General Membership Meeting
January 31, 2017
SHS Library--Unapproved
Call to Order (Kirsten Juenke/Leslie Miniken)
- Meeting Called to order at 6:40pm
- A quorum is present
Approval of Minutes (Susan Schlosstein)
- October 18, 2016 minutes reviewed, approved, and filed.
President’s Report (Kirsten Juenke/Leslie Miniken)
- Leslie Miniken asked if there are any nominations for PTSA President. As there are none, Leslie Miniken and Kirsten Juenke agree to stay on as Co-Presidents.
Guest Speaker
- A representative from ParentWiser spoke about the April 25, 2017 event with author Jessica Lahey. It is at 7pm at Issaquah High School. It is free to PTSA members.
Treasurer’s Report (Tina Yerges)
- Income—We are over budget in pass the hat: our SAT/ACT income will post in January. We are ahead in corporatte matching
- Expenses—
- Currently have $39,000 in savings and the board wants to move $10,000 to checking to for a special allocation fund
- Career Center and High school and beyond Program have asked for a computer cart with laptops costing $11,197. $10,000 will come from Skyline curriculum support and $1,200 will come out of grants category.
- The PTSA would like to spend $10,500 for the following items that have been requested by administration: This special allocation fund would pay for: Ceiling-mounted projector for the gymnasium, new microwave, technology update to the hall and commons TVs, All School t-shirts
- Pam Gross moves that the PTSA transfer$ 10,500 from reserve fund for special alloction fund to cover the expenses of technology, t-shirts, motion seconded, motion voted on, motion passed.
Membership Report (Nga Selbig)
- 1618 total members. 66 staff memberships and total of 776 families
Committee Reports
Student Enrichment Grants—is for new clubs that need help getting started
Teacher Appreciation--no report
Reflections—A national Program fun by PTSA for all types of art. Skyline HS has 2 literature, 2 visual arts and 1 music winner Pmoving forward to state level
Spartan Grants—Have approved $5899 in fall grants (TV production, robotics)
College Readiness—Fall numbers for mock testing a little lower than last year. Next tests are March 25 and April 1.
New Business
Nominating Committee
Nominating Committee for 2017/2018 is presented as:
Nga Selbig
Ganga Pinngili
Stephani Scott
Karen Goo—Alternate
Darawan Morrison-alternate
Susan Schlosstein made a motion to approve Nga Selbig, Ganga Pingili, Stephani Scott, Karen Goo (alternate) and Darawan Morrison (alternate), motion seconded, motion voted on, motion aproved.
Mid year financial review.
2-3 people needed. Dianne Moore and Bridget Salmick volunteered to help
Golden Acorns
Nominations for golden acorns, outstanding educator and, outstanding advocate are needed these by end of February.
Meeting adjourned at 7:47pm
Respectfully submitted by Susan Schlosstein