Kilkivan Kindergarten

A.B.N. 91 025 326 854

4 Bligh St (PO Box 182) Kilkivan QLD 4600

Ph/Fax (07) 5484 1425

Tues, Wed & Thurs

Keeping the magic alive!

Welcome to our Kindy


A Simple Introduction

Days of Operation:Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays

Operating Hours:9:00am – 2:30pm

Child Capacity:20

Ages of Children:3 – 5 Year Olds

Director:Mrs Anne Bicknell

Assistant:Mrs Marilyn Knott

Kilkivan Kindy is a C&K Affiliated Community Kindergarten. C&K Kindergartens offer a unique curriculum to guide kindergarten learning, known as Building Waterfalls. This frame-work complements Australia’s Early Years Learning Framework and the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guidelines.

At our Kindy all of our families are encouraged and welcomed to stay and play with your child at any time. We support any level of involvement you wish to have. We aim to make you feel valued and welcomed as part of our learning community, share information about your child’s learning experiences and involve you in your child’s investigations, passions and discoveries.

Following is an overview of the fee structure. There is information regarding our fundraising activities and requirements that will help you decide which option is best suited to your family.

Thank you for your interest in the Kilkivan Kindergarten. Please feel free to spend time in our Kindy, with your child, and meet our wonderful teachers and our families.

Kilkivan Kindergarten

A.B.N. 91 025 326 854

4 Bligh St (PO Box 182) Kilkivan QLD 4600

Ph/Fax (07) 5484 1425

Tues, Wed & Thurs

Keeping the magic alive!

Kilkivan Kindergarten 2013 Fee Structure


Please read Obligations & Expectations of Fundraising on Page 5

If you choose to participate in fundraising activities in 2013, Kindy fees will be:

1 Day Model

$210.00 per term (equates to $21.00/day)+ Additional Fees (page 3)

2 Day Model:

$420.00 per term (equates to $21.00/day)+ Additional Fees (page 3)

3 Day Model:

$630.00 per term (equates to $21.00/day)+ Additional Fees (page 3)


If you choose NOT to participate in fundraising activities in 2012, Kindy fees will be:

1 Day Model

$341.00 per term (equates to $21.00/day plus 1/3 Non-Fundraising Fee)

+ Additional Fees (page 3)

2 Day Model:

$683.00 per term (equates to $21.00/day plus 2/3 Non-Fundraising Fee)

+ Additional Fees (page 3)

3 Day Model:

$1025.00 per term (equates to $21.00/day plus Non-Fundraising Contribution of

$395.00/term)+ Additional Fees (page 3)


If your child attends Kindergarten on a casual basis, the daily rate is $28.00/day, and must be paid on the day of attendance. No additional fees applicable. Attendance on a casual basis is subject to availability.



An ApplicationBond is payable on the first day your child attends Kindy. This is refundable at the end of term 4.

  • Application Bond -$100.00

Regardless of which Fee Option is chosen, the following Fees will be invoiced to you in the first term that your child attends Kindergarten:

  • MaintenanceBond - $50.00

(Refundable on completion of your Maintenance job. E.g. Cleaning Toys, Servicing Mowers etc).

  • Consumables Levy - $50.00

(Non-Refundable, this will cover items such as Tissues, Paint, Paper, Pencils etc)

If you choose Option 1 - Fundraising, the following will be invoiced to you in the first term that your child attends Kindergarten:

  • Fundraising Bond - $200.00

(Refundable at year end if participated in required fundraising activities during the year).


Health Care Card Subsidy – This subsidy is available to each child attending in the year prior to them starting school, whose parent, carer or guardian holds a Health Care Card.

Your family may also be eligible for government support in the form of Child Care Benefit (CCB).

Fees are decided on by vote at the Annual General Meeting at the beginning of each year, and therefore, may change at the start of each new year. We encourage you to attend the AGM to have input into setting the fee structure, even if your child will not be attending the Kindy until later in the year.

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All Term Fees need to be finalised by week 3 of the current Term, unless prior arrangement has been made with the Treasurer.

A weekly/fortnightly payment plan can be arranged with the Treasurer. All payments must be kept in advance.

The choice of fundraising or non-fundraising needs to remain the same for the entire year. You cannot change from term to term. Although you are able to swap between a 1, 2 or 3 day model each term.

If you choose Option 1, Fundraising and do not participate in at least one (1) major fundraising activity for the term, you not only forfeit your fundraising deposit ($200), but you will also be required to pay the full non-fundraising fees for that term, and the remainder of the year. The $200 Fundraising Deposit will not be used to offset the full non-fundraising fee invoice, this amount is forfeited to the Kindy.

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Kilkivan Kindy Fee Structure 2013

Name: ______

Address: ______

Email: ______

Phone: ______(home)


Please tick your Fee Structure Option -

Option 1: Fundraising

Obligations and Expectations

As the saying goes “Many Hands Make Light Work” so we all try to work together to co-ordinate fundraisers which makes them enjoyable and social events for our Kindy families. Because the fundraising option means you benefit by paying reduced fees, it is only fair for all fundraising families to participate as equally as possible.

You will be required to participate in at least one (1) major fundraiser per term. However it is common for our families to participate in two (2) or three (3) fundraisers per term. Please note that you can choose to have another family member or friend fundraise on your behalf if you are unable to help at a particular event/s.

If you are unable to participate in the major fundraiser for that term, you maybe given the option to contribute at another event during that term. However if you fail to involve yourself with fundraising activities, you will forfeit your Fundraising Deposit ($200) and will be invoiced full Non-Fundraising Fee’s for that non participating term and for the remainder of the year.

You may be asked by a committee member to co-ordinate/work at or sell tickets, for many of our fundraisers throughout the year.

Kindy meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 3.15pm (during a school term). This keeps you informed and gives you more choice in fundraising events. Your attendance is recommended and appreciated.

 I ______have read and understand the above details regarding being a fundraising family at Kilkivan Kindergarten. I understand that if I do not fulfill the minimum requirement of participating in at least one (1) major fundraiser per term, I will forfeit my Fundraising Deposit ($200) and will be invoiced full Non-Fundraising Fees for that non participating term, and for the remainder of the year.


 I have chosen Option 2: Non Fundraisingand am aware of the Non Fundraising Contribution of $395.00 per term.


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Month / Fundraiser
February / Multi Party Plan Day
March / Great Horse Ride - Showgrounds Gate
Great Horse Ride - Cater Sunday Lunch
Pie Drive
April / Trivia Night
May / Mother's Day Raffle
Kilkivan Campdraft - Bar
State of Origin - Footy Doubles
June / Bowls Day
State of Origin - Footy Doubles
July / State of Origin - Footy Doubles
Nargoon Bull Sale
August / Gympie Music Muster
September / Father’s Day Raffle
Social Night at Show Grounds
Toy Catalogue
October / Family Portrait Photos
November / Dinner Dance
Pie Drive
December / Community Xmas Carnival
Throughout the Year / Chocolate Sales
Pub Raffles

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