Subject: / Community Liaison Group Meeting
Project / Area:
Date: / 29/10/09 / Start Time: / 13:00
Location: / Kokoda Room, Mulwala Services Club / End Time:
Prepared by: / Jamie McDonald
Attendees: / Clive and Beth Macaulay, Alistair Wylie, Bob Parr (Corowa Shire Council), Doug Wilson (Thales), Brett Aggenbach (Thales), Terry Howell (Thales), Jamie McDonald (Thales), Greg Luke (Aecom), Ross McFarland (Aecom), Katie Berriman (Dept. of Defence)
Apologies: / Stuart Spinks, Alf Smale
Next Meeting:
Ref / Record of Discussion / Actions *[q1] / Who and When
1. / Greg Luke (Hydrogeologist, Aecom) went through the history of the investigations conducted on site.
Phase 1 of the new works is the Hydraulic Containment Trials, focussing on Source Zone A (Oleum/Acid/NC) which is the larges contributor to groundwater contamination.
Aecom is currently installing extraction bores in both aquifers to pump groundwater to determine the feasibility of pumping to prevent further groundwater contamination which is currently under the site, moving off site. 3 Bores will be installed in the Shepparton Formation Aquifer and 1 in the Calivil Formation Aquifer.
Pump tests will be starting in 3-4 weeks, and then the trial will be conducted over a 2 month period. Aecom will then report on findings and enter the new data into the Groundwater model.
The general timeline of the project is:
Oct 09 – Bore installation
Oct-Dec 09 – Pump testing
Jan-Mar 2010 – Hydraulic Containment Trial
Mar-Apr 2010 – Groundwater modelling
Mar-May 2010 – Reporting
May onwards – Meetings and presentations.
Alistair enquired that as we have picked the driest months of the year to conduct the tests, what happens if we have a wet winter. Greg thought that it may make a difference, as would lowering the level of the Lake as the Lake and the Mulwala Canal are hydraulic controls in this area and would affect the shallow Shepparton Formation Aquifer.
Bob Parr was under the impression that the Capping of nitrate and sulphate contaminated soil was meant to occur at the same time to take rainfall infiltration out of the equation. Greg responded that the whole system will be handed over to Thales so Thales will be able to run their own trial after the capping is complete. This investigation should give a very good indication of whether Hydraulic containment is going to be effective.
Doug enquired as to what sort of draw down Aecom are expecting. Greg said they were unsure and won’t know until they do the trials, but they are expecting the capture zone to be approximately 100m. They will be monitoring levels in various bores surrounding the trial area and will base their pump size on the results.
Bob Parr enquired what was going to be done with the extracted groundwater. Greg informed the group that it will be put through the Thales effluent treatement plant, and they are expecting volumes of 20m3 per day from the Shepparton aquifer, and 80m3 per day from the Calivil aquifer.
2. / Brett Aggenbach (Project Engineer, Thales) explained what was occurring with the Capping Project over the coming months.
The aim of the Capping Project is to cover the contaminated areas to prevent rainfall infiltration from washing any further nitrates and sulphates into the groundwater.
The areas to be Capped include the Old Effluent Drain, the Sulphur Dump and the Iron Oxide Dumps. The areas capped will include phytocapping of native plant species.
The general timeline of the project is:
Oct 2009 – Tender released
4th Dec 2009 – Proposals submitted
Jan 2010 – Project awarded
Feb 2010 – Works begin.
The works to cap the Old Effluent Drain will impact residents as there will be large trucks going along the back of residents properties. Communication will be made with the landowners adjoining the Old Effluent Drain closer to the date the works will begin.
The trees and small shrubs in the drain will have to be removed, however the area will be replanted after the work is complete.
The fill for the Drain, which will be backfilled to the level of the surrounding ground, will be coming from the spoils removed from the MulwalaCanal.
It was generally agreed that the project should be a simple one, and is just moving around a large quantity of soil and final landscaping.
The area will be fenced off for public safety while the work is taking place.
3. / Doug posed the question of another meeting towards the middle of next year and making it open to anyone who would like to attend.
Bob Parr suggested a public meeting open to everyone when the investigations were complete. This was agreed upon.
Clive Macaulay suggested a newsletter drop to everyone in the estate. Katie Berriman agreed this was a good idea.
Katie enquired about updating the website and if anyone uses it. / Doug Wilson to organise Public Meeting May 2010
Doug Wilson to organise Newsletter Jan 2010.
Katie to update website if it is usable
4. / Clive and Beth enquired whos responsibility it was to slash the Bayly Street nature strip area as the grass is getting very long and is a fire hazard. Bob Parr (Corowa Shire Council) informed the group that it is the landholders responsibility for the upkeep of their naturestrip. / Doug Wilson to organise Thales Landcare group to slash naturestrip.
5. / Alistair enquired about continued leaks and spills from the production plant adding to the soil and groundwater contamination. Doug responded that all pipes are now above ground, we no longer have in ground drainage channels, so any leaks or drips are visible and can be repaired promptly.
Document ID: COM-ADI-TM-0469 Issue: 1.1
Filename: CG Meeting Minutes 29-10-09
Last Saved Date: 07/12/09
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[q1][Ref: Used to uniquely identify actions. Otherwise left blank.]
[Record of Discussion / Action: All actions andsupporting text explaining context go here. Can also include status of previous actions]
[Who. Used to identify who is responsible for completing actions. Otherwise left blank.]
[When: Used to identify when actions are due. Otherwise left blank.]
[Actions. The paragraph style 'TableAction' should be used for all actions.]
[Lists. The paragraph style 'TableBullet' should be used for all lists.]