Panagiota A. Galiatsatou
ÿ Ph.D Candidate
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Subject: “Extreme events and risk analysis in coastal areas”
ÿ English
· Certificate of Proficiency in English, University of Michigan
· Certificate of Proficiency in English, University of Cambridge
ÿ French
· Certificat Pratique De Langue Française (1er Degré)- Sorbonne
· Diplôme D’ Etudes Françaises (2e Degré)- Sorbonne
ÿ German
· Zertifikat Deutsch
Papers – Publications
Galiatsatou, P., Prinos, P., Krestenitis, Y., 2005. “Bivariate extreme analysis of atmospheric pressure in the Aegean sea”, Proc. XXXI IAHR Congress, Korea 2005, pp. 3677-3686
Galiatsatou, P., Prinos, P., 2005.”Analysis of extreme coastal events using POT methodologies”, Proc. Nat. Conference on Coastal Engineering and Management, Athens 2005, pp 545-556
Galiatsatou, P., Prinos, P., 2005. “Analysis of dependence in a bivariate process of extreme waves and surges”, Proc. 1st International Conference on Coastal Zone Management and Engineering in the Middle East, Dubai 2005, pp 221-225
Galiatsatou, P., Prinos, P., 2006. “Probability of occurrence of extreme rainfall events in northern Greece”, Proc. International Conference on Protection and Restoration of the Environment, Chania 2006, Greece, pp 329-330
Galiatsatou, P., Prinos, P., Krestenitis, Y., 2006. “Bivariate Analysis of Extreme Waves”, Nat. Symposium on Oceanography and Fishery, Thessaloniki 2006 (full paper in the cd of the Conference)
Galiatsatou, P., Prinos, P., 2006. “Analysis of extreme rainfall events using a Poisson process”, Proc. 10th Nat. Conference E.Y.E, Xanthi 2006, Greece, pp 47-54
Galiatsatou, P., Prinos, P., 2006. “Statistical models for bivariate extremal analysis of a spatial process”, Journal of Hydraulic Research (full paper submitted)
Galiatsatou, P., Prinos, P., Sanchez-Arcilla, A., 2006. “Estimation of extremes. Conventional versus Bayesian techniques”, Journal of Hydraulic Research (full paper submitted).
Galiatsatou, P., Prinos, P., 2006. “Outliers and trend detection in rainfall extremes”, IAHR Congress, Venice 2007, (full paper submitted).
Galiatsatou, P., Prinos, P., 2006. “Estimation of extreme storm surges using a spatial linkage assumption”, IAHR Congress, Venice 2007, (full paper submitted).
Sanchez-Arcilla, A., Gomez-Aguar, J., Egozcue, J.J., Ortego, M.I., Galiatsatou, P., Prinos, P., 2006. “Extremes from scarce data. The role of Bayesian and scaling techniques in reducing uncertainty”, Journal of Hydraulic Research (full paper submitted)