ECSCA FTC MINUTES – March 5, 2013 – 7:10 p.m. CST
Present: Kim Wiley (Chair/Mid-West), Joe DeMarkis (At-Large), Buck Grabowski (South),
Barbara Defalco (West), Robert Griffin (At-Large),
Guests – Rod Beck
Absent: Terry Oliver (East), John Dartt (At-Large), Sue Rose (guest}
The agenda was reviewed. The agenda was approved as read.
Unfinished business:
A. Rod Beck updated the committee on the 2013 NCC. The host club has been assured by the local Convention Business Bureau, that there will be adequate hotel accommodations at the time the NCC is held. Hundreds of new units are in the process of being built at this time.
John Hunke (2013 NCC treasurer) has started collecting money from series sponsors. So far four of the six series have been paid. The NCC committee is in the process of meeting to talk about patron gifts, and collection of silent auction items. They have contacted Beretta, Benelli, and Purina, to ask if they could help out.
Robin Putnam is working with a local printer on the catalogs.
B. NCC 2014 update: Joe Demarkis has secured the Hill & Dale Hunt Club for the grounds.
He is proposing October 22nd through 25th, or the 29th through the 31st, for the dates for the upcoming 2014 NCC. Both weekends are non-Penn State football weekends which will allow for adequate lodging.
There is a new Comfort Inn & Suites available as a possible headquarters hotel. He is still looking for a banquet facility that can accommodate up to 120 people.
C. Springer/Cocker survey: The results were reviewed and will be sent out with the minutes. The FTC will vote at the April FTC meeting to either table this at this time due to the responses or move forward with a proposal to the ECSCA board.
D. NCC payment/receipt protocol: The ECSCA Board felt that it was important that we develop a guideline for NCC financial payments with the help of Karen Spurlin (ECSCA treasurer). Karen sent Kim information that is used for the National Specialty as a guideline. It was modified and presented and approved by the FTC to be put in the “How to Run and NCC” document. It will be sent to Karen for feedback before being sent to the ECSCA board for approval.
New Business;
ECSCA FTC mission document has been updated regarding voting as follows;
Addition to page 9 (at the bottom)
1) Regional Representatives who move from one region to another: a) shall be considered as resigning/vacating their position
b) The position will remain vacant until the next election period if less than 4 months remain in the Representative's term or until the next election period
c) a special election to fill the position will be conducted, if more than 4 months remain in the vacated position term.
2) Persons moving or changing to a different residence in a different FTC geographical region shall be considered living in that new region when an address change is posted with the ECSCA Secretary or Treasurer. This address change must be received by the ECSCA Secretary or Treasurer within 45 days of new permanent residency.
3) Persons having more than one residence will vote in the region of the address that is recorded with their ECSCA membership.
This will be forwarded to the ECSCA Board for approval.
Adjournment: 8:02 p.m.
Our next meeting will be April 2nd, 7:00pm CST
Respectfully submitted by
Barbara Defalco