Provider?______
Do you have a computer at your office (outside your home)?______
When is the best time of day to call you?______
Do you have a business at this address?______
Is this address part of a multi-family dwelling unit?______
How far off the main road is this address? (less than 100’, between 100’ – 200’, more than 200’)______
Are your utilities underground?______
Thank you for your response.