Town of Easton Planning Board

Subdivision Application Process and Procedures Summary

Planning Board Meetings are held the 4th Tuesday night of the month

All paperwork needs to be submitted to the Planning Board Clerk by the 2nd Tuesday of the month!

Included in this application packet are:

  1. Application Process and Procedure Summary and General Information for Subdivision Review
  2. Procedures for Presenting your subdivision Sketch Plan
  3. Initial Sketch Plan Application Page
  4. Subdivision Fee Schedule
  5. Washington County Map Filing Procedures
  6. Town of Easton Disclosure Form for use at time of sale/purchase of property
  7. Subdivision Application Form with SEQR EAF Part I *

*The 1987 SEQR Form, as adopted, is an official part of the Town Subdivision Law #3-99 and is included in the Town of Easton Subdivision Application. Online forms or current EAF versions are not used.

Subdivision Review

The review follows the procedures outlined in Town of Easton Subdivision Law #3-99, which incorporates 6 State Laws and 9 Local Laws and regulations. All reviews are subject to the SEQR laws. The Environmental Assessment long form is used.

Initial Planning Discussions: to present your subdivision proposal, for planning overview and for determining what previous review materials apply.

Federal, State, or local designation: Much of the Town of Easton lies within Washington County Agricultural District No 3, and within Town of Easton Critical Environmental Area-1, with three other Critical Environmental Areas also designated. Throughout the town there are State and Federal wetland areas, as well as Federal Flood Map Zone A sections. Research and reference information is available in the Town Hall for applicants to use during the subdivision review process. These materials are available at Burton Hall through the Town Clerk’s office hours, or by appointment with the Planning Board Clerk.

Overview of Application Process:

  1. Preapplication conference
  2. Preliminary discussion and initial review of sketch plan
  3. Sketch Plan Review
  4. Formal Application for subdivision approval-classification of subdivision
  5. Complete Application- all information and materials required

(These steps are outlined below)

For full text, see Subdivision Regulations and ART. III. Section 1, 2, 3 (minor); 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 (major) and if a SEQR Pos Dec, ART III Section 1 (N) and ART V. Documents to be submitted Sections 1 and 2 (minor) ; Sections 3, 4, 5 (major)


  1. Preapplication conference with applicant
  • Discuss general procedures with Planning Board
  • Discuss proposal for applicant to more accurately determine whether the proposed land subdivision would be consistent with
  1. The development plan, policy, objectives, and goals of the Town of Easton Comprehensive Plan
  2. The intent and purpose of the Agricultural District
  3. The Critical Environmental Areas in the Town of Easton
  4. Any requirements of other laws and standards applicable to development in the Town and the stated purposes of these regulations
  5. Site limitations for development in general
  6. The requirements for design and location of individual sewage disposal systems including separation distances required between the components of such systems and wells, streams and other bodies of water, and soils characteristics and permeability, with particular reference to the Washington County Soil Survey prepared by the USDA Soil Conservation Service.
  • Outline the requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) in the administration of these regulations and in review of subdivision applications by the Planning Board and other involved agencies.
  1. For the preliminary discussion and initial review of sketch plan, submit at least 10 days prior to a meeting of the Planning Board, or by the 2nd Tuesday of the month:
  • 3 copies of the sketch plan of the proposed subdivision (to scale)
  • Sketch plan review application form
  • A copy of the deed of the tract within which the proposed lot is located and a description search of the land from 1931
  • A copy of any existing covenants, liens, agreements, or road maintenance agreements of the property
  • A signed covenant page for title, and a bank release or statement of authorization from the lender for the proposed subdivision, (last page of application)
  • Agency Designation form if required
  • Agricultural Data Statement
  • Initial Fee $50.00

Applicant to attend meeting to provide summary of proposal

Determination by Planning Board if Sketch Plan submission is adequate for Sketch Plan review Subdivision violations require additional application.

  1. Sketch Plan Review
  • Discuss possible changes and measures to mitigate any adverse impacts of the subdivision. Additional information may be required. Additional meetings may be required.
  • Plan Site Visit
  • Center lines of any proposed roads to be staked for the visit
  • Initial tentative determination of extend the proposed action would be subject to SEQR procedures and likelihood of an environmental impact statement (EIS) being required
  • EIS Content requirements
  • Possible mitigation or alternation of proposed action to avoid EIS by reducing potential adverse impacts below the applicable threshold
  • Applicant to advise Planning Board whether it is intention at this time to submit a formal application for subdivision approval within 6 months
  • IF YES:
  • Discuss any application items that need clarification and initiate gathering such additional information for timely review of a formal application
  • Applications are reviewed in light of the applicant’s entire holdings
  1. Formal Application for subdivision approval- classification of subdivision
  • Review of SEQR EAF Part I in the application
  • Determine if approval would involve other agencies for SEQR purposes
  • Preliminary SEQR classification: Type I or Unlisted
  • Establishment of Lead Agency
  • A survey is required for all reviews
  • Results of perc and deep hole test, per proposed lot, done in the presence of the Town of Easton Building Inspector, a NYS licensed engineer, or duly designated by the Town of Easton Code Enforcement Officer. Results are to be submitted to the Planning Board. Locations and results are to be shown on the survey map.
  • Review discussions will include assessment of impacts and compatibility with the Town Comprehensive Plan
  • Aspects of review common to all proposals: access, driveway, sutiability for standard septic and area available for replacement system, well and adequate distances determined by soils and subsoils of the area, Visual Impact, Compatibility with the goals of the Town Comprehensive Plan and guidelines, degree of loss of AG lands, loss of access to AG lands, demand on public services, availability of public utilitites, need for additional Town, State, and/or Federal permits, erosion, soil types, water, streams, wetlands, and aquifer
  • Completion of the Visual EAF
  • Determination of Significance:
  • Negative Declaration (will not result in any significant environmental effects) (favorable or unfavorable)
  • Positive Declaration (may have significant effect of the environment) EIS scoping and preparation steps follow Positive Declaration
  • Classification of subdivision as Minor or Major Subdivision or Resubdivision
  • Minor subdivision or resubdivision review may require compliance with some of the requirements specified for a Major subdivision or resubdivision
  1. For Minor Subdivisions or Resubdivision:
  • Complete application/Application for Plat Approval- all information and materials required at this time.
  • Determination if applicable for plat approval is complete
  • Classification as complete
  • Official Submission Date: the date of the regular meeting of the PB at least 10 days prior to which the application for Plat approval was classified complete
  • A Public Hearing for the application for plat approval is to be held within 62 days from date the application is classified complete, and no sooner than 30 days after the publications date of the SEQR Negative or Positive Declaration
  1. For Major Subdivision or Resubdivision

Preliminary Plat Application

  • Submit documents- See Art V section 3
  • Applicant to attend meeting to discuss the Preliminary Plat, application, and the DEIS (if any), if a SEQR is Positive Declaration
  • Submit DEIS for review- Art. III Section 3
  • Determination that Preliminary Plat application is complete
  • Determination that DEIS is complete
  • Notice of completion of DEIS and notice of SEQR hearing and Public Hearing, public notice and 30 days public review
  • Preliminary Plat approval with or without modifications; or disapproval
  • Findings statement prepared by lead agency (Planning Board)
  • FEIS prepared by lead agency (Planning Board)
  1. For Major Subdivisions or Resubdivision:

Final Plat Application

  • Refer to FEIS (if a DEIS was required)
  • Determination that FEIS is complete
  • Notice of completion of FEIS
  • Public notice and 10 days public consideration
  • Determination that final plat application is complete
  • Endorsements of other agencies (if any)
  • Findings statement prepared by lead agency (Planning Board)
  • (IF any improvements are to be made or installed (buildings excluded) applicant shall file a certified check or performance bond with the Town Clerk Planning Board shall notify the Building Inspector of the installation in advance
  • Inspection fee paid to the Town Clerk
  • Inspection of improvements
  • “If plans require modification as demonstrated to the Town Engineer that unforeseen conditions make it necessary or preferable to modify the location or design of such required improvements, the Town Engineer may, upon approval by a previously delegated member of the Planning Board, authorize modifications provided these modifications are within the spirit and intent of any improvements required by the board. The Town Engineer shall issue any authorization, in accordance with Art. III Section 5B, in writing and shall transmit a copy of such authorization to the Planning Board as its next regular meeting”
  • Determination that improvements are complete)
  • Final plat approval with, or without, modification or disapproval
  • The Planning Board review process discovers facts about the property which may not initially be apparent or known by the applicant of the planning board and which may contribute to the length of review time involved. While a time schedule is adhered to, new information may result in additional requirements for documentation, thereby extending the time required for the review.
  • Notices of a Public Hearing will be sent to landowners within a previous plat of the property and to adjoining landowners for the entire tract.
  • Notification of the receipt of an application for subdivision is sent to:
  • Adjacent Farm Centers
  • Landowners within a previous plat
  • Adjacent Municipalities
  • State and or County Agencies for Lead Agency Determination

Signature of the duly authorized officer of the Planning Board is required on plat for Final Plat Approval, or a valid and duly executed and dated certificate of the Town Clerk certifying approval by reason of the failure of the Planning Board to act:

Upon an approval by reason of the failure of the Planning Board to act, the plat of a Minor Subdivision which may be filed shall be a plat of such subdivision meeting all requirements set forth in the definition of a Subdivision Plat and those contained in Art. V Section 2A, herein; similarly the plat of a Major Subdivision to be filed shall be the plat of such subdivision meeting without variation all requirements set forth in the definition of a Final Plat, herein, and if an FEIS has been prepared for the subdivision such Final Plan shall in additions incorporate all provisions of any adopted Findings Statement therefor, which shall become part of the Plat.

Review Process Note:

The following steps for minor and major may require several meetings on the part of the applicant, representatives, or the Planning Board, in order to compile the information required to be included in and for each review step.

Review time frames include those for the SEQR process procedures. Information may be required to be submitted to other agencies and time allowed for their review of the proposal, and may include time frames used by other agencies in referrals. Reviews by other agencies shall require submission by each agency of written documentation of recommendations and may require corresponding signed authorization and or stamping of the survey plat.

Minor Subdivision or Resubdivision (2 Steps)

Initial ApplicationSketch Plan Review

Formal ApplicationMinor Subdivision or Resubdivision Plat Approval

Major Subdivision or Resubdivision (3 Steps)

Initial ApplicationSketch Plan Review

Formal ApplicationPreliminary Plat Approval

Final Plat ApplicationFinal Subdivision or Resubdivision Plat Approval