General Horticulture
Course Syllabus
Course Number: 0146100
Burke County High School
Instructor: Mr. Felipe Pedraza Room: 510
Phone: 706-554-6691 Email:
Course Description: This course is designed to provide students with the basic skills and knowledge utilized by the green industry in nursery production and management and landscape design and management. Classroom and laboratory activities are supplemented through supervised agricultural experiences and leadership programs and activities.
Course Objectives: Students will apply basic biology, science, and business principles to the horticulture industry to demonstrate management techniques in greenhouse, nursery, turfgrass, and food crop production as well as floral and landscape design. Furthermore, students will properly use tools, equipment, electricity and irrigation utilized by the horticulture industry. Finally, students will exhibit selected competencies in leadership through the FFA and agricultural industry organizations as well as plan and manage a supervised agricultural experience program.
Course Requirements:
Ø Students will come to class prepared and develop, organize, and keep a notebook that provides an accurate representation of daily class activities.
Ø Students will enhance their communication skills through class presentations, participation with FFA Career Development Events, and through collaborative group assignments.
Ø Membership in the FFA is not required, but strongly advised. This is a co-curriculum course, meaning that FFA and the General Horticulture instruction will be taught in unison as covered by the Georgia Performance Standards for this course.
Ø Students will implement and maintain an active SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Program for the entire year.
Classroom Expectations:
1. Students will abide by the rules set forth in the student handbook. Please refer to the online Bear Facts Student Handbook.
2. Students must not disrupt class as disruptions hinder the learning of all students.
3. Students must bring a writing instrument, notebook paper, and notebook for class activities.
4. Students will be polite and courteous to others and the teacher.
5. Students are expected to stay seated and on task. Work ethics are stressed in this class and a daily participation grade will be given.
6. Students should follow directions while in labs. We will be working in our agricultural mechanics, biotechnology, and horticulture labs. It is imperative for your safety that you follow directions.
7. Do not throw or toss anything in the classroom.
8. Absolutely no GROOMING in class. (Brushing/combing hair, lotion, nails, applying make-up)
9. DO NOT SLEEP IN CLASS!!! If you insist upon doing so after a warning, you will be asked to stand in the back of the room to become more alert.
Consequences for Not Following Classroom Expectations:
1. Students will be issued a verbal warning.
2. Parent contact and contact with coach if applicable
3. Students will be dismissed from class and Burke County High School officials will then administer appropriate disciplinary measures.
MAKEUP POLICY: If a student misses a test, then he or she has five days to set up arrangements to make up any assignments. If the student does not make arrangements, then the assignment becomes an automatic (ZERO). The exception to this policy is if the student who is habitually absent then student will be informed of thire habit and will then make up the test the first day that he or she returns to class. Any other exceptions will be handled on an individual basis. Students will have two opportunities to improve their score on any assignment, if the students refuses to complete the assignment twice then they will receive ZERO and the score will not get changed due to board policy.
Tutoring Opportunities: I am available for tutoring EVERY morning and afternoon if an appointment is set up ahead of time.
Parent Note: Please make sure you REGULARLY check Parent Connect for continuous grade updates. If you are concerned about your child’s grades please call me, e-mail, or set up a conference with me. Our job together is to see to it that your child has the best opportunity to learn the information. When your child struggles with any information, they should see me immediately for clarification and or re-teaching. The ONLY way I know a student is having difficulty before the test is if they let me know!!! If you know of a special need your child has (like sitting in the front due to poor vision, not sitting by someone particular in class) please let me know as soon as possible so the issue may be addresses promptly. Please feel free to contact me yourself. We are after all a team for your child. I look forward to working successfully with you and your child in the coming months!!!
Guidelines for Determining Course Grade:
1st and 3rd Nine Weeks:
Formative Assessment 60% 1st Semester: December 2012
Summative Assessment 40% 2nd Semester: May 2013
100% 1st /2nd Nine Weeks Grades x .40=
3th /4th Nine Weeks Grades x .40=
Semester Exam grade x .20=
2nd and 4th Nine Weeks: = Semester Average
Formative Assessment 60% Semester 1 Average
Summative Assessment 40% +Semester 2 Average
100% = Final Grade
*** SAE record books will be graded on ledger and journal entries. Failure to complete either will result in loss of credit.
***Tuesdays and Fridays are generally lab days. Students will either be outside working in the greenhouse or on the grounds or completing a hands-on lab exercise in the classroom. Please dress to work. Students not participating in lab will be given a 0 for the day. If a makeup assignment is given, it will be graded using a rubric. The assignment cannot be done during class.
***Testing for all CTAE courses will take place on Wednesdays ONLY. Testing includes unit evaluations, major test, and project presentations. Quizzes and practice will not follow this policy.
Classroom Materials:
- 2” 3-ring binder
- Blue or black pens
- Pencils (#2 preferably)
- Colored pencils (multiple colors)
Topics to be Discussed
FFA and Leadership Media, Nutrients, and Fertilizers
Supervised Agricultural Experience Plant Growth Regulators
Programs Pest Management
Exploring the Horticulture Industry Greenhouse Structures
Achieving Success in Horticulture Growing crops in the greenhouse
Horticulture and the Environment Nursery Facilities
Plant Anatomy Producing Nursery Crops
Plant Propagation Floral Design
Landscape design
One of the fundamental principles of this school is that academic honesty and integrity are fundamental to the mission of higher education. While what constitutes in0class cheating (copying the work of others, unauthorized use of prepared notes, etc.) is often obvious to students, plagiarism merits further education.
Plagiarism is…
· Using someone else’s words or ideas without proper documentation
· Copying some portion of your text from another source without proper acknowledgement of indebtedness
· Borrowing another person’s specific ideas without documenting their source.
· Having another person correct or revise your work.
· Turning in a paper written by another person, from an essay “service,” or from a website (including reproductions of such essays or papers).
Anyone who plagiarizes in this class will be reported to the appropriate principal and will receive a zero for the assignment.
Signing this syllabus indicates
I understand what constitutes cheating;
I will ask my instructor if I have a questions regarding plagiarism;
I understand my responsibilities regarding this matter, and
I agree to abide by the above consequences should I intentionally cheat or plagiarize.
Note: Syllabus is subject to change upon necessary circumstances.
Student Print Name:_________________________________________________
Student’s Signature: _______________________________ Date: _____________
Parent’s Signature: ________________________________ Date: _____________
Teacher’s Signature:________________________________ Date:_____________
P.S. This course syllabus must be kept in the student’s notebook at all times. Students must be able to retrieve this document at any given time.