Sample Dashboard for Internal Communication and Management

Purpose: Dashboards display preselected *critical measures* of organizational performance and effectiveness. No two organizations are alike.

The measures to present on a dashboard should reflect strategy, goals and mission, not every workplan detail.

Color Key:GREEN = on track,YELLOW = concern/discussion needed, and RED = Immediate ACTION & closer monitoring.

How to Use: CREATE the categories annually. MONITOR MONTHLY at management level & QUARTERLY at Board level.

Key Work Areas / Measure* of Success or Impact / Annual Goal
FY 201x / 6 months Ago
(Date) / Actual Results
(Now YTD)
Program Outcomes(*Samples) / Expand programs to 5 new communities. / 5 / 5 / 7
Ordinance passes by x DATE, 2 cities / 2 / 1 / 2 passed!
80% Job retention at 24mos. / 80% / 72% / 78%
Conduct external stakeholder interviews to evaluate program effectiveness. / 35 interviews / n/a / 20 done,15 to go
Fund Development / Fundraising benchmarks for next FY on track / 75% grants for next FY committed by June 30 / 50% / 70%
Member renewal rate increases. / 70% / 65% / 82%
Development Director / ED have identified and are cultivating a list of at top prospects for major gifts. 2-3 annual contacts per donor. / #50 @ 3 contacts/year / 10, one contact/yr / 35, 2 contacts

Dashboards are helpful for Organizational Focus, Consistency and Transparency in Management, but INFORMED ACTION is the most important purpose.

Choose indicators* that are tied to your strategic goals and make sure your systems are set up to get that data easilyand regularly.

If you act on red flags, you can keep on keel in challenging times all organizations face.

Key Indicators / Measure of Success or Impact / Annual Goal
FY 201x / 6 months Ago
(Date) / Actual Results
(Now YTD)
Communications / Increase online visibility and website consistency. Build from 90k visitors to 120k / 120,000 unique visitors / 115,000 unique visitors / 145,000 unique visitors
Increase networking and visibility through participation in conferences. / Be on 4 panels or give workshops / 4 / 5
Sustainability – Working environ. / Staff take personal time off: No staff are > 75% of their maximum PTO allotment. / 0 / 15 staff
> 75% max PTO / 7 / 15 staff / 7 / 15 staff
Staff development project: Racial Justice workshop series / 4 workshops, 90% staff participate / On track 1st session / Completed, 85% participated
Governance / Organizational Well being / Increase participation in fundraising = all board members comply w/ “give or get” policy. / 100% / 75% / 75%
Recruit diverse new candidates for open seats. Goal of 51% aremember/beneficiaries. / 51% / 34% / 45 %
Finance/ Compliance / Audit and tax filings on time. / Audit March, 990 filed in May / Audit started late / 990 pending
Turnaround on monthly financial reports / 24 days after month end / 42 days / 25 days
Unrestricted reserves = 3 or more months of annual budget. / 3 months $540k / 2.7 months $486k / 2.7 months $486k

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GIFT 2010 Workshop Handout - Integrating Program, Fundraising and Financepage 1

Dashboard format adapted from La Piana Associates and BlueAvocado