Curriculum Vita
Tracy Farrell
372 MVR Hall, Division of Nutritional Sciences
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-4401
Telephone: (607) 255-2620
Facsimile: (607) 255-0178
M.S. 1984 Cornell University, Nutrition
B.S. 1978 University of Massachusetts, Nutrition
B.A. 1973 Tufts University, Early Childhood Education
Awards and Honors
Dannon Award of Excellence for Community Nutrition, Cornell Farm to School Program (2003); Award of Excellence by Cornell Cooperative Extension, In-Touch Science: Foods & Fabrics (1997); USDA- Cooperative Extension Service Impact 2000 Award, Nutrition for Life (1991); American Home Economics Association Nutrition Education Award, Nutrition for Life (1991); Food and Drug Administration/ National Coalition for Consumer Education Award for Excellence in Consumer Education Material, Alive! Food and Fitness for Life magazine (1990); Katharina Wyckhoff Harris Fellowship (1978)
Professional Experience
10/2012- Extension Associate, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University
Present Managing project Scaling-Up Farm to School in New York State through Extension Educator Leadership. Developing survey to determine Cornell Cooperative Extension’s current involvement in farm to school efforts, assess interest in farm to school programming, and identify barriers to involvement and needs for training/technical assistance.
Coordinating project Translating Research into Action: Community Strategies to Increase Working Parents Use of Fruits and Vegetables. Developing a food-based intervention and conducting a pilot project at a child care center to determine the effects of intervention on vegetable use and intake by parents and children.
10/2011- Extension Associate, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University.
9/2012 Managed project Scaling-Up Farm to School in New York State through Extension Educator Leadership. Interviewed 23 Cornell Cooperative Extension educators/administrators, school food service directors and National Farm to School regional and state representatives to identify key components of successful farm to school projects/programs and effective roles for Cornell Cooperative Extension educators. Collaborated with NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets to survey NYS K-12 school food service directors about current and/or planned farm to school activities.
Coordinated project Translating Research into Action: Community Strategies to Increase Working Parents Use of Fruits and Vegetables. Conducted focus groups with parents of children at child care centers and staff members to develop interventions to help young children eat more vegetables.
Input and interpreted data for projects Building the Capability of Extension
Professionals to Apply an Ecological Approach to Preventing Childhood Obesity in Their Communities and Childhood Obesity Prevention.
10/2010- Extension Associate, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University.
9/2011 Coordinated project Translating Research into Action: Community Strategies to Increase Working Parents Use of Fruits and Vegetables. Developed instrument and surveyed 52
parents/ staff at child care centers; analyzed data.
Analyzed data and wrote manuscript for publication in referred journal for Cooking Up Fun, EFNEP youth cooking skills project.
Input and analyzed survey data; contributed to reports and manuscripts for publication in referred journal for Eat Your Vegetables and Let Us Eat Kale projects.
10/2009- Extension Associate, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University.
9/2010 Coordinated projects Local Food Choices and Work-Family Spillover and Diets of Multi-Ethnic Adults. Implemented protocol to measure reliability of survey instrument; monitored, tracked and analyzed data; contributed to reports and manuscripts.
Participated in planning, implementing and developing strategies for worksite interventions to prevent weight gain; recruited and interviewed participants for follow-up evaluation of Small Steps intervention activities; analyzed data; contributed to manuscripts.
Managed and analyzed data; wrote reports; supervised student employees for Cooking Up Fun, EFNEP youth cooking skills project.
6/2004- Extension Associate, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University.
9/2010 Managed project Work-Family Spillover and Diets of Multi-Ethnic Adults. Developed and tested survey questions, recruited/ screened participants, analyzed and managed data, and reported results.
Coordinated recruiting and screening of participants and data collection for Dog Walking and Obesity Prevention: A Methods Development Study.
Wrote/edited leader’s guide for program Small Steps are Easier Together, 2008/9.
Manage and analyze data for program Cooking Up Fun, EFNEP youth cooking skills project.
2003- Extension Associate, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University
2008 Wrote quizzes for Cornell NutritionWorks, an online professional resource.
12/2001- Extension Associate, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University.
6/2004 Managed program Cornell Farm to School Program. Organized projects to increase amount of locally grown food served in schools; wrote/designed quarterly newsletters and website; consulted with teachers, food service directors, farmers and community members to stimulate use of NY-grown food; presented programs at schools and trade shows; supervised student employees.
2/1999- Extension Associate, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University
12/2001 Produced Get Fresh! At Your Farmers Market, a bi-lingual video series to encourage WIC clients to purchase/ prepare produce from local farmers markets; supervised all aspects of production; implemented field-testing; and developed statewide distribution plan.
7/1996- Extension Associate, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University.
1999 Developed, implemented and evaluated Sisters in Health, a research-based interactive program to increase fruit and vegetable consumption among low/moderate income women in NYS.
10/1992- Extension Associate, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University.
6/1996 Provided leadership, developed programs and coordinated in-service education for Cornell Cooperative Extension efforts related to children, with special emphasis on increasing children’s understanding of the relationship of food to health by linking nutrition with reading and science.
4/1991- Extension Associate, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University.
10/1992 Wrote NYS nutrition surveillance report; developed materials and organized in-service education for Cornell Cooperative Extension efforts related to heart health and maternal and infant nutrition.
1/1991- Extension Associate, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University.
4/1991 Provided support to consumers and professionals; wrote monthly newsletter.
8/1989- Extension Associate, Department of Floriculture, Cornell University.
10/1990 Revised Learning about Plants, a life science curriculum for grades K-6.
7/1988- Extension Associate, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University.
7/1989 Interim leader for maternal and infant nutrition for Cooperative Extension; Presented workshops and organized conferences; wrote education materials.
10/1984- Extension Associate, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University.
7/1988 Wrote and supervised design and production of Nutrition for Life and Nutrition Comes Alive units for NYS elementary and secondary students; Presented teacher workshops.
9/1980- Nutritionist, Tompkins County Women, Infants, and Children Program, Tompkins
10/1984 County Health Department. Assessed and counseled clients about nutritional status; developed program goals; wrote monthly newsletters; supervised assistants and student interns.
6/1973- Child Care Provider, KLH Day Care Center, Cambridge, MA
6/1976 Worked with children ages 2-5 years in community child care center.
Peer-reviewed Publications
Wilkins J, Farrell T, Rangarajan A. Influence of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Participation on Vegetable-Related Behaviors among Subsidized and Full-Paying Members. (in preparation)
Farrell T, Thonney P. Developing an Instrument to Assess Food Skills Gained in Youth Cooking Groups. (in preparation)
Devine C, Maley M, Farrell T, Warren B, Sadigov S, Carroll J. Process Evaluation of an Environmental Walking and Healthy Eating Pilot in Small Rural Worksites. Evaluation and Program Planning 35 (2012), pp. 88-96 doi: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2011.08.002
Warren BS, Wakshlag JJ, Maley M, Farrell TJ, Wells MT, Struble AM, Devine CM, Long G. Method Development and Preliminary Examination of Dog Walking as a Form of Human and Canine Physical Activity. In: The Health Benefits of Dog Walking for Pets and People: Evidence and Case Studies, Rebecca A, Johnson RA, Beck A., McCune S, ed. W Lafayette: Purdue Univ. Press, 2011.
Warren BS, Wakshlag JJ, Maley M, Farrell TJ, Struble AM, Panasevich MR, Wells MT. Use of pedometers to measure the relationship of dog walking to body condition score in obese and non-obese dogs. British Journal of Nutrition. 2011; 106:S85-S89.
Blake C, Wethington E, Farrell TJ, Bisogni C, Devine C. Behavioral contexts, food choice coping strategies, and dietary quality of a multiethnic sample of employed parents. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2011;111(3):401-407.
Devine C, Farrell T, Blake C, Jastran M, Bisogni C, Wethington E. Work conditions and the food choice coping strategies of employed parents. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2009; 41: 365-370.
Blake C, Devine C, Wethington E, Jastran M, Farrell T., Bisogni, C. Employed parents’ satisfaction with food choice coping strategies: influence of gender and structure. Appetite. 2009; 52 711-719.
Jabs J, Devine C, Jastran M, Bisogni C, Farrell T, Jastran M, Wethington E. Trying to find the quickest way: Employed mothers’ constructions of time for food. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2007; 39:18-25.
Devine C, Jastran M, Jabs J, Wethington E, Farrell T, and Bisogni C."A lot of sacrifices:” Work-family spillover and the food choice coping strategies of low wage employed parents. Social Science and Medicine. 2006 November; 63(10): 2591-2603.
Devine C, Farrell T, Hartman R. Sisters in Health: experiential program emphasizing social interaction increases fruit and vegetable intake among low-income adults. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2005;37:265-270.
Other Publications/ Educational Materials
Farrell T, et al. Get Fresh! at Your Farmers Market. DNS, Cornell University, 2001.
Farrell T, Devine, C. Sisters in Health. DNS, Cornell University, 1998.
Farrell T. and Travis S. Field to Table. Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County, Ithaca, NY, 1997.
Thonney P, Coffman C, and Farrell T. In-Touch Science: Foods and Fabrics. DNS, Cornell University, 1996.
Farrell T and Thonney P. In the Bag! Families Sharing Science Together. DNS, Cornell University, 1996.
Thonney P and Farrell T. Kitchen Science. DNS, Cornell University, 1995.
Bader M, Breen S, Feinberg S, Farrell T, and Thonney, P. Menu for Mealtimes. Middle Country Public Library, Centereach, NY. 1995.
Eames-Sheavly M and Farrell T. The Humble Potato: Underground Gold, 1995.
Mapes MC and Farrell T. Take Charge of Your Heart Health: Facilitator’s Guide, 1993.
Farrell TJ, Variano DA, Arimond M, and Olson CM. Taking Care of Two: Nutrition for Moms and Babies. DNS, Cornell University, 1990, Rev. 1992.
Farrell TJ and Olson CM. A Smart Start in Nutrition for Life, Grades 9-12. DNS, Cornell University, 1988.
Thonney PF, Olson CM, Bisogni CA, Coyne M, Farrell TJ, and Mapes MC. Alive! Food and Fitness for Life. NY: Parachute Press, Inc., 1988.
Farrell TJ and Olson CM. Spanning the Years in Nutrition for Life, Grades 7 & 8. DNS, Cornell University, 1987.
Farrell TJ. Nutrition Comes Alive, Level 6, A Case of Waste. DNS, Cornell University, 1986.
Community Leadership
1999- Member, City of Ithaca Urban Renewal Agency
Present Solicit and screen competitive proposals to allocate $1.5 million in United States Housing and Urban Development funds annually for local housing, economic development, public facilities and community agencies.
2002- Chairperson, Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Initiative
2004 Developed policies and procedures to purchase and rehabilitate 6 deteriorated rental properties for sale to long-term owner-occupants.
1998- Member Board of Directors of Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit (Chairperson, 2001)
2003 Developed policies and contributed to consolidation plan for local transportation agency.
1998- Alderperson, City of Ithaca Common Council.
2001 As elected government representative, represented constituents and made policy decisions on a variety of complex issues; served as chairperson of Planning and Economic Development Committee and vice chairperson of Community Relations Committee.