October 22, 2015

The Church Council of Snow Hill United Methodist Church met October 22, with the following members present: Pastor Pat Spicer, Chuck Spicer, Willis and Jeanette Overby, Sam Tilley, Keith Bullin, Jerry Ballard, Carolyn Henderson, Arthur Glidewell, Tommy Wagoner, Tim and Laura Wilson, Cindy Roberts, Barbara Mabe, Jerry Moorefield, Keith Lawson, Iris and Glenn Robertson, and Emily Anderson.

Jeanette opened our meeting with a Devotion and Prayer.

Approval of the Minutes was next, but we had already accidentally approved them at the Pastor’s Leadership meeting last month, so we skipped that this time.

Sam Tilley presentedthe Report of the Trustees. He said we have a lot of work to do on the storage building. He also said the sound system was pretty much installed, but we need more money to come in for it.

Jerry Moorefield presented the Report of the Finance Committee. He handed out the 2016 budget, and the reports going to the Charge Conference concerning 2016 Apportionments and Clergy Compensation.

Most of the line items are the same as 2015 and there are no significant changes. The 2016 apportionments are down slightly. Some on the front page for conference were up slightly. So that makes all a wash.

He said attendance and giving are up.

The group moved and accepted the 2016 budget.

Jeanette Overby presented the Parsonage Committee Report. She said the back deck needs pressure washing and sealing. She said the exterminator has a ring around the house to eliminate bugs. They are to call him if any show up inside.

Keith Bullin presented the report of the Pastor-Parish Relations Committee. He said all was well. He noted we had $44 in the bank in May 2014 and now we have $38,000 in the bank. He said we have 15 new members now, with Sunday school attendance up, and we are enhancing our technology.

Report of the Lay Leader given by Willis Overby. He said it is a challenge to attend all events for lay leaders. He went to 2 district conferences of lay leaders. Yadkin

Valley is larger now. He had an active part in the meeting in Winston-Salem. That district is now big. He challenged us to go to Winston-Salem and meet the superintendent of the district, but just remember it is now big, so different.

Willis said we are lay people and we need to support our pastor and her husband, that both have done a lot for us. He likes the way Chuck asks for help. He said some of the smaller churches didn’t even name a Laity Award.

There is a Lay Leader Conference at Junaluska.

Jerry Ballard had something to share with us. He said he was asked to walk in Winston-Salem for victims of suicide. He has learned recently of a neighbor who killed himself and Jerry said he has known him since he was born. Jerry invited all of us to join him in the walk.

Next was Report of Membership Care presented by Barbara Mabe. She said it is to be reported to church council if someone is absent many times. A member may request one of several things: 1. to reaffirm their baptismal vow, 2. to request transfer to another United Methodist church, 3. to request transfer to a church of another denomination, or 4. to withdraw by written request. If there is no response for 2 years, they may be removed from the church membership rolls. She read the names to be removed because of no response or because they requested it in writing. She said if they should change their mind, we would gladly and immediately put them back on the membership roll. She was unable to even get a postcard to some of the people on the list, meaning their address and situation is that unknown.

Jerry Moorefield knows 3 on the list and said he can get ahold of them. He recommended we not remove them just yet. He feels they may return to the community, from serving in the military. He moved we leave those names off the removal list.

The council approved the report with the exclusion of those 4 names for a year. Jerry will contact them and report to us. Barbara said there are more inactive names that are still on the member list.

Dr. Spicer presented her Report of the Pastor. She handed out the Nominations for Snow Hill Church Council 2016, showing the members for the various committees. The new ones for 2016 were in bold face, and we could see those retiring the end of this year, as well as everyone else’s retiring year.

She said the only committee she chairs is the Lay Leadership Committee, per the Book of Order. She asked would we agree that Willis, upon 2015 retirement, could be designated our Lay Leader Emeritus. We agreed on that. He is listed as Position of Honor on that page.

She said for the Cemetery Oversight Sub-Committee we need someone to work with Glenn to learn what is going on in the cemetery. She invited anyone interested to speak to Glenn if they are interested in informally learning all that he knows.

The Church Council motioned and approved the slate of nominations for Church Council.

Dr. Spicer closed the meeting with prayer, and Jerry Ballard adjourned us.

Respectfully Submitted,

Carolyn Henderson, Rec. Secretary
