Ann Seton
Mission Statement
We, the Roman Catholic Parish of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, are an all-embracing, diverse Christian community who warmly welcomes everyone to join us. We draw closer to God and one another through worship, which nourishes us for service to our brothers and sisters. We choose to combine our many gifts to teach, celebrate, evangelize, help those in need and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus in word and deed. Amen.
Day light savings time again comes to a close. We have enjoyed the extra daylight, but now a new cycle begins. There is no need to worry about the darkness that is getting longer. For we know two things. First, that even in the midst of darkness, “Christ is our Light”. Second, that nature’s light will return again as it has always done.
Our lives and the life of The Church, reflect this movement of seasons and change. We learn to adjust to our environment. We make good even in the midst of struggles. We know that life has a rhythm and there is always movement in many directions and so onward we go. Regarding The Church, there is movement as well. The Church has a rhythm and moves through time as well.
On this All Souls Day of remembrance and celebration of God’s Goodness…we thank God for the great gift that our loved ones have given to us over the years. We are saddened by their death, but rejoice that God embraces them and cares for them deeply in death as was done in life. To those of us who, as the Funeral Liturgy says, “must remain in this life”…have the courage to continue to move forward and always celebrate the Gift of Life.
November 2, 2014
All Souls Day
If an adult is interested in becoming a Catholic,
please contact Maureen Remedio at or (302) 690-0932 (cell.) For the children’s group, please contact Carol Wetty at or (302) 325-1069 after 6:00 p.m...
Theresa Burke, ext. 102
All Saints Activity –Parents, information was sent home with students regarding the All Saints Activity which will take place on Sunday, November 23, in the Parish Hall following all Masses. Please read the information, sign the form and send back the portion letting us know what time period you will be participating in the event. We look forward to seeing all of our Religious Ed. “Saintly” students and their families. Your “All Saints Activity” tri-fold poster is due into your Religion Teacher the week of November 3rd.
Monday Religious Education class 11/3- Religious Education is joining Youth Ministry for a hay ride. All students and Catechists come to the Formation Center by 6:30. This is a scheduled RE class, all students and catechists are expected in class for a night of fun.
Whole Community Catechesis Family Sessions – Monday 11/10, Wednesday 11/12, Thursday 11/13. These sessions are during your child’s regularly scheduled RE class and are to be attended by both you and your child. If you are unable to attend due to any serious scheduling conflict it is vital that you arrange for an adult family member to attend in your place. Students who attend 1st and 2nd grade on Sunday are asked to attend the Thursday night session.
Sacramental information letters for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist went out last week. If you have not received yours, please contact the Office of Religious Education at ext. 101. The parent meetings for Religious Education parents and Catholic School parents are Wed, Nov 19th OR Thurs, Nov 20th, at 6:30 in the Formation Center. The Diocesan policy states to be eligible for the sacrament, students must be baptized, in 2nd grade or over, have attended RE classes or Catholic school the year previous to, as well as the current year.
Offertory $ 9,952.55
Major Maintenance $ 1,189.77
Thank you for your continued support.
Wisdom 3: 1-9, Romans 5: 5-11, John 6:37-40
CLEANING CORP Team “B” Friday, 11/7/14, 9:00am.
November 3 6:30pm YM/RE hayride
November 4 6:15pm Child Christmas Choir
6:30pm RCIA Children
7:00pm Bible Reflection
7:00pm RCIA Adults
7:00pm YML
7:30pm Adult Choir
7:30pm St. Vincent DePaul Soc.
7:30pm Nar-Anon
November 5 2:00pm AFC
6:30pm Sign lang
7:00pm BC #92
November 6 1:00pm Crochet Group
6:30pm English as 2nd language
6:45 pm Cantors
November 7 9:00am Moms Group
7:00pm Bingo
7:30 pm Filip. Choir
November 8 10:00am Men of Faith
6:30pm St. Cecilia Choir
EVENING WITH FR. ROGER AND DEACON CRUZ – Wednesday, December 10th, 6:45-7:45pm in the hall.
Topic: Our Lady of Guadalupe
This will be a great opportunity to get better acquainted with our newest Seton family member, Deacon Cruz and learn more about Our Lady, Juan Diego the tilma.
Bible Reflection - November 4th, 7:00pm in room 106.
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The Parish is planning a New Year’s Eve dinner party that will include full service dinner, open beer and wine bar, Champaign toast, Continental breakfast, party favors, and dancing to the live music provided by the Tim Laushey Quintet with the fabulous singer, Paula Johns.
BROTHER KNIGHTS, our next business meeting is Tuesday, November 11th @ 7:30 pm in the Seton Center.
Our next Pancake Breakfast will be on Sunday, November 16th from 8-11am. We invite all to join us for great food and good times!
To all men interested in learning what the Knights do and about joining our Organization, please speak with any Knight or call Jack Dirr, Grand Knight, @ 322-3134
CYM Mary Holmburg Ext. 104
Seton Tweens (6th -8th grade) & Teens (9th -12 grade) Monday Night Gatherings Youth Ministry programs include: Peer Gatherings, Leadership Development, Social and Educational activities and events, Service Ministry, Music & Liturgical Ministries, Athletics and Scouting. Contact Mary Holmburg, Coordinator of Youth Ministry at x104 H.S. Juniors & Seniors! We are looking to recruit and train strong role models for our youth ministry programs. Contact Mary at 322-6430 X104.
50+ NOVEMBER GATHERING---Let us Give Thanks
50+ November Gathering is 11/21 @6:15PM in Church Hall. All 50+ are invited to come and participate. If you plan to attend please call Maryellen @302-897-9315 and let her know what you are bringing. Alreadysigned up then we will see you there. Cranberry sauce, gravy, rolls, sodas etc will be provided.
NEW HYMN-We know you like to sing (we hear you!). And we know that sometimes weinclude songs in that are not in our current hymnals. Our St. Cecilia Choir has a beautiful tune that they wish to use at the 11 am mass on November 23rd. Since it is not in our hymnal, what we have found is YouTube - and we invite you to listen to it between now and the Feast of Christ the King so that you can join in singing that weekend. Here it is"TO GOD BE THE GLORY” If this method of making songs familiar to our assembly works, we will try and use this on a regular basis - your participation on the weekend of Christ the King will let us know!
Saturday, November 1
8:30am Teresa O’Hara
5:00pm Sandy Quattro & Don Franklin, Jr.
Sunday November 2
7:30am Deceased Members of K of C
9:15am Allen Han Haute & John Ranonis, Sr.
11:00am Henry Krupski
Monday, November 3
8:30am Richard Barr
Tuesday, November 4
7:00pm Amy Austin
Wednesday, November 5
8:30am Anthony Ofuani
Thursday, November 6
8:30am Joe Szczecinski
Saturday, November 8
5:00pm Sandy Quattro & Don Franklin, Jr.
Sunday, November 9
7:30am Albert Mirto, Sr.
9:15am Amy Austin
11:00am Bryan Kosc
MONTHLY BINGO is Friday, November 7, 2014 from 7 - 10:00 PM. Doors open at 6 PM. The 20 Game Packet costs $20. Additional packets and specials can be purchased. Refreshments are available. There are door prizes and a 50/50 drawing. We will be collecting nonperishable food items for those in need. Must be 18 or older to attend.
CHILDREN’S CHOIR - Children's Christmas Choir will be held on Tuesdays beginning November 4th at 6:15 pm. The signup sheets for the children are in the gathering space. The child must be either able to read or learn by rote, and be able to sit through an hour of practice each week. They will be singing at the 4:00pm Mass on Christmas Eve.
KATERI CIRCLE- Indian Ministry will meet Thursday evening at 7pm in the church hall on November 20th. For more information please feel free to contact Sharon Ward @ 302-545-3383.
AUTHOR, GEORGE WEIGEL to give free lecture on Pope Francis at the University of Delaware. Acclaimed author, George Weigel, will explore the life and thought of the "pope from the end of the earth" in a talk on "The Mind of Pope Francis" on November 18, 2014 at Clayton Hall, 100 Pencader Way in Newark, Delaware. A reception will occur from 6-7pm followed by the free lecture from 7-8pm. Dr. Weigel is the Distinguished Senior Fellow and Chair of Catholic Studies at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington DC, and the author of the authoritative biography of Pope St. John Paul II.. The talk is sponsored by The Society of Catholic Scholars of Delaware, the St. Thomas More Society of Delaware, and Catholic Campus Ministry at the University of Delaware. For further information, contact Stephen Barr at . For more information about The Society of Catholic Scholars of DE, visit
BUREAU OF CATHOLIC INDIAN MISSIONS – For more information contact Sharon Ward at 302-545-3383 or