Name: ______Date: ______

Chapter 30 The Vietnam War Years (1954-1975)

Homework Guide

Section 30-1Moving Toward Conflict

  1. Read Section.
  2. Identify: (Define and explain the significance of)


Who: ______

Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?




Dien Bien Phu:

When: ______

Who: ______

What: ______


Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?





domino theroy:

What: ______


Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?





Viet Cong:

Who: ______

  1. Answer:
  1. Why did the Ho Chi Minh Trail pose such a problem for US and South Vietnam forces?







  1. Describe the relationship between Ngo Dien Diem and his people?







  1. Why is it appropriate to say that Johnson “orchestrated” congressional support for the intervention in Vietnam? What is the significance of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?









People to Know:


Ho Chi Minh:



Ngo Dien Diem :



Name: ______Date: ______

Section 30-2US Involvement and Escalation

  1. Read Section.
  2. Identify: (Define and explain the significance of)


A: ______R: ______V: ______N: ______

Definition Only: ______




What: ______


Why: ______


Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?





Agent Orange:

What: ______


Why: ______


Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?





credibility gap:

What: ______


Why: ______


Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?





  1. Answer.
  1. Why did the US forces have difficulty fighting the Vietcong?






  1. How did search and destroy missions conflict with winning over hearts and minds?






C. What contributed to low morale as the Vietnam war continued?






People to Know:


Robert McNamara:



William Westmoreland:



Name: ______Date: ______

Section 30-3A Peace Yet to Come

  1. Read Section.
  2. Identify: (Define and explain the significance of)

conscientious objector:

What: ______


Why: ______


Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?





New Left:

Who: ______

Why: ______


Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?





Students for a Democratic Society (SDS):

Who: ______

What: ______


Why: ______


Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?





Hawks v. Doves:

What: ______


Why: ______


Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?





  1. Answer.
  1. Describe the type of man that tended to serve in Vietnam? How was racism a factor in this?







  1. What factors/events led to the increase in public opinion against the war? What was the media’s role in this?







  1. Do Difficult Decisions – p. 952 #1 & #2







  1. Do you think it was right for the government to imprison draft resisters?







Name: ______Date: ______

Section 30-41968: A Tumultuous Year

  1. Read Section.
  2. Identify: (Define and explain the significance of)

Tet Offensive:

Who: ______

What: ______


Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?





Election of 1968:

Who: ______

What: ______


Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?





  1. Answer.
  2. Why was John Lewis so upset on p. 954?






  1. Why is the Tet Offensive seen to be the turning point in the war?






C. Why was 1968 characterized as a year of “lost control” in America?






People to Know:


Walter Cronkite:



1968 Election:

Richard Nixon



Robert Kennedy:



Eugene McCarthy:



George Wallace:



Hubert Humphery:



Name: ______Date: ______

Section 30-5The End of the War and its Legacy

  1. Read Section.
  2. Identify: (Define and explain the significance of)


What: ______


Why: ______


Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?





“peace with honor”:

Who: ______

What: ______


Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?





“madman theory”:

Who: ______

What: ______


Why: ______


Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?





silent majority:

Who: ______

What: ______


Why: ______


Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?





My Lai Massacre:

When: ______


Who: ______

What: ______


Why: ______


Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?





Kent State:

When: ______


Who: ______

What: ______


Why: ______


Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?





Pentagon Papers:

When: ______


Who: ______

What: ______


Why: ______


Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?





Fall of Saigon:

When: ______


What: ______


Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?





War Powers Act:

When: ______


What: ______


Why: ______


Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?




  1. Answer.
  2. Do History Through Photojournalism – p. 963 #1 & #2






  1. Summarize what led to the peace agreement to end the war in Vietnam?






C. Do Section 5 Assessments – p. 967 # 1 & #2






People to Know:


Henry Kissinger:



Seymor Hersh:



William Calley:



Daniel Ellsberg:



Nguyen Van Thieu:

