City of Barbourmeade
3409 Hillvale Road
Louisville, Kentucky 40241
Kim Holsclaw
Monthly City Meeting
May 19, 2008
Mayor Holsclaw opened the meeting t 7:36 pm. All Commissioners were present except Commissioner Streit and Coomer who were late. All City Officials were present except City Treasurer Alvey was absent.
Clerk Erica Albrecht left the meeting early.
Residents of the City of Barbourmeade:
Frank Wathen of 3423 Hillvale, 550-7388
Norma Adams of 3414 Barbour Lane, 425-3502
Tom & Wynne Budniak of 3505 Barbour Lane, 425-0750
Beth Sedgwick of 7807 Pine Ridge Rd, 426-9522
Nancy Porter of 7805 Pinemeadows, 425-3807
Patrick Neely of 3418 Barbour Lane, 727-0717
Other guests:
Bowen Smith of 516 Cliblin, 551-3887
Frank Poshinger
Sgt. John Nissen, Graymoor-Devondale Police Department, 1500 Lynn Way, 429-0834
Doug Kemper of 10529 Providence Drive, 231-9795
Commissioner Jay had two comments on the March minutes. Mayor Holsclaw made a motion to approve the minutes as amended. Commissioner Jay seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Commissioner Jay had one comment on the April minutes. Mayor Holsclaw made a motion to approve the minutes as amended. Commissioner Streit seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Mayor Holsclaw made a motion to approve the minutes. Commissioner Crockett seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Mayor Holsclaw made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report with approval pending audit. Commissioner Coomer seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Mayor Holsclaw read the bills for the month of May. Commissioners Streit and Jay had submitted additional bills that City Treasurer had not included because he was out of town. The Commission agreed that Graymoor-Devondale would not be paid until June. Mayor Holsclaw stated that they can be paid and will show up on next month’s ordinance. Mayor Holsclaw made a motion to approve the ordinance to pay the bills. Commissioner Jay seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Mayor Holsclaw invited Doug Kemper, candidate for Circuit Court Judge to speak. He introduced himself and spoke briefly about his candidacy for Circuit Court Judge.
Mayor Holsclaw invited Bowen Smith to speak. He stated that he had purchased the old Hess property in November 2005. He stated that the property has been an eye sore for years and he purchased it hoping to develop it. He stated that he had sold one of the lots and built a home on it. He also stated that he recently sold one of the other lots to the family who had purchased the first lot. He further stated that there are still two lots that are unsold. He stated that there is still one debris pile located on one of the unsold lots. He stated that there would be a hauler there within 2 weeks to remove the remaining pile. He did state that there has been an ongoing problem with dumping on the property. He stated that he had formed a partnership with a firm to help with the financial burden of continuing to own and try to develop the remaining two lots. He further stated that they wanted to talk to the Commission about the possibility of dividing the remaining the remaining two lots into three lots. He stated that the three lots would be approximately 50’ wide each; each lot would have a single family residential home that would be marketed at around the high $200,000. City Engineer Trautwein asked Bowen Smith if he was aware that they property would need to be rezoned and Bowen Smith stated that he thought he could get a variance. After some questions from the Commission and a lengthy discussion, it was agreed that the Commission’s first reaction was to not be in favor of dividing the 2 lots into 3 lots, however they agreed that he would need to give them more information in order for them to make a definite decision. Mayor Holsclaw asked him to provide more information to the Commission by the next City meeting which would be Monday June 16th. The Commission agreed that Bowen Smith had until June 4th to clean the property up or the City would have it cleaned up and would file a lien. Commissioner Jay stated that Bowen Smith had never been in compliance with the maintenance of premises ordinance.
Nancy Porter had attended the meeting regarding the state of her neighbor, Mr. Huwilers property. Commissioner Jay reported that City Attorney Chauvin had written him a letter and she had driven by the property before the meeting and it appeared that he had done some things to the property, but nothing that truly improved the state of the property. She reported that Metro had visited the property and had sited it for several things and had given him 3 weeks from April 17th to fix the broken shutter and remove the pile of yard waste debris. It was agreed that Commissioner Jay and City Attorney Chauvin would call him together before June 4th to make him aware of the fact that the City intended to clean up the property and file lien.
Commissioner Crockett reported that for 3 Mondays in a row, the trash pickup has not gone well. Rumpke had promoted the City’s regular trash person and they had put a new crew in place to pick up the City’s trash. She said that she had reviewed some of the special issues with the new crew and it appeared that they had gotten everything sorted out. She said that she had finished the bids for the new sanitation contract and the bids would be opened next month. The three options that would be bid were: 1-trash, yard waste and recycling done once a week from April – December and yard waste would be done monthly from January – March. 2-trash, yard waste and recycling would all be done once a week. 3-yard waste weekly and / or twice weekly with recycle and trash weekly.
Mayor Holsclaw reported that she had received a call from Gary Cohn about a barking dog at 7805 Circle Crest. Commissioner Coomer stated that he would add something in the June newsletter about barking dogs.
Commissioner Coomer reported that he would be meeting with the contractor who would be performing the striping in the City. He reported that he was aware of a few pot holes and would be repairing them soon. City Engineer Trautwein reported that he had looked at Barbourmeade Road and did agree that it would need to be repaved soon. He recommended that it be repaved next spring. Commissioner Jay reported that there were two speed limit signs that had been taken off the poles. Commissioner Coomer stated that he would contact Ron with Eagle Signs to get the speed limit signs. Commissioner Crockett reported that there were still a few outstanding issues with additional signs that were needed as part of the sign replacement project; she would be working with Eagle to get everything completed.
Commissioner Jay reported that Mr. Pitchford at 3400 Coronado Drive now has a dumpster on his property and appears to be working on cleaning up the property. She also reported that the yard at 3412 Barbour Lane had been mowed. She reported that she has not driven by the unkempt property on Morningview Drive recently. She reported that Mr. Oakes who lives next to 8313 Freemont Road had inquired about asking if the City would pay for weed control on that property. The Commission agreed that when a property is being maintained by the City, the City will do minimal maintenance only. She reported that begonias had been planted in the landscaped areas at the various City entrances.
Commissioner Streit had nothing new to report.
Commissioner Streit reported that he had received a bill from Graymoor-Devondale for the month April that was for $2,437.20. The report that they sent him showed that they had given 3 warnings, 5 speeding tickets and had been watching the walkers exit at Norton periodically. He stated that they would no longer be patrolling near the crosswalk because it is no longer needed since a crossing guard had been added. He brought up the issue of the service road along KY 22 and people parking on one side; he stated that sometimes it is a hindrance to vehicles trying to pass because the road is narrow. He brought up the idea of having a line striped that would indicate how far out into the street you could park in order to still leave sufficient room for vehicles to pass safely. The Commission agreed that it was a good idea. Commissioner Streit stated that he would look into the idea into more detail including speak with Worthington Fire Department about the width of fire trucks and emergency vehicles.
City Engineer Trautwein reported that with the help of Commissioner Coomer he had preformed a survey of the ditch behind the New Life Church property that runs parallel with Brownsboro Vista Drive. He created a ditch profile and thinks that another 200 feet of paved ditch need to be added in the south direction. He was planning to give a copy of the profile to Kelly Downard and see if Kelly Downard can get money to complete the project. He believes the project will cost around $5,000. Commissioner Coomer stated that he would set up a meeting with Kelly Downard’s office and City Engineer Trautwein.
City Attorney Chauvin reported that he had amended the interlocal agreement between the City and the City of Meadow Vale for police services. Mayor Holsclaw, City Attorney Chauvin, Commissioners Coomer and Streit reviewed the contract to make sure that comments that the City had at the Special Meeting had been incorporated. They agreed that the comments had been incorporated, but there were a few other changes that needed to be made. City Attorney Chauvin stated that he would discuss the comments with Meadow Vale’s attorney and get the agreement corrected. Mayor Holsclaw read the resolution to adopt the interlocal agreement with the City of Meadow Vale for police services. Mayor Holsclaw made a motion to pass Resolution Number 1. Commissioner Crockett seconded the motion. All were in favor. Mayor Holsclaw made a motion to approve the 3 year interlocal agreement with Meadow Vale pending the corrections being made. Commissioner Coomer seconded the motion. All were in favor. Commissioner Streit asked City Attorney Chauvin if he could write a letter terminating police services with Graymoor-Devondale.
Mayor Holsclaw stated that there were five candidates for the City Clerk position. City Attorney Chauvin passed out ballots. The votes were: Beth Sedgwick – 5 votes. There was some discussion regarding the duties for the City Clerk position and it was agreed that the ordinance that details the duties needed to be amended and should include: attend monthly meetings, prepare and distribute meeting minutes, prepare and arrange delivery of quarterly newsletter and update website, maintain and update the City directory.
Commissioner Streit reported that he had checked with Barbour Lane Animal Hospital regarding advertising in the upcoming City directory and they said they might be interested in purchasing and ad.
Mayor Holsclaw began the budget preparation process for the 2008-2009 budget. She reviewed current revenues for the budget. There was some discussion and questions regarding the projected revenue for Fiscal Year 2009 that was shown on the budget preparation worksheet that was prepared for the Commission by City Treasurer Alvey. He was not present at the meeting because he was on vacation. There were various discussions regarding different budget line items. After line item budgets were tentatively determined, it was decided that the City would increase taxes by 4%. After much discussion, the Commission determined that they needed more information from City Treasurer Alvey before they could complete the budget for Fiscal Year 2009. However, the Commission performed the first reading of the tentative budget for 2008-2009.
There being no further business to discuss, Mayor Holsclaw made a motion to adjourn and Commissioner Crockett seconded the motion. All were in favor. Mayor Holsclaw adjourned the meeting at 10:35 p.m.
Kim Holsclaw, Mayor
Attest: Erica L. Albrecht, City Clerk