US History

Fort Burrows, B&B Ranch

REVIEW with Answers Chapter 5

Match the correct Colony to the correct description.

Middle Colonies New England ColoniesSouthern Colonies

1. This colonies’ economy was based on rice, indigo and tobacco plantations ?

Southern Colonies

2. This colonies’ economy was based on farming, ranching and skilled artisans/crafts ?

Middle Colonies

3. This colonies’ economy was based on whaling, shipbuilding and sawmill ports ?

New England Colonies

4. How did Pontiac react when the French told him that the Treaty of Paris had been signed ?

he was disappointed that the French would no longer offer aid

5. What colonial claim regarding the Boston Massacre is supported by these allegations ?

Crispus Attucks - Victim of the Boston Massacre died in 1770

James Caldwell - I was an innocent bystander when I was shot in 1770

Patrick Carr - I was shot and killed by British soldiers in 1770

Samuel Gray - I was attacked by British soldiers and died in 1770

John Maverick - Last thing I heard was musket fire in 1770

that the British soldiers fired on unarmed colonists

6. What did the British Parliament do to the colonists after the Boston Tea Party ?

passed the four (4) Intolerable Acts

7. Why did the colonist resent British regulations such as the Sugar & Stamp Acts ?

the colonist felt it was taxation without representation

8. List the parts of the four (4) Intolerable Acts ?

1. shut down port in Boston

2. Parliament forbade colonist from holding town meetings without governor’s permission

3. custom officers were to be tried in Canada instead of Massachusetts

4. Quartering Act - colonists had to let the British soldiers in their homes for housing

9. What is the correct chronological order for these historical dates ?

1. Magna Carta

4. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut ( FOC )

3. Mayflower Compact

2. House of Burgesses ( HOB )

10. On March 5, 1770, 5 colonists were killed at in Boston, so why did Samuel Adams name the

event the ‘Boston Massacre’ ? he wanted colonists to move to action against British oppression

11. What did British troops do to create the fall of New France ? they captured Quebec

12. Name the four (4) new colonial leaders as the conflict with Britain escalated ?

From Massachusetts:From Virginia:

1. Samuel Adams1. George Washington

2. John Adams 2. Patrick Henry

13. What keptcolonists from settling West of Appalachian Mountains ? Proclamation of 1763

14. In the mid-1700s, where was France and Britain competing for land, rivers, and trade … ?

Ohio River Valley

15. What is Patrick Henry’s message when he states, “Give me liberty, or give me death!”?

freedom is worth dying for

16. Fighting broke out at Lexington and Concord for what reason ?

British were trying to seize colonial arms in Concord

17. The Proclamation of 1763 stated that colonists could not settle beyond which geographical features ? Appalachian Mountains

18. Complete the timeline with events from U.S. history ?

1763 - French and Indian War Ends

1765 - Stamp Act

1770 - Boston Massacre

1775 - Battles of Lexington and Concord

1776 - Declaration of Independence

19. What were the 1st battles of the American Revolution ? battles of Lexington and Concord

20. What four (4) ways did the colonists respond to the Tea Act ?

  1. served coffee
  2. served liberty tea
  3. boycotted the British tea
  4. kept Company from unloading cargo

21. What is the BEST primary source for studying the founding of the American colonies ?

a journal writing by a witness or participant

22. What was the French fort’s name that General Amherst captured ?

It was also France’s most important fort in Canada. Louisbourg

23. What were the three (3) things accomplished from the signing of the Treaty of Paris ?

1. brought the long conflict to an end

2. marked the end of the French power in North America

3. allowed Britain to gain control of Canada

24. Why did Ben Franklin’s Albany Plan of Union not get approved ?

colonies did not want to give up any power to a central council

25. What did Ben Franklin use as a frame of reference to create the Albany Plan of Union ?

political structure of the League of the Iroquois

26. 1639 – plan of government in Puritan colony which expanded the idea of representative


27. 1620 – agreement by Pilgrims for ruling Plymouth to ensure the general good of colony

Mayflower Compact

28 1619 – marked the beginning of representative government in the English colonies –

House of Burgess

29. 1215 – British document stated citizens have basic rights and monarchs have to obey the law

Magna Carta

30. 1607 - 1st permanent English settlement - Jamestown, VA

31. What did the British troops do to surprise the French at Quebec ?

climbed a steep wall at night

32. Why did Parliament raise taxes in the colonies after 1763 ?

thought colonists should help pay for French and Indian war debts

33. Name the country that posed the most serious threat to the English colonies in North America in 1750 ? France

34. Why did the British issue the Proclamation Line of 1763 ?

to avoid conflicts with Native Americans in the Ohio Valley

35. Why did the colonists say “The Mohawks are come!”

colonists disguised as Mohawks dumped tea into Boston Harbor

36. How did the French and Indian War lead to the American Revolution ?

The British government taxed the colonists to help pay for the war debts

37. How did the colonists demonstrate their opposition to British actions and hurt their trade.

they boycott British goods

1 of Review w/Answers Chapter 5