In April 2014 the CCG launched a blood pressure campaign in Stockport Town Centre. The campaign continued throughout 2014 in workplace settings.
The broad aims of the campaign were to:
- Reduce the number of people between 40-74 who do not have a recorded blood pressure reading (in the past 5 years)
- Raise awareness of the FREE blood pressure check for those aged 40 – 74
- Raise awareness of the importance of knowing your blood pressure
- Raise awareness of the associated risks
- Raise awareness of the associated preventative measures such as diet and exercise.
Over the course of the campaign 1794 blood pressures were taken.
- 432 people were found to have Stage 1 hypertension
- 115 people were found to have Stage 2 hypertension
- 25 people were hypertensive emergencies
All of these people were advised on lifestyle changes and/or asked to contact their practice for an appointment.
Everyone who had the check received a card with their recorded blood pressures, a leaflet about blood pressure and lifestyle advice.
With the persons permission the results were sent to the GP practices to upload. There is work underway to check whether these have been uploaded to the systems with the practices along with a more detailed review of the outcomes.Whether the data has had an impact on the QOF will not be known in full until November 2014.
Feedback from people receiving the test was very positive. Taking the test to people rather than them having to go to their GP practice seemed to be the main advantage. Many people with high blood pressure did not have any idea and most said that they would visit their GP. Initial evidence is that people have been doing this.
The overall costs of the campaign were:
Outdoor media (billboards, bus rears, petrol pump nozels etc) / £19,391Materials, display and venue / £7,872
Other targeted activity / £2,400
Backfill for use of practice nurses – Cost ranges from £44 - £80 per half day session. / £2,000 (approx.)
Total / £31,663
Any further costs incurred to continue the work would be for the nurse time and any advertising which could be kept to a very low cost. There would be no further outlay required for materials or props. The lifestyle nurse from Stockport NHS Foundation Trust worked on many of the sessions as part of her work and it is hoped that this could continue.
Hypertension campaign media coverage
DateApr 14 / Media / Headline/subject / Rating
6 April / Pure FM / Why checking your BP is vital / Positive
14 April / Imagine FM / Well Point Kiosks are here – so use them / Positive
14 April / Pure FM / Well Point Kiosks are here – so use them / Positive
17 April / Imagine FM / Hypertension campaign launch / Positive
23 April / Stockport Exp / Health chiefs address blood pressure rise / Positive
23 April / Stockport Exp / Check yourself at new kiosks in borough / Positive
28 April / Imagine FM / Hypertension roadshow in Mersey Way / Positive
28 April / Pure FM / Hypertension roadshow in Mersey Way / Positive
30 April / Stockport Exp / Hypertension roadshow in Mersey Way / Positive
May 14 / Media / Headline/subject / Rating
1 May / Stockport Times / Kiosks could be life savers / Positive
1 May / Stockport Times / Campaign on blood pressure / Positive
9 May / Imagine FM / Blood pressure check success / Positive
12 May / Pure FM / Blood pressure check success / Positive
June 14 / Media / Headline/subject / Rating
4 June / Stockport Exp / Blood pressure battle has campaign success / Positive
5 June / Stockport Times / Blood pressure battle has campaign success / Positive
12 June / Stockport Times / Tests help to fight a killer / Positive