Advanced/Performance Theatre

Directing Project Tech Elements

Props (10 points)

Create a typed props list, explaining what props you will be using and where they are coming from. (Props room, you, your actors)You may use the form on my website.

All props must be here by Dec 3rd

Any props you borrow must be neatly returned to storage; failure to do so will result in a loss of points (and an avalanche in the props room).

Set (20 points) –This should be done Monday, nov. 30th for blocking purposes

Draw a neat, detailed overhead view of your set in ¼ or ½ inch scale on plain white paper. In an overhead view, a chair might just be a square, etc.(10 pts)

On your set design, you must include whether your set will be in front of the cyc, mid, or main drape. (5 pts)

Clearly label each piece you are using so others can help with your set (ex. Blue arm chairs from Annie, 4 x 4 black box platform) (5 pts)

Your actors will be required to help with the set up and tear down of your set, so make sure they are prepared for this during dress rehearsals and performances.

Costumes(10 points)

Fill out the attached costume list, explaining what costumes you will be using and where they are coming from. You will note whether the actor is bringing them or where they came from in our stock (makeup room, section of little girl dresses)

All costumes must be here by Dec. 3rd

Any costumes you borrow must be neatly returned to storage; failure to do so will result in a loss of points (and facing the wrath of costume crew members).

Sound (15 points)

You are required to have an opening and ending song for your scene. You will provide this music on device or CD. If you know how to use the Mac upstairs, you may also add it directly to the playlist there- label it with your name under the Directing 2015 playlist! (10 pts)

You may include extra sound effects and underscoring music if you like. Remember, underscoring should by instrumental.

Again, you are required to complete a cue sheet and marked script. (5 pts)

Sound must be provided by Dec 3rd


You must fill out a light cue sheet for your scene, even if you just want lights up or down. You must give your board op a cue to look for when you want lights to go up and an ending line/movement so the operator knows when to black out. Mark these cues in an extra copy of your script.) ( I know I still owe a few of you some copies!)

You may use cyc colors, isolated lighting, etc., but you must communicate that on your light cue sheet and be prepared to discuss it with your board op.

Advanced Theatre

Props Tracking and Design

Play Title: ______

Director :______

Character/Set / Pg. # / Prop / Responsibility

Advanced Theatre

Costume Tracking and Design

Play Title: ______


Character / Actor / Costume / Responsibility

Advanced Theatre

Set Design Instructions

A ground plan is an overhead view of your set design drawn to scale. It is not intended to convey artistic details to its viewers, but is instead used to provide builders with information concerning the size and location of set pieces on stage. A ground plan is also used by the director for blocking purposes.

Bear in mind you will be allotted only a brief time for transitions. Think of simple, but effective designs that may be accentuated with set dressings.

General Guidelines:

  • Use pencil and eraser for all drafting. Do NOT use pen when drawing your ground plan.
  • Use a ruler for EVERY line you draw. Neatness counts.
  • Draw using very light lines. When you are satisfied with your final ground plan, you may darken in your construction lines with the pencil and ruler.
  • Your set must fit the limitations of our stage. Our stage is approximately 40’0” wide (from SL to SR) and 30’0” deep (from the US to DS).
  • Your ground plan should be drawn in 1/2” = 1’0” scale. This means that every 1/2” on your ground plan is the equivalent of 1’0” on the real stage.

Remember, your director and classmates will be using this ground plan to prepare for their final production. Please make it your best work. You help to make our show a success!