Kamehameha Schools Maui: Parent Teacher Student Ohana (PTSO
November 20, 2012 PTSO Board Meeting Minutes, KSM Dining Hall
I. Welcome/Pule: Start 6:00pm
Welcome: Ellie Leialoha, President.
II. New Business:
A. Secretary’s Minutes. Move to accept October 2012 minutes: Jamie Palakiko, Second by Stacy Pang. Unanimous decision to accept minutes with addition noted. 19 members in attendance.
B. Treasurer’s Report, Stanford Lanias:
$43,171.76 in Ho’olaule’a account. New bookkeeper to keep better account of money. Treasurer asked for list of inventory of Logowear.
III. Parent Community Coordinator Report:
A. Lokelani reviewed schedule of events for the remainder of year (see handout-agenda).
B. Ellie: listed grants (see handout-agenda).
VI. Committee Reports:
A. Bookfair was a success. Chairperson, Lisa Nitta, spoke to this and committee to donate $450 of books to QLCC. They were dropped off earlier today and QLCC staff were very grateful.
B. Recycled Uniform- held event at Bookfair parent night and distributed many uniforms, but also received many more in return. May do another event at Founder’s Day?
C. Newsletter: need new committee chair.
D. Teacher Appreciation
E. Senior Luau- selling cookbooks ($15), presold100.
F. Ho’olaule’a meeting to follow this one.
Looking Ahead: Tuesday, December 18th Iao Congregational Church, 6pm.
VI. Adjournment by Ellie Leialoha, President, 6:34pm
Minutes by Tammy Akina & Secretary, Nicole Salvatierra