To: String Bass Students and Families
A salute to all you bass players and families!
This letter is to inform you about bass rental policies for the school year. Take a look:
1. All bass students are required to have a string bass at home to practice on.
In Waunakee, we stress the importance of practicing at home. Though it has been done in the past to substitute a string bass for an electric bass at home, it is important to understand that these are two very different instruments, and practicing on one does not translate very easily to the other. For these reasons, each student will be assigned a string bass within the first week of school to take home. Please arrange with your student to pick the instrument up from school ASAP. (Before and after-school are the best options, however, if these times do not work for you, please contact me to arrange a pick-up time.) If you already have a bass at home: please send the serial # to me for inventory updating (serial # can be found inside bass).
2. Bass Rental Fees: $100/School Year.
As all instrumentalists are well aware of, playing an instrument can quickly cause wear and tear. The $100 per year will cover these general costs. You can either pay this through Infinite Campus, or you can send a check made out to Waunakee School District, with your student’s named addressed on the envelope.
3. Accidental damage policy:
As normal wear and tear is covered by the $100/year, serious damage to the instrument is not. Depending on the severity of the damage, families may be asked to cover some or all of the expenses to repair the instrument.
4. Other rental options?
Yes! Ward-Brodt rents basses out to students, for about $59.95/month. Though this is a more expensive rate, they cover all damage fees. If you are interested in this plan, their number is 608-661-8630.
5. Questions? Please let us know!
MS and HS families: or 849-2282
5th and 6th grade families: or 849-2049
------Please detach and send with rental payment------
I understand and agree to follow the rental policies described above.
Student Signature Date
Parent Signature Date