HPS Academy Support Team Agenda

Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2017

4:00 p.m.

Jefferson High School, NIU Lab

I.  Welcome and Call to Order at 4:05 p.m.

II. Welcome to new members and/or guests

A.  Jesse Lamb- Life Church

B.  Jason Plessner- SE English

C.  Jim Noe - Rosecrance

D.  Sgt Derek Mendez, Army

III.  Approval of or Adjustments to Agenda - none

IV.  Follow-Up on Previous Items / Action Items

A. Reaffirmation/election of chair, vice chair, secretary

i.  Lyndi agreed to continue as chair. The selection of vice chair and secretary were

tabled for next time

ii.  Student secretaries have been identified, will start next meeting

B. Acronyms and Frequently-Used Terms - see attached

C. Feedback/input of the Academies of Jefferson mission statement

i.  Determined to have a mission statement for the whole school

ii.  Vote taken: The Academies of Jefferson High School prepare students For College, For Career, For Life."

D. Feedback/input on the HPS Academy vision statement and any goals developed?

i.  Change academy mission statement to vision statement

ii.  Current mission approved to become this vision statement (see below)

E. Availability of AST members for 8th pd (2:55-3:45) Academy Planning Time,

i.  Maybe? Poll rest of group. Give heads up you're coming as when student issues of a private nature are on the agenda, others outside RPS cannot be presend.

F. Roster review for activity and pathway representation

i.  AST member no-shows: reach out by recruiter, ask how they want to be involved, if they still wish to be involved, get minutes, etc.

ii.  Education - looking for representation

G. Action Plan and AST goals (How do you want to be involved?)

i.  Look at and see how you can contribute, send form back to Judy - attached

V.  Teacher Reports & Requests (outcome: requests met or referred to CCRC)

A.  Student Success Story

i.  JHS "gold standard" of partnership with a school - from Sgt. Mendez

ii.  Capstone "most worthwhile" class they took - Jen Wedig from last year's students

B.  Requests

i.  World Give Day - Will do one per semester (November/December & April)

ii.  Email Jen or Judy with suggestions or ways they can help your organization by first week of Oct for fall Give Day / First week in Feb for April Give Day

VI. Academy data

i.  340 est. kids in academy, 1806 total

ii.  For next time, pathway enrollment stats

VII. Adjournment, 5:02 p.m.

Vision Statement for HPS::

We, the members of the Jefferson High School HPS Academy, will develop innovative and dedicated public service professionals.