Application Form for a License to Develop and/or Operate the Export Processing Zone

Name of the Applicant
Full Address of the headquarters
Requested mailing address (if not the same as above)
Tel. No.
Fax No.
Contact person name
Tel. No.
Fax No.
Note: The Contact person should be an authorized and credentialed signatory of the Applicant under its corporate documents.
Name/title/address/phone number/email of:
-The Directors/Managers
-The members of the Board
-The Chairman of the Board
-The CEO
-The officers of the company/persons entitled to sign on behalf of the company
Name/title/address/phone number/email of:
-The Partners or Shareholders with nationality and the percentage of each one’s participation
Amount and banking details of the paid-in Corporate Capital
Amount of the committed Corporate Capital
Amount of the Authorized Corporate Capital Amount of the Reserves
Annual reports for the past three years
Amount of the current assets and debts
Previous bankruptcies if any
Criminal activity or previous bankruptcies of current board members
Note: Copies of supporting documents should be attached.
Means of financing for the project proposed for location within a Zone
Legal Nature of the Applicant (i.e. limited liability company, partnership, etc., including jurisdiction and applicable registration numbers and dates)
Note: Copies of constitutive and registration documents to be annexed by Applicant.
Purpose of the Application:
-Develop a Zone
-Operate a Zone
-Develop and Operate a Zone
Note: Tick the relevant category.
Location and area (in hectares) of the Special Economic Zone (EPZ) or of the contemplated area in the Special Economic Zone, including any required characteristics or specifications of the required land. If a specific plot is being proposed or requested, details on the legal status of the land in question.
Note: Attach as many additional pages as an Annex to this Application as are required to provide a full answer.
Proposed purposes of the Special Economic Zone (i.e. multi-use, single use) and proposed sectors (industry, tourism, agriculture etc.)
Proposed activity of the Applicant
Whether the Applicant owns, leases or intends to purchase or lease the Zone Land
Total amount of the proposed investment within the Zone, and breakdown of the nature of the proposed investment
Projected sustainable employment from the investment, including approximate calendar of job creation
We hereby undertake to abide by the provisions of the Zones Law, its Regulations, all applicable Law of the Republic of Rwanda, and any other condition which may be stipulated in contracts and licenses we freely enter into in respect of the proposed investment. We hereby declare that the information contained in this Application and the above statements are true and correct to the best of our knowledge. We fully understand that any Zone License granted to us on the basis of this application may be lawfully cancelled, revoked or suspended by SEZAR and is subject to such other lawful action as may be deemed appropriate by the Authority under the Zones Law and Regulations, in particular if any of the statements included in this application or in the documents attached are incorrect or false.
Signature of Applicant
Name of the authorized legal signatory
Title of the legal representative signing
Official seal stamp
Note: Attach copy of the authorizing instrument

Required Documents

Corporate Documents

(1)Copy of certificate of incorporation

(2)Articles of Incorporation/Bylaws/Memorandum of Association

(3)Instrument of appointment of current board members, chairman and CEO

(4)Legal instrument setting the signatory rights

(5)List of shareholders with respective shareholding

(6)Corporate instrument authorizing the investment in the Zone (i.e. shareholders’ resolution, board resolution, etc.)

Documents and information required if the application is for obtaining a Developer/Operator License

(1)Applicant Financial statements for the last 3 years

(2)Verified financial resources and funding plans for the proposed Zone activity

(3)Proof of technical capacity and previous experience of the Applicant with Zones or other large-scale real estate projects and infrastructure

(4)A business plan, market demand analysis, cost-benefit analysis, preliminary feasibility study detailing the development, operation, and maintenance of the specific Zone, including the design, construction, and provision of Infrastructure and other Assets, a forecast or projected demand in terms of sectors and number of companies from each sector projected to invest in the zone, an environmental and social impact assessment, and an evaluation and assessment for the provision of low carbon energy;

(5)A concept master development plan for the proposed Zone, including land-use, zoning, and any urban plans;

(6)Quality and size of the Infrastructure facilities that the Applicant intends to have constructed, including all On-Site and if any, Off-Site Infrastructure, together with cost estimates and environmental measures used;

(7)Proposed timeframe to commence and complete the design and construction of the planned Zone and Infrastructure, including phased development schedules and minimum development obligations during such phases;

(8)Statement that the subject land area and Zone planning and construction comply with all applicable land, planning, construction, and public works laws that are not otherwise inconsistent with the Zones Law and the Executive Regulations;

(9)Audited balance sheets;

(10)An action plan including the proposed timeframe to commence and complete the design and construction of the planned economic zone and Infrastructure, including phased development schedules and minimum development obligations during such phases.

(11)Proposed amenities such as child care.

(12)Anticipated government participation;

(13)Appropriateness of the site to the proposed uses in the submitted Site Development Master-Plans;

(14)Description of the Applicant’s activities within or outside Rwanda;

(15)Relevant draft developer and operator agreements; and

(16)Any other document or information that SEZAR deems suitable to protect the public interest, health, safety, and welfare of Rwanda provided such factor is clearly published and applicable to all Developer or Operator applications.

(17)Developer/operator license: USD 2500 payable once as provided by ministerial order N0:

Corner Blvd. De l’Umuganda (Airport Rd) & Nyarutarama Road, P.O. Box 6239, Gishushu, Kigali, Rwanda: