Beautiful Nature – Natural Beauty 2012 – 2014
The project „Beautiful Nature – Natural Beauty“ deals with the beauty of nature in European countries and the way that teenagers experience this beauty. It also wishes to help students recognize environmental problems so as to get them to treat nature carefully and respectfully in order to preserve it for the coming generations. In order to achieve this goal the project will provide opportunities to see nature from different perspectives in the four partner countries which are Germany, Bulgaria, Turkey and Finland.
The aims of the partnership are as follows:
• To make students aware of the beauty of nature around them
• To guide them through a process of reflection of nature and its value for their future lives
• To make students deal respectfully and in a responsible way with nature and its resources it is necessary to help them recognize that environmental problems cannot be solved locally and nationally.
• This project will have to create a European understanding of environmental problems and the value of the preservation of nature
• To encourage this process of understanding students will realize that they are able to speak the same language
• They will practice tolerance among different groups concerning nations, religions, races, social backgrounds and different personalities.
• Dealing with environmental problems will reinforce students' creativity and innovation.
There are two main dimensions to this project: practical experience and theoretical reflection.
The practical part will be an outdoor activity in each of the six participating countries through which students will discover, feel and enjoy the natural beauty of their immediate surroundings as well as get familiar with that of young people from other European countries, thus getting aware of differences and similarities in their particular regions. In addition to that every meeting will focus on one theoretical aspect relevant to the underlying project idea.
The outdoor activities vary from country to country according to the specific natural characteristics of the area. Thus the practical part of the project will include canoeing, trekking, speleology, exploring forests, skiing and survival skills on the river.
To counterbalance this practical aspect, the countries chose different theoretical aspects to focus on. While the first meeting will concentrate on making students and teachers get to know each other and will introduce the idea of the project, in the course of the other five meetings the young people will work on such theoretical topics as nature and tourism, endangered species, environmental education, energy and food and health.
Information about the partners:
About Turkey May 13th - 18th 2013
Outdoor: Trekking or hiking Indoor: Nature and tourism
Yalova is a city called as the water resource of the future. It has got spring water and natural beauties. Yalova is 45 minutes far a way from Istanbul by ferry. Our school Yalova Ticaret Meslek Lisesi has got 750 students and 49 teachers serving them for quality education. It is an institution that follows technology and innovation. Our school has 3 floors, 23 classrooms, 1 sports hall, 1 computer laboratory, 1 computerized accounting application workshop room, 1 technical service computer room, 1 web design computer workshops room, 1 office administration application workshop room, 1 common accounting practice workshop room, 1 chess room, 1 project preparation office. In addition, we have foreign language education classes, cultural classes and information technologies classrooms. Our 12th class students have internship work in the field of accounting, office administration, web design and computer technical service in different institutions three days a week. This European project is very important for us as a matter of fact it offers our staff and our pupils the opportunity of knowing other countries, cultures and ways of life, in order to enlarge their horizons, especially for their future lives as European citizens.
About Finland Feb 24th - Mar 1st 2014
Outdoor: Wintersports Indoor: Food and health
Our school is an upper secondary school of about 210 students. The school is situated in the community of Nousiainen, which has about 3000 inhabitants. Our students come from Nousiainen and from the neighboring communities. Nousiainen is situated in southwestern Finland, 20 kilometers from Turku, which is a lively university town of 200 000 residents. Both Nousianen and Turku are situated about 170 kilometres from the capital city of Helsinki. Our students are a fairly homogenous group and almost 100 % speak Finnish as their mother tongue.
About Germany Jun 2nd - 7th 2014
Outdoor: Canoeing/Camping Indoor: River/Water ecology
Mümmelmannsberg District School is the only secondary school in a suburb in the East of Hamburg with 20,000 inhabitants. The amount of socially deprived people subsidized by governmental aid is far above average. 80% of the students have a migrant background; the largest groups are Turkish, Afghan and Iranian. But they come from all over the world: 40 different languages are spoken in their families. To encourage integration and improve language skills are our basic pedagogical tasks as well as to promote our students' talents.
Bulgaria Oct 21st - Oct 26th 2013
Outdoor: Speleology Indoor: Endangered nature
*Please note that if you decide to apply as a participant in this project, you should be prepare to take part in as many activities as necessary during the whole length of the project – 2012-2014. Also, you should be prepared to host partner’s students in your home, as well as being hosted in the partner’s countries.
*Моля обърнете внимание, че при подаването на формуляра за кандидатстване, вие заявявате вашата готовност да участвате в толкова дейности, в колкото е необходимо през целия период на проекта – 2012-2014. Също заявявате своята готовност да приемете ученик/чка в дома си по време на престоя му/й в България и съответно се съгласявате вашите деца да бъдат настанени в домовете на техните партньори в съответната страна, която ще посетят. За повече информация: Боряна Митрашкова 0884 77 30 66 и Емилия Крушков 0884 77 30 70.
Application – Form
Deadline: 21 December, 2012
Welcome to the Beautiful Nature-Natural Beauty Comenius program! Please fill out the requested information below and submit your form to Emilia Crushcov - 3rd floor, no later than December 21st, 2012.
Personal Data
Full NameClass Manager
Sex / Age
Nationality / Street & no.
City, country / Post code
Mobile / Phone
Personal E-mail / Dietary requirements
Preferred partner / Boy / Girl / Either
Level of English
(Please mark with X) / Speaking / Reading / Writing
Very good / Very good / Very good
Good / Good / Good
Basic / Basic / Basic
Parents Data
Street & no. / Post code
City / Country
Phone / Fax
Web / E-mail
Contact person
Full name and Signature of the Parent/Guardian: / As the parent or guardian of the above-named candidate, I agree that my son/daughter will be an applicant for the above project and will support his/her participation in case of approval*:
*Please note that by submitting this application you declare your willingness and ability to take part in as many activities as necessary during the whole length of the project – 2012-2014. Also, you are agreeing to host partner’s students in your home during their visit in Bulgaria, as well as being hosted in the partner’s countries during your visit abroad.
Questionnaire (use extra blank paper, if needed):
Would you be able to participate during the whole length of the project from 2012 – 2014?Have you been participating in some international meetings/projects before?
What kinds of experiences do you have in terms of travel, intercultural communication, group work, project activities, etc? (please list all experiences you consider relevant)
What are you strengths? As accurately as possible, please describe what you think your best abilities are:
How are you going to contribute to the aims of this project? What relevant skills you will apply during the two main dimensions to this project: practical experience and theoretical reflection?
How are you going to represent your family, your school, your home town and your country?
How do you believe you will benefit from participating in Beautiful Nature-Natural Beauty Comenius project?
What may be challenging for you whilst participating in Beautiful Nature-Natural Beauty Comenius project?
What are your principal interests/hobbies other than academic activities?
Are you a member of a voluntary/community service or youth organisation? If yes, which one?
Do you participate in any extracurricular activities? If yes, which one?
Range the countries mentioned above (from 1 to 3 ) you are most interested in participating and tell us why you made that choice:
What are the 3 most attractive aspect of this project for you?
How do you plan to use and disseminate the learning experience gained during this project in our school settings (please be specific)?
Anything else you would like to tell us?
Please write in your own handwriting the following statement:
My signature below indicates that all the information given above is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and the answers are my work alone.
Signature (of applicant) ______Date ______