Minutes from Patient Focus Group meeting held on

Saturday 10th November 2012.


Radka PelendridesPractice manager

Helen PelendridesGP

Goran JolicGP

Wendy CousinsNurse Practitioner

Annette ArcherPatient representative

Anna MichaelidesPatient representative

Androulla Safron – ZangenehPatient representative

Yiannoulla StavriPatient representative

Angelina Sofroniou Patient representative

1RP welcomed the group and introductions were made.

2RP outlined the purpose of the group as being an opportunity for the patients to be involved in improving the services the surgery offers. The purpose is also to communicate and feedback to other patients, information provided at the meeting.

3RP gave an update of changes within the practice since the last meeting. They are as follows:

  • additional waiting room upstairs
  • extra room in the loft to be used as either office space or telephone consultations
  • alarmed outhouse adjacent to Dr Jolic’s room for storage of locked filing cabinets
  • H&S improvements – disabled ramp, external fire exit door
  • Disabled parking bay
  • Exterior of building decorated
  • The surgery is open until 5pm on Thursdays to replace half day closing although it remains closed at 2pm once a month for staff training.

4WC summarised the results from last year’s patient satisfaction survey. Blank copies of the questionnaire were circulated to the group and members were asked for comments regarding the questions. The group felt the questions were appropriate and simple to answer in view of potential language barriers for the patient population. It was suggested that a question was added in relation to language problems and also for patients to give the surgery an overall score out of 10. There was considerable discussion amongst the group, but on balance asking about language barriers when it is known that many exist, was not felt to add value. The next survey will be carried out within the coming weeks; it will be available for patients to complete in person or on the website during the data collection period.

5HP gave an over view of the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) work she had been doing and that her role outside the surgery was that of Chair of Haringey CCG. HP outlined how the NHS reforms would impact on availability of services and the need to make financial savings and encourage appropriate use of the NHS. The change in structure means that CCGs are led by clinicians instead of managers, with much more input from patients. The ambition is for high quality services appropriate for the local population to be commissioned from hospitals – acute, community and mental health.

Haringey CCG has identified six priorities for the CCG to focus on:

  1. Prevention – eg looking at breast screening and bowel cancer screening as uptake s within Haringey is lower than nationally. Also looking at childhood immunisations uptake.
  2. Children and young people – teenage pregnancy rates in Haringey are the highest in England. There will be a focus on post natal support, including help with breastfeeding.
  3. Integrated care – to link services up so that patients pathways are less disjointed. Services from the Whittington and North Middlesex HospitalsCare of the Elderly, Mental Health, LA better co-ordinated via the weekly MDT teleconference starting on 13/11/12
  4. Unscheduled care – understanding what services are available and for patients to be signposted to the most appropriate for their needs. The Government are scrapping NHS Direct and introducing the 111 service. Calls will be taken centrally by non-clinicians who will advise patients of where to access local services.
  5. Mental Health – need to focus on alcohol reduction
  6. Planned care/ care closer to home – moving services into the community and utilising capacity at locations already within the locality.

The group agreed with the priorities and gave several examples of situations they were aware of including mental health patients needing support and young people not knowing where to get the morning after pill from. The CCG focus would be on the wider community rather than individual families. It was agreed that the introduction of 111 would probably cause confusion. The group felt putting clinicians in charge was a good idea. HP highlighted that as Haringey was in deficit, savings would need to be made and services / referrals for non essential treatment would need to be cut. “Non essential” was defined as cosmetic surgery and removal of lumps and bumps that were not causing harm to patients. All cases would obviously be assessed on an individual basis.


  1. Mobile phones are being used in the upstairs waiting area which is causing disruption. It was agreed a sign should go up.
  2. A further request for in house blood testing especially for elderly. HP advised the surgery does not have capacity but the CCG would look at a local service.
  3. It was suggested that the number for the out of hours service should be advertised on appointment cards as patients tend to keep hold of these.
  4. Feed back was given that the reception team did a good job and were very helpful.
  5. Comments were made about Evergreen House Surgery offering an excellent service.

The group was thanked for their time.

Date and time of next meeting to be confirmed – possibly virtually