Jennifer M. Bean, Ph.D.

Director of Cinema Studies, Associate Professor in Comparative Literature, and Adjunct Associate Professor of Women's Studies at the University of Washington

(professor email address)

(department email address) (department internet address)

Dear Professor Jennifer M. Bean,

I am a high school student interested in learning more about media and film studies, especially dealing with gender theories. I am also really impressed by your department’s work, which I read about at your website. Currently, I am writing an essay analyzing a Stetson cologne advertisement that is particularly degrading to women. Soon, I will be writing a paper analyzing the roles/portrayals of women in popular films like Maid in Manhattan. Would you please enlighten me about what I should look for to improve my perspectives for my papers? What do you tell your students when you want them to use critical lenses?

Thanks sincerely for your time,

Brandon V. Alley

Jennifer M. Bean, Ph.D.

Director of Cinema Studies, Associate Professor in Comparative Literature, and Adjunct Associate Professor of Women's Studies at the University of Washington

(professor email address)

(department email address) (department internet address)

Dear Professor Jennifer M. Bean,

I am a high school student interested in learning more about media and film studies, especially dealing with gender theories. I am also really impressed by your department’s work, which I read about at your website. Currently, I am writing an essay analyzing a Stetson cologne advertisement that is particularly degrading to women. Soon, I will be writing a paper analyzing the roles/portrayals of women in popular films like Maid in Manhattan. Would you please enlighten me about what I should look for to improve my perspectives for my papers? What do you tell your students when you want them to use critical lenses?

Thanks sincerely for your time,

Brandon V. Alley