Biology I
Ms. Gilsdorf
Welcome Students and Parents to Biology!
Biology is a laboratory-based course that also includes class lab dissections, projects, assignments and presentations. This class has an End of Course Test (EOC).
Biology is the study of living things and all the processes that keep them “alive”. Biology is a fantastic study as it is not only about us (humans), but all life around us. From the microbes too small to see to every plant and animal, life is virtually everywhere on the planet! This course gives you the information to explore the complexities of life and how life is interconnected.
I am thrilled to share this knowledge with you and I look forward to a rigorous and exciting semester!
Please take a minute to carefully read over this syllabus, then sign and return the review sheet to Ms. Gilsdorf by next class.
- 3 ring binder
- 14 notebook dividers
- Colored pencils
- Glue stick
***IF you are unable to obtain any of these materials by the first few days of class please let me know!
For this course the CMS 10 point scale will be used.
Percent / Grade90 - 100 / A
80 - 89 / B
70 -79 / C
60 - 69 / D
60 and below / F
Grades for this course will be calculated using the point system. For example:
8 points earned on homework = 80% B
10 points possible for assignment
15 points earned on quiz = 75% C
20 points possible for quiz
120 points earned on test = 96% Aetc.
125 points possible for exam
All grades will be entered into PowerSchool. There are 2 categories that you will see in this program; formal and informal. Formal grades are 70% of the final grade and will include: tests, quizzes, projects and warm ups. Informal grades are 30% of final grade and will include labs, classwork and participation grades. The number of possible points will vary according to the number of assignments and tests given per semester. The End of Class Exam (EOC) will count as 20% of the total final course grade. Grades will include (continued on back of this page):
Formal Grades (70% of final grade) / Informal Grades (30% of final grade) / End of Course (20% of final total course grade)- Tests
- Quizzes
- Projects
- Warm Ups
- Labs
- Homework assignments
- Classwork assignments
- Participation grades
- EOC Exam
Warm Up
Every class will immediately begin with a Warm Up question that students are responsible for completing. It is the student’s responsibility to copy the question down and answer it on the Warm Up sheet. Completed Warm Up sheets will be collected every 7 days. Due dates will be posted on the board. Warm Ups for the entire semester will count as one test grade.
***If you (the student) are absent any of the 7 days, the Warm Up is still due on the 7th day. Warm Ups of past days will be posted on the class webpage and it is the students’ responsibility to complete by the 7th day. IF you have any questions about the answers or response to the Warm Up it is the students responsibility to contact Ms. Gilsdorf before the due date.
It is the student’s responsibility to collect any missed assignments from their individual make-up folder located in the Make Up Work Crate. The student is responsible for contacting Ms. Gilsdorf within 5 daysof the absence. Any tests missed due to absence will be made up the next class period. To make up quizzes, students must come in before or after school during tutoring hours.
When the bell rings, students are to be in their seats and quietly working on the Warm Up activity. If you are not in your seat when the late bell rings, you will report to SMC.
Late work
All late work will only be accepted the following day of class for ½ credit of points earned. Late work turned in any later than the day following the due date will receive 0 credit (2 days after assignment is due). This includes work that was not turned in when student was present as well as unexcused absences. Warm Ups, and projects will not be accepted unless there is communication of circumstance the day that it is due.
I will be available every Monday and Tuesday after school until 3:00pm. Please let Ms. Gilsdorf know ahead of time so she can best prepare to instruct.
Students are expected to keep all papers from assignments, quizzes, exams and any other material from class in an organized notebook. Notebook quizzes will occur periodically throughout the semester and will count as quiz grades. In order to be successful, students must keep all material organized in the appropriate sections of the notebook. The sections of the notebook will be as follows:
- Warm Ups
- Characteristics of Life
- Biochemistry
- Cells
- Transport/Plasma Membrane
- Photosynthesis/Respiration
- Mitosis/Meiosis
- Biotechnology
- Genetics
- Evolution
- Classification
- Ecology
- Study Guides
I will keep grades updated on PowerSchool but it is not an accurate way to keep up with missed work. It is the students’responsibility to collect and turn in make up work. By the time I update grades on PowerSchool the window to turn in grades has ended. If you know your child will be absent please email me to see if there is any work they can complete at home. In the event of a missed test or quiz, it will appear in power school as a 0 until it is taken, then the earned grade will be updated.
Extra Credit
I will periodically offer small extra credit assignments throughout the semester. These assignments will vary.
ALL expectations will be implemented according to the Right and Responsibilities’ Handbook
- Be Respectful: Students are expected to treat themselves, others and classroom materials and school property with respect. Students will remain in their seat during class unless specifically instructed otherwise. Any behavior that interferes with the learning of others in the classroom will not be tolerated.
- Be Prepared: Students are expected to come to class prepared and ready to learn. This means having all class materials ready to use and all homework and assignments that are due completed and ready to turn in.
Please feel free to contact me for any reason. Email is the preferred method!
After reading syllabus, please fill out and detach the following and return to Ms. Gilsdorf
Biology I
To be returned to Ms. Gilsdorf:
I have read, understand and agree to the expectations in the provided:
- Syllabus
- Lab Safety Contract
- Tips to do Your Best in Biology
Printed Student Name:______
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Printed Parent/Guardian Name: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date:______
Please provide your current email address so that I may have a way of contacting you.
Parent email is: ______
Easiest Contact Cell Phone Number: ______