April 2013


Acknowledgement of Export Compliance

Foreign Visitor – Access Required

As a UCAR visitor, by signing this agreement, you acknowledge and agree to the following:

(a) You are required to comply with all UCAR policies and procedures, including UCAR Policy 3-6: Access to and Use of Computer and Information Systems and Export Policy 1-6. See http://www.fin.ucar.edu/polpro/

(b) Although much of UCAR’s work is fundamental research that is openly shared, access to certain export controlled items and technical data is prohibited without an approved license or documented exception. You will not be given access to any export controlled items or technical data, unless there is a mutually agreed upon need and an approved license or documented exception. You understand that you may be subject to termination of your visitor status and criminal penalties under United States laws and regulations for unauthorized access to export controlled items or technical data.

(c) You agree that if you are given access to any export controlled items or technical data under an approved license or documented exception, that such export controlled items or technical data will not be re-exported, transferred, or disclosed to any foreign country or foreign person, including foreign person residing in the U.S., and that your research is not for military or defense purposes.

(d) If requested, you agree to assist UCAR in responding to any inquiries, investigations and actions arising out of questions regarding export compliance, related to any area that you are working in while at UCAR.

Please circle any statement with which you cannot agree, and return this form

unsigned to your UCAR host or contact. Otherwise, please sign below.

Visitor Signature:______Date: ______

Printed Name: ______

Institution: ______

Lab/Division: ______Visit Coordinator Name: ______

Visit Dates: ______Visit Sponsor Name: ______

Please return this completed form to the Visit Coordinator.

Questions about this form should be directed to:

UCAR Export Compliance Manager

David Sundvall

