September 13th, 2017
FortCalhounHigh School
Call to Order
Attendees: Jen Lienemann, Dara Waters, Claire Poorker, Kelli BenSalah, Amy Melville, Jessie Duros, Melanie Bonacci, Nicole Duros
Old Business
- SummerBridge Program
- Eighty students completed their SummerBridge books
- Ice Cream Social was held September 1st for those students who turned in signed SummerBridge certificate
- May need new person to head up this program after this school year and may look into other summer programs instead of SummerBridge
- Additional Retirements
- Mr. Joslin – PFE gave gift card to Menards
- PFE gifted all district staff ( 130 staff) $25 Gas gift cards to Calhoun gas stations - $3250
TreasurerReport (Dara Waters)
- See Treasurer Report and Budget Documents
Current Business
- Elementary School Assembly – November 2nd (Grossology –Omaha Children’s Museum)
- Two shows – 1pm (K-2)/2pm(3-6)
- Corporate Sponsorship
- Raised $7800
- Thank you notes will need to be written out to those businesses who donated and signed up for corporate sponsorship
- Fall Walkathon (Michelle Tjardes)
- Information sent home last week. Donations currently being accepted. Information is also available on FC school Website
- Send around volunteer sign up sheet for main event
- Michelle has received the go ahead to use the picnic area at the Fort and they have a hydrant we can use to fill the water bottles that morning of Walkathon
- Spirit Week (Melanie Bonacci)
- Friday contest at elementary school to wear Ft.Calhoun gear to school. Winning classroom gets to have Calhoun the Pioneer Standee in their classroom the entire next week.
- Additional ideas….ordered wipe off & chalk board conversation bubbles so class can write a positive saying or something about school spirit on it then class gets to have picture taken with Calhoun
- Original Works (Melanie Bonacci)
- Received dates from Original Works, discuss with PFE, send to Mr. Wagner for Approval
- Kick off will be Feb 5th when artwork will begin at the school
- Membership Directory
- Need to compile and type up Membership Information for Directory
- Will do one more PFE membership boost Thursday the 21st of September with forms going home in Thursday Folders.
- Discussed future idea of incentive for PFE membership. Join PFE for $20 and get Free Magnetic Car Decal. Will look further into this for pricing, etc.
- Water Bottle Sales ( Dara Waters)
- Need to schedule times to sell water bottles at fall sports events (Volleyball game) to sell remainder of water bottles left
- Send another water bottle flyer order form home Thursday, Sept 21st to see what water bottles we can sell.
- Volunteer Needs
- Walkathon
- Winter Basket Raffle
- Spring Carnival
- Sign up sheet sent around to elicit help with these fundraisers
New Ideas
- Father/Daughter Dance (Kelli BenSalah)
- Possible date of February 10th.
- Discussed using local photographer or photography students to cut costs.
- PFE may be able to sponsor dance if there is approval from principal, etc.
- Need to set up meeting to finalize this or decide if starting next school year would be better instead.
- Elementary Yearbook (Jen Lienemann)
- Is there still interest in this project?
- Need someone willing to work with Jen to learn the ropes then take over project possibly next school year…
- 375 students in Elementary school, would be able to keep cost at $9-10 dollars for a yearbook. Each student will get at least 2 pictures in the yearbook
- Deadline for pictures would be March to allow 6-8 weeks for printing and delivery, etc.
- See info from last May’s PFE Meeting
(Jen has done Picture This Yearbooks for Ponca Elementary and brought a couple examples of Ponca’s past yearbooks to show at the PFE meeting. Jen is willing to do yearbook next school year 2017-2018 but then would need someone to take over for future years. Start collecting photos in the fall and gives head ups about doing the yearbook at beginning of school year. Cost to make is $9.53/book and sell for approx $15/book. 32 pages in each book. With 365 students in elementary school = $3,478.45. Great feedback from all attendees at the meeting and lots of interest in going forward with this new project. Also, able to have businesses mentioned in yearbook for sponsorship)
- Team Mates
- Would like to come talk to PFE about a yearly donation to their
- 501(c)(3) Fundraising Idea
- Need to follow up on this topic from last May’s PFE meeting
- PFE would need to apply for 501(c)(3) status as currently we are not
- See info from previous meeting
(Wendy Keeler spoke briefly on Estate Planning. She has already proposed the idea to Don Johnson. Cindy (CFO of Methodist) is to craft a district wide letter for school board approval. PFE is a non-profit organization. Older people in our community who are planning their estates are able to include donations to 501C-3 organization which PFE falls under. PFE could use this money to fund large school projects and use money as scholarship program (with larger monetary amounts than what PFE currently does) Will need a clear mission statement for this!!)
Questions/Concerns/Open Floor
Thank you to Devin Ellis for providing childcare for our PFE meeting tonight!
Next Meeting – November 8th (3:15pm-4:15pm @ Elementary School)