Fall 2013 Transition and Vocational Planning

OASIS-3: Aptitude Survey and Interest Schedule

Purpose: To “encourage self-exploration, vocational exploration, and career development.” A student’s score can help them navigate over 12,000 different job options in the US

Who: 8th grade- college

What: Two parts: Aptitude Survey and Interest Schedule

Aptitude Survey has sections: Vocabulary, Computation, Spatial Relations, Word Comparison, and Making Marks

Training: 1) take the aptitude survey and interest schedule 2) Discuss reactions 3) Anticipate potential difficulties and how problems will be handled

Administration: 1) Ratio should be at maximum, 1 administrator to 30 examinees

2) Each examinee needs two sharp pencils, one piece of scratch paper, a Student Booklet, and an answer sheet

3) No calculators, dictionaries, or other aids are permitted to take this test

Time: 35 minutes total- a stopwatch is nice to have, but a watch or clock with a second hand is adequate- all sections are timed

Aptitude Survey:

1. Hand out answer sheet and pencils

2. Read bold prompt “Completing Personal Information on Answer Sheets” from page 6 of manual

3. Check for proper completion of answer sheet and when done, hand out Student Booklet and scratch paper- read bold “Completing Both Answer Sheets” on page 7

4. Proceed with Vocabulary, Computation, Spatial Relations, Word Comparison, then Making Marks, reading the bold prompts in the manual for each sections. These sections are all timed.

Vocabulary- 9 minutes, Computation- 12 minutes, Spatial Relations- 8 minutes, Word Comparison- 5 minutes, Making Marks- 30 seconds each

Scoring: 3-5 minutes per student

-raw score is the number of correct items

-if any multiple-choice item has more than one, it is wrong

-Making Marks- count boxes that have three OR more lines in it- do not count a box with two or fewer lines

-have one other person check your scoring

-Record raw scores in Section I and compute the General Ability Score by adding the raw scores for Vocabulary and Computation

-Use Appendix A to find percentiles, you can skip Stannine and plotting scores

Interpretation: read “General Guidelines for Interpretation” on page 12 (be sensitive, don’t defend the results, open doors vs.closing doors, ask for student reaction)

Interest Schedule (approximately 30 minutes)

  1. Hand out the Student Answer Sheet and read the bolded directions under “Completing Personal Information: Hand Scored…” from page 6 in the Interest Schedule manual
  2. After they are done filling out the answer sheet, hand out the Student Booklet and read the bolded directions under “Completing Both Answer Sheets” on page 6
  3. This part is not timed, but encourage students to finish within 45 minutes


  1. count the number of “L”’s and “N”’s in each row on the “Student Answer Sheet”
  2. Now, transfer that information to the “Scoring Form”
  3. Transfer raw score totals from “Scoring Form” to the “Student Profile” in Section I
  4. Use Table A.1 for group norms and A.2 and A.3 female and male norms

Combining Aptitude and Interest Schedule

1. In the Interpretive Workbook, read the teal box on the top of page 3.

*Basically, the student is transferring their Aptitude ratings by circling the corresponding number to the percentage score from the Aptitude schedule

2. Now, transfer these six numbers to the bottom and cut off the strip

3. Use the strip to compare scores to the Required Aptitude on the following pages.

4. Start with the pages that they have Very High or High interest in and check the boxes on the left that match or are higher than the required aptitude. For example, if a Chemist requires a “1” in General Ability, but the student has a “2”, don’t mark the box.

5. On the back of the Interpretive Workbook, the Summary Worksheet read the directions out loud. This page is a summary of their results.

6. Books and websites are below for further explanation. A good place to start is the Occupational Outlook Handbook website. Have them type a potential job into the top right-hand corner search field

EUPISD revised August 2013