Instructor: Shana Martin, MBA Section: 21281



Required Text:

Daft/Marcic (2013, 2011) Understanding Management 8e, South-Western CENGAGE Learning. Students are required to purchase Aplia. Purchasing options include:


The bookstore is selling the hard copy book packaged with the Aplia access. They also rent the textbook but if you choose this option, you will need to purchase the Apliaaccesscard as well from them or from the publisher. It is $112 and includes the eBook.


The publisher, Cengage, sells the same package (hard copy book and Aplia access card). Contact Cengage:


Students can purchase access to Aplia (always includes the ebook) for less money directly at:

Course Delivery:This is a 16-week course meeting Tuesday nights from 6:30 pm- 9:40 pm. All assignments and exams are to be completed through Aplia. Please check Aplia before class each Tuesday night for last-minute announcements!

Aplia Resources

Student FAQ's:

Your Aplia Access codeis:65NG-R4DD-3ART

Course Learning Objectives

Students will learn basic management principles and be able to apply them to both private and public sectors of the workplace in times of uncertainty. After this course, students should be able to

  1. Identify and analyze the characteristics of successful managers and organizations.
  2. List the roles, responsibilities, and skills required of managers in today’s changing organizations.
  3. Identify the environmental conditions and pressures facing today’s managers and organizations.
  4. Evaluate appropriate methods for planning, organizing, influencing and controlling for organizational effectiveness.
  5. Identify the tools and techniques used by management scientists.
  6. Discuss the process of decision-making and compareindividual and group decision-making.
  7. Define the planning function in terms of managerial responsibilities and decisions.
  8. Discuss the relationships between the planning and organizing functions.
  9. Comparespecific techniques that are used to bring about structural, people and technological changes.
  10. Identify the main factors that affect quality and the manager’s role in controlling quality.

Contacting me outside of class

Email me at if you have any questions outside of class. Please Do NOT leave me a voicemail message; I do not check my voicemail so you will not get a response.

E-mails need to be polite and respectful. I do NOT respond to e-mails I perceive as rude, irreverent, or grammatically incorrect (this includes poor organization of thought, spelling errors, typos, and more.) Do NOT e-mail me questions that are 1) in the syllabus and/or have already been addressed in class or in an announcement I have posted in Aplia, 2) questions that you can answer by being resourceful (meaning resources have already been provided to you) and/or 3)anything else that is outside of the scope of this course. If you do not receive a response from me within 48 hours, that means your question falls into one of the aforementioned categories.

Important information about coursework and grades

Trying to negotiate a higher grade in the class is not acceptable. Do not try to negotiate submitting assignments late, completing extra credit assignments, or taking an incomplete to make up for missing work. Do not request that I make special considerations for you – a waste of both of our time. If you are unable to keep up with the pace of the course and the coursework required, drop the class before the deadline. Your grade will be determined by your careful attention to deadlines in addition to the quality of your work!


All assignments must be submitted via Apliaby the deadline to receive credit. If you miss class, you are responsible for checking Aplia for any and all assignments. Please do not come to me with excuses.


There is one midterm and one final in this course. Both exams will be delivered via Aplia. Please check the syllabus for the dates the exams will be available. Please note that if you experience any technical difficulties, there is no guarantee that you will have an opportunity to retake the exam. Only if Cengage can verify that there was a technical problem on their end will I make arrangements for you to retake the exam. Make sure you have a reliable Internet connection while taking exams. If you do not have a reliable connection at home, I highly recommend that you take the exams for this class on campus. Please note thatin my four years of teaching online, Internet disruptions have been extremely rare and will not be accepted as an excuse for not taking/finishing an exam!


Participation means contributing regularly to class/group discussions. Read chapters before class and come prepared for discussion. In addition, each week, students will bring in an article on business or management in the recent news (sources should be from publications like Harvard Business Review blog, Fast Company, BusinessWeek, Digiday, Mashable, Ad Age, Wall Street Journal, OC Register, LA Times, or other prominent newspapers). Each student will present his/her article at a designated time during the semester. So we can all read the article, students will need to tweet the URL or a PDF of it to the hashtag #OCCAppliedManagement. Participation is 25% of your grade!

Attendance & Punctuality

Due to the subject matter and interactive format of this class, it is critical to attend each class. In the business world, if you miss work, you notify your boss in advance. I expect the same courtesy. If you miss more than two classes it may adversely affect your grade. It is your responsibility to drop this course!

Class begins:Promptly at 6:30 p.m.

Class ends:Promptly at 9:40 p.m.

Late arrival/early departure: Habitual behavior in this area will adversely affect your grade.

Extra Credit

There is one extra credit assignment worth 25 points. Please refer to the assignment schedule of the syllabus for details.

Electronic Devices

All cell phones, PDA’s (Blackberry’s), pagers and the like must be turned off before class begins.


None permitted in class.


OCC Academic Honesty Policy will be strongly enforced. Plagiarism, cheating, and any other form of academic dishonesty are not tolerated and may result in a failed grade, suspension, or expulsion. For details, please see the OCC Handbook.

Special Needs

Please notify me if you have any special classroom requirements, and I will give my best effort to accommodate your needs.

Syllabus Disclaimer

The syllabus is a general guideline for the course and is subject to change at my discretion.

Grading Percentage of grade

Assignments/Problem Sets20%

Discussion/Participation 25%

Midterm Exam15%

Final Exam20%

Group Project20%

Total possible without Extra Credit100%

Extra Credit2%

Total possible with Extra Credit102%






60 and belowF

Course Schedule

Week of / Topics / Reading
Week 1 / Innovation for Turbulent Times / Make sure you have registered for Aplia. See “Aplia” section in the syllabus for details
Read: Chapter 1
Review: PowerPoint Chapter 1
Problem Sets: Take Problem Set for Chapter 1 (due Sunday 9/15)
In class
Discussion: Intro to the course
Ethical Dilemma: Can Management Afford to Look the Other Way?
Case for Critical Analysis: Elektra Products, Inc.
Videos: Camp Bow Wow; In Good Company
Week 2 / The Environment and Corporate Culture / Read: Chapter 2
Review: PowerPoint Chapter 2
Problem Sets: Take Problem Set for Chapter 2 (due Sunday 9/15)
In class
Discussion: Student takeaways, student article(s)
Ethical Dilemma: Competitive Intelligence Predicament
Case for Critical Analysis: Rio Grande Supply Company
Videos: Camp Bow Wow; Charlie Wilson’s War
Week 3 / Managing in a Global Environment / Read: Chapter 3
Review: PowerPoint Chapter 3
Problem Sets: Take Problem Set for Chapter 3 (due Sunday 9/15 )
In class
Discussion: Student takeaways, student article(s), assign groups for Group Project
Ethical Dilemma: AH Biotech
Case for Critical Analysis: Shui Fabrics
Videos: Holden Outerwear; Lost in Translation
Week 4 / Managerial Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility / Read: Chapter 4
Review: PowerPoint Chapter 4
Problem Sets: Take Problem Set for Chapter 4 (due Sunday 9/22 )
In class
Discussion: Student takeaways
Ethical Dilemma: Should We Go Beyond the Law?
Case for Critical Analysis: Empress Luxury Lines
Group Projects
Videos: Theo Chocolate; The Emperor’s Club
Week 5 / Managerial Planning and Goal Planning / Read: Chapter 5
Review: PowerPoint Chapter 5
Problem Sets: Take Problem Set for Chapter 5 (due Sunday 9/29 )
In class
Discussion: Student takeaways
Ethical Dilemma: Inspire Learning Corporation
Case for Critical Analysis: Nielson Media Research
Videos: Modern Shed; Inside Man
Guest speaker: Danny Murphy, former Director of Finance at Sage Software, Realtor
Week 6 / Managerial Decision Making / Read: Chapter 6
Review: PowerPoint Chapter 6
Problem Sets: Take Problem Set for Chapter 6due Sunday 10/6)
In class
Discussion: Student takeaways
Ethical Dilemma: The No-Show Consultant
Case for Critical Analysis: Who Gets the Project?
Group Projects
Videos: Plant Fantasies; Failure to Launch
Week 7 / Designing Adaptive Organizations / Read: Chapter 7
Review: PowerPoint Chapter 7
Problem Sets: Take Problem Set for Chapter 7 (due Sunday 10/13)
In class
Discussion: Student takeaways
Ethical Dilemma: A Matter of Delegation
Case for Critical Analysis: FMB&T
Group Projects
Videos: Modern Shed; Rendition
Guest speaker – Meredith Sewell, Director of Global Affairs Publishing, Allergan
Week 8 / Managing Change and Innovation / Read: Chapter 8
Review: PowerPoint Chapter 8
Problem Sets: Take Problem Set for Chapter 8 (due Sunday 10/20)
In class
Discussion: Student takeaways, student business article
Ethical Dilemma: Crowdsourcing
Case for Critical Analysis: Southern Discomfort
Group Projects
Mid-term Study Guide
Videos: Holden Outerwear; Field of Dreams
Week 9 / Managing Human Resources and Diversity / Read: Chapter 9
Review: PowerPoint Chapter 9
Problem Sets: Take Problem Set for Chapter 9 (due Sunday 10/27)
In class
Discussion: Student takeaways
Ethical Dilemma: Sunset Prayers
Case for Critical Analysis: Commonwealth Worldwide Chauffered Transportation
Group Projects
Videos: Barcelona Restaurant Group; Played
***Midterm available in Aplia 10/22 – 10/26
(90 minutes to complete; covers chapters 1-8)
Week 10 / Dynamics of Behavior in Organizations / Read: Chapter 10
Review: PowerPoint Chapter 10
Problem Sets: Take Problem Set for Chapter 10 (due Sunday 11/3)
In class
Discussion: Student takeaways
Ethical Dilemma: Should I Fudge The Numbers?
Case for Critical Analysis: Reflex Systems
Group Projects
Videos: Mitchell Gold & Bob Williams; Because I Said So
Week 11 / Leadership / Read: Chapter 11
Review: PowerPoint Chapter 11
Problem Sets: Take Problem Set for Chapter 11 (due Sunday 11/10)
In class
Group Alliant Insurance Services, Inc.
Ethical Dilemma: Too Much of a Good Thing?
Case for Critical Analysis: Mountain West Health Plans, Inc.
Videos: Camp Bow Wow; Doomsday
Guest Speaker: John McLoughlin First Vice President, Senior Operations Manager Employee Benefits
Week 12 / Motivating Employees / Read: Chapter 12
Review: PowerPoint Chapter 12
Problem Sets: Take Problem Set for Chapter 12 (due Sunday 11/17)
In class
Discussion: Student takeaways
Ethical Dilemma: To Renege or Not to Renege?
Case for Critical Analysis: Kimbel’s Department Store
Group Projects
Videos: Living Social Escapes; Friday Night Lights (1)
Week 13 / Managing Communication / Read: Chapter 13
Review: PowerPoint Chapter 13
Problem Sets: Take Problem Set for Chapter 13 (due Sunday 11/24)
In class
Discussion: Student takeaways
Ethical Dilemma: On Trial
Case for Critical Analysis: Hunter-Worth
Videos: Plant Fantasies; Friday Night Lights (II)
Week 14 / Leading Teams / Read: Chapter 14
Review: PowerPoint Chapter 14
Problem Sets: Take Problem Set for Chapter 14 (due Sunday 12/1)
In class
Discussion: Student takeaways
Ethical Dilemma: One for All and All for One?
Case for Critical Analysis: Calgary Oil Shale Technologies, Inc.
Group Project Presentations
Videos: Holden Outerwear; Welcome Home, Roscoe Jenkins
Week 15
Last class – potluck! / Managing Quality and Performance / Read: Chapter 15 & Appendix A (Small Business Start-ups
Review: PowerPoint Chapter 15
Problem Sets: Take Problem Set for Chapter 15 (due Sunday 12/8)
In class
Discussion: Student takeaways
Ethical Dilemma: The Wages of Sin?
Case for Critical Analysis: Lincoln Electric
Final Study Guide
Videos: Barcelona Restaurant Group; In Bruges
No class this week! / Final Exam
Available in Aplia from 12/10to 12/13
(120 minutes to complete; Cumulative, heavy on ch 9-15/Appendix A!)