Open House/Meeting Topics
This is a compiled list of successful open house topics from various synergy groups. In seeing what other groups are doing and presenting, it may inspire ideas for your group.
We have included the identity of the Group that held the information session so that you may use them as a resource. See our Synergy Alberta Group Directory for current contact information.
If your group has held a successful open house on a topic not identified, please send Synergy Alberta your topic so we may add it to our existing list.
West Central Stakeholders Information Night Topics
Energy Development on My Land
To provide information to assist landowners in dealing with oil and gas development
What Happens When You Say "No" to Oil and Gas Activities on Your Land
To provide information on the various options available when a landowner does not agree with proposed oil and gas development
Oil and Gas Development in the West Country
To provide information on the process for oil and gas development on PublicLand, the issues involved and how the public can provide input on this process.
Before you Sign: Negotiating the Surface Lease Agreement
Information on and a forum for discussion of Surface Lease Agreements
Trying to Mix Oil and Water: How Alberta’s “Water for Life” Strategy Relates to the Oil and Gas Industry and Your Community.
Information on the “Water for Life” strategy and a forum for discussion of issues related to water usage by the oil and gas industry, agriculture and the community.
Flaring: Impacts, Regulations and Trends
Information on current flaring impacts and regulations, improvements that have been made and targets for the future.
Who's Who in the Zoo
An opportunity to meet the oil and gas operators in ClearwaterCounty and to learn about the activities these companies are involved with.
Cleaning up our Act? Site Reclamation after Oil and Gas.
To provide information on the process for reclaiming oil and gas sites including procedures, regulations, monitoring, enforcement and landowner’s rights.
Encumbrances on AgriculturalLand: Dealing with the cumulative effects of Oil and gas development.
To proved information on current encumbrances on agricultural land resulting from petroleum industry development and what can be done to improve the situation.
Cumulative Effects of MultipleLand Uses: Seeking a balance between industry, recreation, agriculture and ecological integrity.
To provide information and a forum for discussion on how human activity has changed our landscape over time and what can be done to achieve balance between development and ecological sustainability
CMAG Information Night Topics
CBM Information – presenters included Mary Griffiths, Pembina Institute; CSUG and Norma LaFonte, Wheatland Surface Rights Action Group
Water Information – presenters included Alberta Environment, David Thompson Health Region and CSUG