Principal’s Parent Newsletter – September 26, 2013
School Masses
--Friday, September 27, 8:30 a.m. Grade 6 will be our prayer leaders.
**Green Team and Safety Patrol Members will be installed after Mass.
Parents are welcome to join us at Mass each Friday.
Alphonsian Virtue of the Month-October: Recollection, the Enlightening Gift
School Virtue for October – Respect
Definition: to have deferential regard for; esteem;
to treat with propriety or consideration.
Some Practices include:
1. Treat others as you want to be treated.
2. Be courteous and polite.
3. Listen to others.
4. Don’t bully or insult others.
Citizenship Award
Students who practiced the virtue of Citizenship for the month of September will be given a coupon for a “dress down” on Monday, September 30. Congratulations to all those students who will qualify for this reward!
Vocation Chalice
We have been privileged to “host” the Vocation Chalice from St. Benedict Parish. Each week the chalice has a special place in the Prayer Corner of a specific classroom. The students pray for vocations as a special intention each day.
October – Month of the Rosary – Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
From October 7 to November 1, the parish will have Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the convent chapel. Students will have the opportunity to make visits with their class. Parents are welcome to come and spend some time in prayer. Let us pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life, for world peace, for respect for life, and for the many intentions of our school and parish families. This will culminate with Forty Hours Devotion on Sunday, November 3 at 4:00 p.m. Please mark the date and time as all students and altar servers are asked to participate in the procession.
75th Anniversary Celebration
Thank you to all who participated at the 75th Anniversary Mass last Saturday. We had a great turnout of students and families. What a blessing to have our Bishop Barres celebrate the Mass with our Parish Priests, and to have so many IHM Sisters, Principals, and Teachers (past and present) in attendance!
We appreciate all those who served on the 75th Anniversary Committee: Mrs. Martha D’Achille, Mrs. Kate Bobb, Mrs. Kitty Wright, Mrs. Mary Davis, Mrs. Chrissy Franey, Mrs. Maureen Vagnoni, Mrs. Gretchen Ward, Mrs. Beth Guistwite, Mrs. Kelly Wasielevski, Mrs. Maryann Weiser, Mrs. Diane Wentzel, Sister Teresa Ballisty and all those who served on the various subcommittees.
Thank you to Mrs. Cynthia Williamson for the production of the Power Point presentation.
Thank you to the Student Council Members and Mission Reps who welcomed the guests and distributed the programs and to Sister Kathleen Metz and Sister Bernadette Kane, the moderators of SCA and Mission Reps.
School Pictures - Wednesday, October 2 - Students can wear either their summer or winter uniform for pictures. These pictures are used for the school yearbook. Eighth grade students will wear the Graduation gown over their uniform for the yearbook picture.
Failure Notices – October 4 - Failure notices will be mailed to parents if your child is failing in a subject or not working to his/her potential. Please sign and return these promptly. If you have a question about your child’s progress, contact the classroom teacher.
Walk-a-thon for Catholic Education – Friday, October 25th
Mark you calendars and get your walking shoes ready! We are trying something new this year for our 75th Anniversary by doing the Walkathon on a school day so all the students can participate. More details will be forthcoming.
Field Trips in the Planning
Look for information from the classroom teacher and Field Trip permission form.
Oct. 4 Kindergarten Weaver’s Orchard
Oct. 9 Grade 6 Renaissance Fair
Oct. 9 Grade 4 Philadelphia Zoo
Oct. 15 Mission Reps (6-8) Mission Awareness Conference
Oct. 16 Grade 1 Elmwood Zoo
Oct. 18 Grade 3 Crystal Cave
Confirmation Rally – October 5th
All eighth grade students preparing for confirmation must attend the Confirmation rally on Saturday, October 5th from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. The Rally has been changed to Berks Catholic High School due to the number of students who will be participating.
Parent Sacrament Meeting – October 13th
Parents of students preparing for Reconciliation and First Holy Communion will have a
meeting on Sunday, October 13, after the 12:00 Mass in Church. Families are encouraged to attend the 12:00 Mass and then stay for the meeting.
Holiday – October 14th
Students have a school holiday on Columbus Day, October 14th. The Faculty has an in-service day at the Diocesan Educational Conference at Bethlehem Catholic High School.
Winter Uniform – October 15th
The date to change to the “winter” uniform is October 15th. Please look ahead to ensure that students have the complete uniform.
Emergency Sign Up
Parents who would like to receive emergency and other important information via email are asked to sign up on the school website, God bless you!
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