Deadline for submission is: March 15th

About Howard and Eva Ellis

Howard and Eva Ellis were longtime residents of Haviland. Both were graduates of Haviland High School. Eva graduated from Friends University in Wichita with a major in Home Economics in 1929. Howard attended Business College in Wichita and was a good businessman. Eva and Howard were married in 1930 and purchased the Haviland Telephone Company in 1949. Because of their desire to improve rural telephone service, they were the first in the area to convert from operator-assisted calls to direct dialing and from party to single user lines. They raised a family and were very active in their community and church. Eva advised students just starting their college education to, “Study hard, and get good grades.”

Scholarship Requirements:

  1. Student must be a graduating senior of Kiowa County High School and a Haviland, KS resident.
  2. Student must graduate with at least a 3.0 grade point average.
  3. Student must be well rounded. He/she should be involved in at least one extracurricular activity (i.e. academics, forensics, athletics, and/or music).
  4. Student should provide an example of good behavior for future graduates and be in good standing at Kiowa County High School.
  5. Student must submit a completed application to South Central Community Foundation by the scholarship deadline. Late applications will not be considered.
  6. Student must write a short essay (under 500 words) on “What has attending living in Haviland, Kansas meant to me?” and/or “What do I expect to gain from higher education as it pertains to my future plans?”
  7. Student must attach two (2) letters of recommendation from (1) teacher and (2) a minister or community member.
  8. The recipient must maintain full-time enrollment (as defined by the college) and complete the previous semester’s courses with a minimum of a 3.0 G.P.A. If the student does not meet these requirements, the funds are to be returned to South Central Community Foundation.

South Central Community Foundation Scholarship Requirements:

  1. Application must be typed and signed.
  2. No high school email address will be accepted.
  3. Leave no blanks- if not applicable please type NA.
  4. Must be received/postmarked March 15th.

Failure to complete any of these requirements will disqualify your application from consideration.

If you have questions regarding this scholarship, please contact:

South Central Community Foundation

114 W. 5th Street | P.O. Box 8624

Pratt, Kansas 67124

(620) 672-7929