Development AgendaRev.3
------Hank’s Section------Drive by comments, will expand------
Easier system configuration
Expand system properties to control all messages and all normal flags
Pre-configured rolls/groups ina delivered system.
either documentation, videos, etc. to ease the transition from quickbooks accounting to Stream accounting for smaller/new sites
send/export quickbooks reports to outside accountant. Smaller transistion sites want to keep their accountant.
Add to system properties view
E-mail during order completion setup, from address and message
Look at adding support for Shiprush USPS with Endecia
Easier way to setup new record defaults. Hazel at DSI had problems with this.
Add carrier tracking link setup to system properties panel WebLinks
Investigate possible issue with sites on SQL and date changes if user stays logged in overnight and site not running job processor.
Rename the Group file, reserved word in SQL
------End Hank’s Section------Drive by comments, will expand------
Direct Invoicing - the existing program is horrible. I envision a much simpler version with:
One bin per line, if you pull from two bins you enter two lines
Grid entry on main screen, no popup to add/edit line. Possible popup to enter/edit additional information, maybe.
Ability to load an existing invoice ala journal entry -reverse quantity/value, copy, load with no prices.
Ability to save shipping only invoice.
credit and rebill - somewhat addressed in your email
- main issues in current systems are
- ability to enternegative qty for a stocking item - thiscurrently requires an RA or doing a credit from the AR invoice lookup.
- second was need to do a separate credit, then re-invoice (due to inventory, serial issues) - sales and sales tax reportingis line based -need to streamline doing a price or tax adjustment with same line detail (or figure way around using same line detail).
- we may need a non-inventory invoice option regardless of shipping invoice issue - depending on who we are sellling to (ie invoice someone for something totally non-inventory related).
Panel management programs
Vendor Management
ShipVia, Etc...
- a ck register report and ability to reconcile the bank accounts from in the system (ie quickbooks vs the gl based approach)
- bank xfer option - so it is not two steps
Credit Card Processing
Ability to issue credits cleanly
Save Ticket as Order
Load Order to sell (invoice)
Order Processing
Order Entry -Direct grid entry
Create Hold object to contain all hold code. Cleanup header update.
Rework order audit and hold logic to consolidate on save
Rework credit hold logic
Add SQL search with full text search to generic browse class to allow toggle
Store par file column into in database instead of registry
Support system wide column information changes (with above storage)
PickList Management
Convert to SQL?
Move selection code to object that can be called from order lookup to see what an order is not printing
Reports Eliminate L&Ls reports;
All to XML output.
Consider HTML forinvoice, check, order, po forms.
Cleanup Action system
Multiple action panels specific to action source
SQL lookups/Better dashboard
System Issues
Add multi-level main menus and context menus
Look at using straight CodeJock Menus (no menu includes etc)
Toggle F248 caching
Speed up order entry item panel
Speed up invoice save
Consider splitting main EXE into modules (at some point we will get too big)
Better comment editor/Spelling checker
VDF 16.x
Rewrite CovedbForm subclass to handle fading field better, allow entry for help when shadowed
Ability to spawn new application from within the ap.
Date prompts consistent (some fields don't force date formatting or have buttons but don't call calendar -- simple report panels).
Scroll bars - is there something we can do to improve behavior of these - they dont seem to scale to the data properly?
Ebay Interface
Amazon Interface
-1099 reporting (minimal ability to print the docs from system would be nice ) - even if it involves manually loading the reporting amts to start with.
- Vendor pmt activity or vendor activity report (like the bank query I was doing but with some subtotalling - so we can show invoices and ck totals on same report.)
AR - a customer history report so we dont have to screw with stmts printing closed stuff (something that ties together theinvoices, ar checks and je activity)
- automatic period, year set option
- reports need a lot of work (ie balance on the gl postings, getting financials to handle div, dpt, header, footers properly - some older emails on this).
- need to cleanup acct maint program - allow esc from accper create loop
- add the add line, edit line buttons in gl entry
shop order
- add the add line, edit line buttons to shop management
"How To" index with links to doc and application.
Ability to jump to specific point in application from help system.
Issues for Wayne Co (from what I can tell)
Multi-language support
Ability to toggle language on the fly
Multi-company consolidation/support
Bank interface for money in and out
WayneCo & Hemocue
Contract File expansion
Fixed Assets