TOR for Mapping SAA and GSR-related tools
November – December, 2014
We are aiming to have a completed and reviewed table of tools and experience by December. Depending on how many possible tools and people you are able to uncover within your assigned domain (see below), this will involve several phone conversations and Email exchanges around the experience with each tool.
Beyond that, we are hoping for some of your time to review some of the information and tools your colleagues are able to discover. We don’t think this request is too time intensive, and we are hoping you will find it stimulating, with new opportunities to learn about how to do SAA.
- Participate in defining criteria for including identified tools as contributing to the GSR work
- Within an agreed upon domain (either geographically determined such as in “Southeast Asia” or thematically determined such as through the male engagement work or early marriage work of the gender team, or the girls’ leadership development of the GE program) each participant will identify and collect existing tools, capacity, program experience and funding that use reflection and dialogue approach at different levels in society that would be applicable in addressing the social and gender barriers to SRMHR.
- Compile findings in an agreed upon table
- Review the tools and table compiled by others such that each tool is reviewed by at least 2 people.
Time frame:
Activity / When / Responsible / Note/remarkDraft inclusion criteria and a frame to compile review findings / Nov 1st week / Feven + Marcie / Done (comments gathered)
Approach regions and COs to participate in the mapping and/or share tools / Nov 15th / Feven / Ongoing
Share draft tools with the working group and finalize / Nov 14th – 17th / Working group / Final criteria and tools will be shared by the 17th
Agree on individual and group tasks and reach out mechanisms (categorize COs in each region) / Nov 14th / Working group
Start collecting and reviewing tools
(each member will have a max of 4 tools to review) / Nov 17 – 28th / Working group / Weekly calls with group or individuals for trouble shooting/experience sharing
Group members share compiled table to the group / Dec 1st / Working group / 2 weeks
Exchange tables among group members for review / Dec 5th / Working group / 1 week to provide comments/inputs
A group call to review a compiled table with all the individual / Dec 12th / Feven
Share complied table with HQ team (Emily, Diana, colleen, Lotte, CW?) / Dec 17th / Feven / Discuss next steps, sharing, learning etc
Share the compiled table widely / Dec 28th / Mariela/Feven / Consult Chris