Governor’s Administration and Government of Ulyanovsk Province / FederalServiceonCustomers’ Rights, Protection and Human Well-being Surveillance / P.A.StolipinUlianovskState Agricultural Academy




Dear Sirs,

Wehavethehonortoinformyouthat the International Scientific Conference entitled”Bacteriophages: Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Their Application in Medicine, Veterinary and Food” will be held in the city of Ulyanovsk,Russia.


The Conference will be organized and held with the support of the Federal Service on Customers’ Rights, Protection and Human Well-being Surveillance and the Governor’s Administration and the Government of Ulyanovsk Province.

TheConferencewillbeheldon 23 to 25April 2013 (arrival and accommodation of conference participants will be on22-23April 2013).

The working languages of the conference will be Russian and English.

Thearticlesontheconferencesubjectssent to the Organizing Committee will be published as Proceedings Book by the beginning of the conference.The conference materials will be entered in the system of Russian index of scientific citation (RISC).

Thebestpresentationswillbepublishedinthescientifictheoreticaljournal “BulletinoftheUlyanovskState Agricultural Academy” which is included in the list of leading reviewed scientific journals and publications where are to be published essential scientific results of dissertations for the academic degrees of Candidate and Doctor of Science.

The main subjects of the conference will be:
  1. Biology of bacteriophage;
  2. Bacteriophage in medicine and veterinary;
  3. Bacteriophage in biotechnology and food technology.

Thedetailedprogramoftheconference(naming the titles of presentations) will be sent to you after we receive your registration form (approximately by 20 March 2013).

The official web-site of the conference is:

Organizational issues

If you like to take part in the conference you should send the following materials to the e-mailaddress: :

  1. The title of the presentation,full names of the authors and affiliations -before 15 January 2013.

2. The article in Russian (or in English) and registration formfor taking part in the conference(Appendix 1) – before 10 March 2013

If you send your materials by e-mail you are kindly requested to ask for the confirmation that we have received your materials.

Requirements for materials submitted to the conference

• the text of the article should not exceed 8 pagesinА4 format typed with theTimesNewRomanfont (14 pt)using 1.5 interval between lines without formatting;

• tables are drawn up with standard means of MSWord or are imported from MSExcel (without outside information!);

• figuresanddiagramsmustbe black-and-whiteorhalf-tone (tints of grey);elements of vector representations must be grouped;resolution of dot pattern images (photos, scans)should not be less than 300 dpi;

• lists are numbered and marked manually (in order not to spoil the formatting during the make-up);

• notes are formatted as ordinary (non end) footnotes using standard means ofMSWord;

• formulas areformatted as figures (jpg,bmp).

• thelistof literature should be put at the end of the article.Theliterary sourcesareplaced in order of citation and are formatted according to theAppendix 2 (State standard of the Russian Federation 7.1 2003).The numbered references to them should be given in square brackets in the text of the article using the standard text format;

• itisessentialtoavoidtheuseofnon-standardtypes (for example, types of national languages, specialized formula types, etc.) in typing the text. If it is impossible you should send to the editorial board a file of the given type in order to represent correctly your text.

Structure of the article.

1. Index of UDC (on the left)

2.Title of the article typed in theTimesNewRomanfont (14 pt)

3. Initials, surname, academic degree and title of the author/authors and the name of the organization where they work, phone number and e-mail address in bold type.

4. Keywords (5-7 words),summaryof not more than 40-50 words (indented),

5. Textofthearticlewiththe incorporated illustrations (tables, figures).Preferablestructure is as follows: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion,Conclusion (concluding remarks), References.

6. Title of the article, initials and surnames of authors, key words and summary (40-50 words ) in English.

Headings of files must be informative, for example:

Johnson_Registration.doc (file with registration form, the first author is Johnson);

Johnson_Development of diagnostic method.doc (file with the text of the article, the first author and the first three words of the titleof the article should be typed).

All responsibility for the content and formatting ofthe materials of the article lies with the authors.

Theeditorialboardreservestherighttocorrectspelling and syntactic errors.

Contact Information:

DmitryA. Vasiliev

Secretariat of the Organizing Committee

Mobile phone: +78422495563

Department of Science and Innovations

P.A.StolipinUlyanovsk State Agricultural Academy.

Phone: +78422 559583

Fax: +784231 51256

Mobile phone: +79272727344

IlgizarI. Bogdanov, Head of the Department of Science and Innovations


Respectfully yours,

Organizing Committee

Appendix 1

Registration form for conference participant

Full name of the participant
Post, academic degree and title
Address (preferably home one)
Contact phone number (preferably mobile one)
Title of the presentation/article
Area of research/work (from the information letter)
Accommodation (select):
In a hotel in the city of Ulyanovsk*
In the hotel of the AgriculturalAcademy**

Ifyouliketoparticipatepersonally in the conference,youarekindlyrequested to inform us about your arrival (date and time of arrival, numbers of train and car, flight number, airport name, time of arrival) by the foregoing contact phones ore-mail till 25 March 2013 at latest.

The conference participants shall make the hotel reservation directly to the hotel staff.

The hotels in the city of Ulyanovsk:

Hotel «Octyabrskaya». Address:1Plekhanov Street, Ulyanovsk, Russia,.432001.

Phones:+7(8422) 31-42-82, 31-46-97. Fax: (8422) 31-47-19

Hotel «Venets». Address: 1 9 Sovetskaya Street, ,Ulyanovsk, Russia, 432011.

Phones: +7(8422) 39-45-76, 39-48-80.

Hotel «Volga». Address: 3 Goncharov Street, Ulyanovsk, Russia, 432600.

Phones: +7 (8422) 41-15-98, 41-45-77, 31-83-21

Hotel «Sovetskaya». Address: 8 SovetskayaStreet, Ulyanovsk, Russia, 432063,

Phones: +7 (8422) 41-32-02, 41-37-24, 41-32-12.

**TheaddressofthehotelofP.A. StolipinUlyanovskStateAgriculturalAcademy is: 4 StudencheskayaStreet,settlementOctyabrsky,districtCherdaklinsky,Ulyanovskprovince, Russia, 43343. The hotel accommodation will cost 250 rubles a day.

Appendix 2

Pattern for formatting the article

UDC 619:616-07



S.N.Zolotuhin, Doctor of Biology, Professor

P.A.StolipinUlyanovskState Agricultural Academy

Phone: 8(8422) 55-95-47,

D.A. Vasiliev, Doctor of Biology, Professor


Phone: 8(8422) 55-95-47,

Key words:Enterobacteria bacteriophages, precipitation of bacteriophages, nucleic acids.

This research was aimed at determining the type of nucleic acids and genome size of the 14 new bacteriophages of pathogenic enterobacteria.Performingthemoleculargenetic investigations the authors found out thatthe nucleic acids of all studied phages belong to the type of DNA which size is 45000 bp to 67000 bp.

Introduction.Comprehensive research to study bacteriophages was performed……………

MaterialsandMethods. The14 bacteriophages strains were the material to study……

Results and Discussion. The results of electrophoresis showed that…………..

Conclusion. The molecular genetic investigations conducted…


1. KrylovV.N. Roleofthehorizontaltransferofgenesbybacteriophages in producing pathogenic bacteria. // Genetics. - Vol.5. -2003.-P. 595-620.
