Fax: 020 8375 1977
Tel: 020 8370 9079 / Chase Farm
Fax: 020 8375 1977
Tel: 020 8370 9079 / BHRUT
Fax:01708 435 074/ 01708 435 367
Tel: 01708 435 065 / Barts & London
Fax: 020 3594 3278
Tel: 020 7767 3333
Fax: 020 8510 7832
Tel: 020 8510 5099 / North Middlesex
Fax: 0208 887 2663/4
Tel: 0208 887 2662 / Newham
Fax: 020 7363 8818
Tel: 020 7363 8817 / Princess Alexandra
Fax: 01279 827 171
Tel: 01279 827 550
Royal Free
Fax: 020 7433 2950
Tel: 020 7443 9757 / UCLH
Fax: 020 3447 9932
Tel: 020 3447 9599 / Whipps Cross
Fax: 020 8928 8836Tel: 020 8535 6856 / Whittington
Fax: 020 7288 5621/3793
Tel: 020 7288 3070
PATIENT DETAILS (Please complete in block capitals) / GP DETAILS(Please complete in block capitals)
Forename: Surname:
Post code:
Date of Birth://
Sex: M F
NHS Number:
Has the patient previously visited the hospital?
Hospital Number:
Interpreter required: Y N Language: / Date referral sent:
Name of referrer:
Post code:
Phone number:
Fax number:
IMPORTANT: To be able to contact the patient within 48 hours of referral (day and evening), please provide patients preferred contact phone details / Home:
REFERRAL INFORMATION (Must be completed)
Macroscopic Visible Haematuria without UTI
Persistent/Recurrent UTI, with Haematuria >40 years
Unexplained Non Visible Microscopic Haematuria age >40 years (1+ dips or more not trace)
Palpable renal masses or suspicious renal masses on radiological imaging
Date & type of imaging performed:
Swelling in the body of the Testis – suspicious of cancer i.e. not varicocele/epid cysts
Previously Undescended Testicle
Has U/S been performed?
If yes, provide date and state where:
A high PSA in men with clinically malignant prostate or bone pain, or unexplained urological symptoms.
PSA Values & date of PSA tests:
Asymptomatic with age specific raised PSA in men with negative MSU
PSA value & date of PSA test:
If PSA borderline, repeat in 1-3 months
If PSA rising, refer
Suspected Penile Cancer
U and E Blood Test (Date and Result):
Family History of cancer including age of their diagnosis:
Any other relevant symptoms not covered by the guidelines:
I confirm that I have discussed the possibility with the patient that the diagnosis may be cancer


If you wish to discuss any clinical issues regarding the two week wait referral please contact:

Barnet and Chase Farm Hospital / Tel: 020 8216 4795
Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust / Cancer Referrals Office
Tel: 01708 435065
Barts and the London Hospital / Urology Clinical Nurse Specialist/MDT Coordinator
Tel via switchboard: 02034165000 ex158565
Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust / Ms Jhumur Pati, Consultant Urological Surgeon
Tel:020 8510 7522
Mr Vinod Nargund, Consultant Urological Surgeon
Tel:020 8510 7522
NewhamUniversityHospital / Mr Frank Chinegwundoh;Consultant Urologist
Tel:020 7363 8227
Mr Turk; Consultant Urologist
Tel:020 7363 8227
PrincessAlexandraHospital NHS Trust / Fast Track Office
Tel:01279 827 550
Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust / David Cullen, CNS
Tel: 020 77940500 ext. 38059
Urology Consultant of the Week via MDT Co-ordinators:
Tel: 020 7794 0500 ext 36759 or bleep 2379
UniversityCollegeLondon NHS Foundation Trust / Prof John Kelly, Prof Mark Emberton and Mr Suks Minhas (penile cancer) via Simon EvansUrology MDT Coordinator
Tel: 020 3447 7427
WhippsCrossUniversityHospital / Mr Prasad PatkiandMiss Jhumur Pati
Tel: 0203 5942664
The WhittingtonHospital NHS Trust / Mr Maneesh Ghei
Lead Cancer Clinician
(Via Secretary)Janice Bruce:
Tel: 020 7288 5223.
Tel: 020 7288 5252 ext. 5772

London Cancer 2wwUrology referral form

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