Weather Test Review


evaporation condensation precipitation air mass cloud

tornado hurricane thunderstorm tornado front

relative humidity saturated specific humidity Cumulus sleet

super cooled water Stratus acid rain Nimbo fog

high pressure thermometer dew point Warning Alto

wind chill factor barometer thermometer snow Cirro

anemometer weather vane isotherms isobars ozone

greenhouse effect lightning cloud seeding thunder hail

Tornado alley Beaufort scale station model leeward Cirrus

temperature inversion windward pressure gradient jet stream Watch

low pressure conduction convection radiation rain

El Nino Thermometer Barometer Galileo Torricelli
Weather Meteorology Beaufort Scale Wind Chill Air Specific Humidity Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere Frost

Thermosphere Ionosphere Radiation Conduction Dew Convection Greenhouse Effect Isotherms Hygrometer Ozone
Relative Humidity Psychrometer Dew Point Capacity Saturated

Be able to

1. Explain why winds blow.

2. Use a station model to explain weather in an area.

3. Explain land breezes & sea breezes

4. Explain how lightning & thunder work.

5. Convert between oC & 0F.

6. Calculate Relative Humidity.

7. Know the 4 types of fronts & their symbols.

8. Freezing pt., Boiling pt., & human body temp for Fahrenheit & Celsius

7. Know 3 ways heat moves

8. Be able to answer questions based on a map containing isotherms

9. Explain the greenhouse effect

10. Composition of Air

11. Inventors of the thermometer & barometer

12. How ozone is formed & broken down

13. The difference in the heating & cooling of land & water.

14. Warmest & coolest part of the day

15. Warmest & coolest part of the year

16. Characteristics & order of the layers of the atmosphere