The course is an advanced study of the short story and novel, as well as related works, such as belles-lettres, biography and autobiography. Close attention will be paid to both the content and form of selected representative samples of texts in this genre, with a view to identify and accounting for their specifically African characteristics, if any, and establishing their status in the corpus of African and world literature.
(i)Historical development of prose in specified African Languages: Socio economic factors; ideological concerns.
(ii)Major trends: content/form
(iii)Elements of fiction
- Theory of the novel in African languages
- Theory of the short story in African languages
- Their historical development
- Practical criticism of specific texts:
- Appreciation/ explanation/ analysis
Expected Outcomes
By the end of the course,
(i)Students should have a clear view of the diverse factors that have
influenced prose fiction in African languages.
(ii)Students would have also acquired the capacity to analyse,
categorise, and group the works of African novelists and short story
writers from the five sub-regions of the Africa continent.
Mode of Delivery
Lectures, seminar presentations and practicals and discussions.
Mode of Assessment
Coursework will constitute 40% and the examination 60%.
Bertoncini, Elena (1989): Outline of Swahili Literature Leiden: E.J. Brill
Ohly, Raymund (1981): AggressiveProse: A case study of Kiswahili Prose of the seventies. Dar-es-Salaam : TUKI
------(1990): The Zanzibarian Challenge: Swahili Prose in the years 1975-1981.Windhoek: Academy
------(1982): Swahili: the diagram of crisis. Wien & Dar-es- Salaam: Afro
Boulton, Marjorie (1975): The Anatomy of the Novel, London: Routledge &
Kegan Paul
Sterick, Philip (ed.) (1967) The Theory of the Novel. New York: The Free Press
Mlacha, S.A.K (1991): A Structural Study of the Novel. Dar-es- Salaam :
Education Services Centre.
Bukenya, A. (1992): Oral Literature Theory. Nairobi: University of Nairobi
Bukenya, (eds) (1994) : Understanding Oral LiteratureNairobi:
University of Nairobi Press