Year Level: Five& Six(VELs Level 4)
Duration: Recommended for a 2½ hour program per week, but could be adapted to suit shorter programs.
Rationale: These recommended units of work will allow L4 students to have more choices and control over their learning. They foster challenging thinking skills, problem solving skills, cooperative and independent learning, and intercultural awareness.
Revise and recycle previously learned language content.
Possible choices of teaching content.
Role Play – Home Stay (leading to the visit of Chinese restaurant if time allows)
Unit of work’s planner
Role Play – My Restaurant Rules
Project outline
Role play Script
Useful expressions
Word List #1
Word List #2
Relevant Links:
Live Performance/Class Play Great Wall (recommended for mixed language background and ability groups.)
Performance script
Community activity:Going to the milk-bar or grocery shop
Shopping Dialogue 1
Shopping Dialogue 2
My Shopping List
Consent Form
Role Play - Shopping and/or Auction (students donate unwanted stationery items and they use class points to purchase)
Buddy Program – Lesson for Younger Students
Prepare & present a 15 minute lesson to teach sentence structures, activities, drawing the younger grades.(Suggestion: Divide Yr6 & Yr Prep students into 7 groups, with each group consisting of 3 or 4 people)
Project outline
Suggested language
/ Below are key words for aural and oral skill development. The play scripts used here are expected to be read in Pinyin.
Role Play – Home Stay
Please refer to the guideline from the embedded Unit Planner to create /add more language content.
Role Play – My Restaurant Rules
See embedded documents for more details.
Live Performance/Class Play Great Wall
他tā们men很hěn狡jiǎo猾huá! 还hái有yǒu,他tā们men很hěn强qiáng壮zhuàng。
我wǒ们men怎zěn么me办bàn呢ne? 建jiàn城chéng墙qiáng!
城chéng墙qiáng? 什shén么me城chéng墙qiáng? See embedded document for more details.
Going to the milk-bar or grocery shop
再zài见jiàn!See embedded document for more details.
Buddy Program – Lesson for Younger Students
请qǐng听tīng一yì听tīng。 / Please open the embedded document for suggested AIM style teaching strategies.
Plan for more:
- independent/pair/
- self directed tasks supported with word /sentence banks
- purposeful tasks such as helping younger learners; presenting to the class or assembly; engaging with the Chinese language speaking community within and outside the school; and to attain a level of excellence.
- computer and online based learning (e.g. online lessons, interactive games, IWB activities, podcasts, vodcasts)
- ICT oriented tasks to produce works using Voki, Toondoo, Animoto, Photostory, Powerpoint,
Bubblr etc.
Sample Bubblr Creation
Sample Voki Creation
- Use gestures for every word where possible. Pictures could be used for some nouns (see AIM website for ideas)
- Use minimal English to clarify meaning. Classes should be conducted mainly in Chinese.
- First teach key vocabulary and sentence structures from the plays. (See resources for other play scripts, e.g. Setting the Stage for Chinese
- Various games ideas from the GenkiEnglish site.
- Mini competitions such as Teacher vs Students, Students vs Students and Boys vs Girls.
- Practising language patterns with different voices for an amusing effect.
- Use ICT devices such as Flip camera to record and show to class for feedback and assessment. Big Books and accompanying Small Books (Better Chinese)
- ICT media-Online lessons, Better Chinese site, YouTube songs, animations, stories, character writing and etymology
- Comprehend simple conversations in context
- Understand gestures of the learning content
- identify Pinyin tones, sounds and words
- Respond correctly to instructions to complete an action
- Demonstrate comprehension of longer texts (e.g. plays, descriptions, accounts, sequence of events)
- Use ICT application such as Voki, Photostory to present oral work
- formulate questions to obtain key information, such as restaurant visits, homestay situation etc.
- Participate in oral interactions to convey and receive information.
- Acquire and use new information and language, recycle previously learned language skills and knowledge in new contexts
- Use language in the correct context
- Recite/retell the play scripts/stories
- participate in songs, chants and rhymes
- respond orally to instructions and questions
- use correct pronunciation and phrasing
Pre Test: before a unit of work is taught
Continuous assessment: of learning throughout the unit.
After Test: after a unit of work is taught
Teacher’s Observation: anecdotal notes, checklist
Demonstrations: projects, models, performances
Portfolios: digital products,
annotated work samples
Written Tests: e.g. listening, reading comprehension tests.
Sample Reading Rubric
Sample Speaking Rubric
Online Self Assessment
e.g. or Monkey survey.
Peer evaluation:
reports, class discussion, comments etc
Self-evaluation on:
reports, comments,
LOTE VELs Progression Points
Useful websites for assessment tasks and assessment tools:
Reading and Writing
Reading and Writing tasks are included in the units of work. The emphasis should be on pinyin reading and writing, not character work (except for advanced background students).
Specific character recognition and /or writing should be taught formally and sequentially on a regular basis throughout the course. Ten to fifteen minutes per week is recommended.
Select or add as many appropriate characters according to teaching conditions. This list is by no means exhaustive and should include a range of the most commonly occurring radicals. Preference given to simple, engaging, common radicals which are also single-element characters such as pictographic (象形字) and indicative (指事字)characters , as well as simple associative ( 会意字) and picto-phonetic (形声字) characters. Note: the focus at these levels is on oracy and recognition, not character writing from memory. Some suggested groupings of characters:
Note: the focus at these levels is on oracy and recognition, not character memorisation.
READING: Character recognition/structure of characters
Grade 3-6
半包围 (包,凶,句)
独体字 (日,月,人,大)
(田,苗,喵,猫)(女,子,好,小,孙)(刀,刃,心,忍) (火,灭,灾)(手,目,看,泪)
Grade 3-6
写笔画:撇点,撇折,弯钩,横钩,斜钩,横折钩,横折提,竖弯钩, 横折弯钩,横撇弯钩
口字旁(吃,喝,唱),提手旁 (拉,拍,抱)
女字旁(妈,姐,妹),日字旁 (早,晚,时)
目字旁 (看,眼,眉),言字旁 (说,课,读)
米字旁 (粉,糖,糕),月字旁(朋,脸,脚)
草字头( 花,草,菜),宝盖头(家,字,客)
Stroke Order:
Common Radicals:
Part One:
Part Two:
/ Students should be able to
Reading(group and individual):
- recognize more simple pictographic/ideographic/picto-phonetic characters
- comprehend longer texts with combined Pinyin and characters
- with minimal teacher support, read longer Pinyin text for meaning and enjoyment
- readcombined Pinyin/character text aloud demonstrating correct pronunciation, intonation and phrasing, confidence, enjoyment and expression.
- Write text in pinyin with support of a vocab list or online dictionary/application.
- use ICT applications such as PowerPoint, Photostory, Toondoo and Bubblr to create Pinyin/character texts
- awareness and analysis of more complicated character structures
- categorise characters they have learned into groups based on meaning and appearance
- Write more simple characters with correct stroke order and proportion
- write some simple characters from memory
- use Chinese word processor to create modeled short simple text with the support of a vocabulary bank (Extension level)
Intercultural Awareness
This is taught both implicitly and explicitly through the language content, associated AIM (body language) gestures, specific cultural topics and other supporting resources such as Chinese animations, music, songs etc. Language awareness is incorporated in the Learning Focus section.
Examplesof specific cultural projects:
Mini project: Allow students to choose aChinese festival or other topic of interest to present to the class(e.g. poster, PowerPoint, Photostory etc.)
Mini project leading up a trivia quiz incorporating Chinese geography, famous Chinese leaders, inventors, aspects of ancient history etc. Sample questions of trivia quiz
Other activities
- Chinese knotting Activity
- Chinese cooking
- Chopsticks activity
- Chinese Calligraphy/Art/painting on fans
- Paper folding/cutting
- Table tennis
- Chinese checker/chess
- Shuttlecock kicking
- Taichi
- Tea ceremony
- Chinese dance/singing
- Design Chinese characters on a Carry Bag or T Shirt (which could be later worn or used in a cultural/language performance )
AIM gestures DVD or
Tools to create online resources
Voki of Voki Creation
Bubblr of Bubblr Creation
Sample of IWB activity
BBC Chinese has good explanation, contrasting English and Chinese pronunciation
Real Chinese DVD from BBC (available at China Books)
Setting the Stage for Chinese
Language Learning Objects in FUSE
Language Learning Objects in Scootle
Video links
(China Forever)
(Traditional dinner in Beijing)
(Streets of Beijing)
(Shanghai Today)
(Country life)
(Chinese Village)
(The Great Wall of China)
(The Great Wall)
(Visit the Great Wall of China)
(The Great Wall of China at Simatai)
(7 wonders of the world –Great Wall)
(China's First Emperor)
(Ancient China History Project based on Lady GaGa's Poker Face)
(Qin Shi Huang)
Useful links for stroke order & common radicals
Level 4 / Communicating in a language other than English /
- read short, modified texts for meaningand apply knowledge of familiar characters and punctuation in a range of contexts.
- write characters, paying attention to shape, stroke order and proportion.
- categorise the characters they have learnt into groups based on similarities in meaning, appearance, pronunciation or function, and introduce newly learnt characters into these schemata.
- write sentences using appropriate characters and form paragraphs by following modelled examples.
- usepinyin for basic word processing.
- identify traditional techniques for writing.
- demonstrate sound-discrimination effectively. In tone languages, students discern tone patterns in slowed speech.
- adapt language and gesture appropriately for the role, audience and purpose of the discourse.
- acquire and use new information and language, and recycle previously learnt language skills and knowledge in new contexts.
- initiate and lead communication and respond to communication initiated by others
Intercultural knowledge and language awareness
/- apply relevant conversational rules and expectations; for example, those related to politeness.
- demonstrate understanding of cultural differences in writing conventions for specific discourse forms by producing equivalent items in another language.
- demonstrate effective reflection on their language learning by sharing a learning strategy they use successfully, or by evaluating and improving a strategy they have tried.
- interact with members of the language community in Australia as a means of extending their understanding of perspectives on the themes and topics studied in the classroom.
- identify ways in which the language and culture has impacted on Australia and present information in written or oral forms in the language.
A cross-sectoral school cluster project (2011) involving Marg Fuary & Ling Gao (Melbourne Grammar School), Xi Feng (Glendal P S), Poh Eng Sia (Glen Waverley P S) & Juo-Wen Fan (Doncaster P S), supported with funding from DEEWR through the NALSSP Becoming Asia Literate: Grants to Schools Program; and Sharon Rong (Carey Baptist Grammar School) supported by the Chinese Teacher Training Centre.