CTGHSLL Business Meeting #2 Notes
November 10, 2016
Twin Oaks Branch Austin Public Library
- Attendance
Programs Present – Austin, Bowie, Cedar Park, Dripping Springs, Georgetown, Lake Travis, LBJ/LASA, McNeil, St. Andrew’s, St. Michael’s, St. Stephens, Stony Point, Westlake, Westwood, Vandegrift
Programs Absent – Knitros, Reagan
- Central District Coordinators
Weigand and Longoria were elected District Coordinators. Weigand encouragedprograms to identify candidates that could assume the Coordinator role in the future.
- Game Scheduling
- From this point forward, count games need to be rescheduled by the teams themselves. Notify Longoria of changes.
- All other games will be added at the December 1 meeting, except for games involving games with teams from other districts. Contact Longoria immediately for games with teams from other districts.
- Teams must contact opponents between now and December 1 to identify additional games, determine home team, and finalize game times.
- Teams fielding JV A squads need to play all other JV A teams at least once. Teams should try to add the Knitros JV A games on nights when they only have a varsity game scheduled.
- The scheduling meeting is December 1 at the St. Andrew’s School Upper Campus (Southwest Parkway location) in their library.
- JV A/B Team Declaration
The following programs are fielding JV A teams. Bowie, Dripping Springs, Knitros, St. Michael’s, Vandegrift, Westlake, Westwood.
The following programs are fielding JV B teams. Cedar Park, Lake Travis, LBJ/LASA, St. Andrew’s, St. Stephen’s, Stony Point, Vandegrift.
- V and JV A Playoff Plans
The following final playoff dates were approved:
April 19 – JV Semifinals
April 20 – D1 Semifinals
April 20 – D2 Semifinals
April 22 – D1 Championships, D2 Championships, JV Championships
If varsity games on April 20 are rained out they will move to April 22 and Championships will move to April 24.
If varsity Championship games on April 22 are rained out they will move to April 24.
If April 24 games are rained out they will move to April 25.
- District Guidelines for Hosting Playoff Events
There were no comments on the Guidelines for Hosting Playoff Events.
- Playoff Host Site Selection Process
Programs interested in hosting the playoffs should submit proposals to Weigand by November 18. Weigand, Longoria, and Johnston will review and make recommendations at the December 1 meeting.
Venues are needed for:
- JV Semifinals
- V D1 Semi
- V D2 Semi
- V Finals and JV Finals
- District Finances
Weigand shared the 2016 financials and a proposed budget for 2017.
The budget for 2017 was approved. If selected venues for playoffs this year do not have a fee associated with facility use the money budgeted for the venue will be retained by the district and dues for the following year will be lowered accordingly.
- District Dues
A District dues of $250 per program was approved. District dues are due by February 15. If programs have not paid their dues by that date the District will ask the Officials to cancel official assignments for their next game and that game will be declared a forfeit loss (1 to 0 score) for the delinquent team. Officials will not be assigned to games and forfeits will continue until dues are received.
- TGHSLL Annual Meeting (Varsity programs only)
Location and time information for the state meeting on December 3 has not been decided. The meeting will either be at Longoria’s office or Weigand’s house if a meeting venue is not identified before then.
Programs were reminded of the importance of either attending the meeting or submitting a proxy.
- Concussion Management Programs and First Aid Training for Coaches
Weigand stated the District realized that many programs were obligated to implement CMP’s and First Aid Training requirements in accordance with strict school district, school, or other specific requirements. Adoption of a District rule is therefore not practical. It was strongly recommended by Weigand that all programs have a CMP that meets US Lacrosse guidelines, and to make sure they have someone present at all games and practices who is properly trained in first aid.
- Game Administrator Coordinator Training
- It was agreed that each program must have a Game Administrator Coordinator who has attended the classroom GAC training at least once. The GAC is responsible for training all of their program’s gameday support staff (scorer, timer, field liners, game result reporters, etc.).
- It was recommended that some type of online training be developed that GAC’s would be required to complete annually. C. Shea will develop an online training course that will track participation.
- This year’s GAC classroom training is December 8 at the Twin Oaks Branch of the Austin Public Library. C. Shea and D. Lardon will organize and run the training.
- It was agreed that the District should provide some type of badge that identifies the Game Administrator.
- All District, All State and All American Selection Process
- Longoria and Mclaughlin reminded everyone that the meeting to select US Lacrosse honors (All American, Academic All American, Jackie Pitts Award, Coach of the Year) is mandatory and stated that some form of discipline for not attending may be necessary.
- The date for the US Lacrosse honors selection meeting will be decided at our December 1 meeting. It was agreed that serving alcohol at this meeting would improve attendance.
- In order to improve the selection process it was suggested that teams identify players who will be included in a “Watch List” that would be shared early in the season.
- A tentative date for All State nomination of April 2 was suggested along with a tentative date of April 13 for All State voting to be completed. Dates and procedures to be finalized at our December 1 meeting.
- Official’s Conflict of Interest Guidelines
Merritt reviewed the Conflict of Interest Guidelines and how they will be implemented. Programs must provide their list of officials that they are requesting not be assigned to their games to Merritt by December 15.
- Three Official Option for Games
Merritt stated that teams may request a third official for games. The team requesting the official is responsible for the added cost. A third official will be assigned depending on official availability.
- Team Requests for Approval to Play Seniors on JV A Teams
No requests were presented at the meeting. Requests should be presented and voted on at our December 1 meeting.
- Lightning Procedures/Rain Procedures
- Lightening procedures were discussed. There was general agreement that a guideline that programs could follow would be helpful.
- US Lacrosse/official’s procedures were discussed. Additional clarification is necessary. Merritt will try to determine specific US Lacrosse guidelines.
- Some programs are obligated to follow the procedures mandated by their school or school district.
- 2018 State Championship Planning
Weigand reminded everyone that Central will host in 2018. Teams will be asked to assign a Championship committee representative. A late spring meeting may be held. Potential game venues should be identified as soon as possible.
- Other Business
Tryouts for the District National Tournament team will be on April 2. The tournament itself will be in Boston Massachusetts this year in conjunction with the NCAA D1 championships.