St John’s Angell Town CE Primary School Development Plan 2014-15: LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT
1. Objective / 2. Success Criteria / 3. Key Levers & Actions / 4. Time / Staff / Milestones / 5. Budgets / Resources / 6. Evaluation & ReviewTo increase the effectiveness of the Governors’ monitoring and evaluation procedures so that, through additional challenge and support, pupil outcomes are raised in all subjects across (the new) curriculum. / The Governing Body will be highly effective in monitoring and evaluating the school’s impact on increasing pupil outcomes beyond the core subjects.
They will be ready to apply the revised appraisal and pay policy.
Performance will be linked to school priorities and pay will be linked to performance. / 1. Designate strategic curriculum roles and responsibilities throughout the governing body, following a skill set audit.
2. Governors have a curriculum area of responsibility and meet termly with the subject leader.
3. Identify key documentation required for governors to complete, key evaluative tasks at key times during the year that will impact on standards in each area of the curriculum.
4. Complete evaluative tasks identified providing accountability, challenge and support for the HT.
5. Revised appraisal/ pay policies outline the criteria and evidence which will be used and the pay structure within the minimum and maximum pay awards for each grade and level of responsibility.
6. Revised performance management statements relate to the teacher/leadership standards and link to school priorities. / Governor audit
Annual timetable for key tasks & docs
Governor Data
M&E – Autumn Term
a) HT Objectives for Performance Management (Sep)
b) RonL Analysis & actions required (Oct)
c) Y5/Y6 target setting (Nov)
d) Assessment outcome/ tracking (Dec) / Governors
Subject leaders / Red - not achieved
Amber –
partly achieved
Green – achieved
Review SDP at the end of each half term with the SLT
Evaluate against success criteria
Agree priority actions, outcomes and meetings for next half term
1. Have the actions been completed?
2. Have the actions been effective – have the success criteria been achieved?
3. What needs to be done now to achieve the success criteria?
4. How can the issue be prevented from happening again?
5. Have the new procedures been embedded in practice?
To implement the new SEND code of practice so that the high provision; through identification, assessment and interventions are developed further. / The new SEND code of practise will be implemented across the school, resulting in a highly efficient and effective provision for SEND pupils. / 1. Implement the new SEND code of practice into school, amending policy, procedures and practice.
2. Disseminate to all staff, reviewing and agreeing new practice.
3. Review and revise SEND practice within school.
4. Monitor and evaluate, formulating actions to improve the progress and attainment of SEND pupils. / IOE
Update and implement new practice incorporating staff training
Monitoring and evaluation / Training time
To manage the next stage in the transition of the school into a 3 form entry school.
Succession planning structure firmly in place / Curriculum provision, standards and progress continue the upward trend despite the move to a new curriculum & temporary accommodation.
Building development timeframe/finances going to plan.
Shadow structure in place, following consultation. / 1. Subject leaders’ observations; scrutiny of work, environment and planning result in action plans that ensure 100% teaching is at least good and that the vast majority is better across school/subjects.
2. EYFS all pupils make expected progress or better from their starting points in all areas of development in the new framework.
3. Coaching and mentoring rota embedded.
4. Timeline and finance release in place for building construction.
5. Regular site meetings with stakeholders to ensure each stage going to plan. / Curriculum leaders’ meetings
Review of action plans
Curriculum logs / DCF devolved capital monies
Build. and maint revenue
Targeted Basic needs grant L/A top up
Project Manager
Consultant HT
Governors LA
1. Objective / 2. Success Criteria / 3. Key Levers & Actions / 4. Time / Staff / Milestones / 5. Budgets / Resources / 6. Evaluation & Review
To further develop the role of the SLT/middle leaders in school so they have an increasingly positive impact on raising standards across the school from the onset of the delivery of the new curriculum.
At least 95% making expected progress and 35% making more than expected progress for all year groups/groups/subjects; especially: boys, EAL, SEN, writing and maths. / Subject leaders and the new Assistant Headteacher will have defined roles and responsibilities with regard to assessment, tracking and monitoring; resulting in increased impact on raising standards across the school through focussed half termly action plans with built in time scales.
Government/local guidelines will be used to support the transition to a system without levels. / 1. Regular SLT meetings to mentor subject leaders by completing specific tasks each week that impact on standards and model effective evaluation.
2. Monitor feedback from observations, scrutiny of pupils work, planning and assessments of subject areas to ensure incisive evaluation is focussed on impacting on pupils’ attainment and progress.
3. Subject leaders to meet with designated class teachers who require improvement for regular line management/ pupil progress meetings.
4. Subject leaders will take increased responsibility for standards by analysis and monitoring of standards through assessment, tracking and the use of progress meetings.
5. Refine and embed the subject leader procedures as part of the annual management cycle for SLT, measuring the impact of actions on pupil outcomes.
6. Recruitment of new teachers and TAs for new classes.
7. Creation of an Assistant Headteacher post.
8. Creation of a new assessment scheme by Sept. 2015. / Half-termly cycle of monitoring/ evaluation by SL, reported to SLT
Half termly pupil progress/attainment meetings
Performance management targets
Data analysis;
Work, planning & environmental scrutiny;
Provision mapping;
Tracking intervention
Staff survey analysis & action plan / Headteacher
Subject leaders
Class teachers
Governors’ curriculum committee
LA joint monitoring / Red - not achieved
Amber –
partly achieved
Green – achieved
Review SDP at the end of each half term with the SLT
Evaluate against success criteria
Agree priority actions, outcomes and meetings for next half term
1. Have the actions been completed?
2. Have the actions been effective – have the success criteria been achieved?
3. What needs to be done now to achieve the success criteria?
4. How can the issue be prevented from happening again?
5. Have the new procedures been embedded in practice?
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