National APSE 2010 Call for Nominations for the Board of Directors

APSE is looking for enthusiastic and dedicated leaders to serve on the

National APSE Board of Directors!

National APSE is looking for members who have the expertise, talent and desire to be a part of our national leadership. The National APSE Board of Directors is responsible for planning and implementing strategies to strengthen and increase the growth of APSE and its mission to lead in the advancement of equitable and integrated employment for citizenswith disabilities. The National Board provides direction for APSE through participation on committees such as Public Policy, Conference & Training, Business & Marketing, and Communications. If you are interested in this leadership opportunity or know someone who is, please consider this Call for Nominations.

We will have five (5)available positions for which we are currently seeking nominations.

Board Member Requirements

Individuals interested in running for the National APSE Board of Directors must:

Be a current memberof National APSE(individual or business).

Havea demonstrated interest and involvement in integrated community-based employment for citizens with disabilities.

Ascribe to APSE’s Ethical Guidelines governing both practice and training/education. (This can be reviewed and downloaded on the APSE website:

Uphold integrated, community-based employment values and principles and demonstrate these principlesin their respective occupations.

Agree to accept a nomination and become familiar with the APSE Bylaws and Governance Policies.

Attend two annual face-to-face meetings as follows at your own expense,

  1. The pre-conference FULL DAY Orientation meeting on June 7 In Atlanta
  2. The fall board retreat—the date will be established at the orientation meeting in Atlanta

Participate in monthly regularly scheduled teleconference meetings, and, when needed, special teleconference meetings

Serve and actively participate on one standing committee (Public Policy, Business & Marketing, Communications, or Conference & Training).

Complete the nomination form and provide the necessary attachments.

All of the five (5)open Board positions are three-year terms and begin July 1, 2010. As mentioned above, new board members are required to attend a full day orientationat the National APSE Conference in Atlanta on June 7, 2010.

Nomination Procedures

Any APSE member in good standing can submit nominations. Nominations are open to any currentmember willing to serve as outlined above. We are looking for people who are interested in leadership at the national level to expand integrated community-based employment. It is perfectly acceptable to nominate yourself--wedo not publish the name of the nominator. If you want to serve on the Board, please submit the following information:


All nominees must submit:

1) A brief biography on the form provided below, explaining your history and involvement in integrated employment

2)Three (3) letters of support verifying your commitment and practice according to APSE's Ethical Guidelines

3) A recent photo (sent in JPG format).

The information you provide on the nomination form as well as your letters of referenceand photo will be posted on the internet at APSE’s website in addition to being printed on a ballot that will be e-mailed or mailed out to the APSE membership in March.

All nominationsmust be received by Friday, February 19. Please mail, fax or email your nomination to: Suzy Hutcheson, Nominations Chair, c/o Helping People Succeed, 1100 SE Federal Highway, Stuart, Florida 34994 or fax to 772-320-0180 or email

Incomplete nominations will not be accepted.

APSE Board Member Nomination Form


Membership #______Expiration Date______

Organization (If applicable): ______



City:______State:______Zip Code:______


E-mail address: ______

Nominated by:______or Self-Nomination [ ]

Number of years involved in supported employment (SE):______

Check the area that best represents your current position/experience?

___Family Member/Guardian

___Entrepreneur with a disability

___Service Provider (e.g., employment consultant, job coach, job developer, case manager)



___University Faculty/Staff

___Federal/State Agency Staff (includes rehabilitation counselors)

___Other (specify)

___I am a citizen with a disability

APSE encourages individuals with disabilities to run for the National APSE Board

Please indicate below if you wish to run as a:

__direct serviceworker__manager/administrator

__employer or business owner__family member

__supported employee or self-advocate__professional

__other: ______

Note: For the purpose of the election and Board participation, a direct service worker is defined as a person whose primary responsibility is providing direct service and supports to supported employees and employers, involving work that is primarily field and community based including on-site instruction and training, support, job coaching, and job development.

Please answer the following questions below noting the maximum number of words.

All information submitted will be published on the APSE website.

  1. History/Nature of Involvement/Interest in integrated employment/supported employment

(no more than 300 words)

  1. Biographical Sketch (300 words):
  1. How will yoube able to contribute to the growth and improvement of APSE (no more than 300 words).
  1. List of Individuals who will be submitting Letters of Recommendation


