Materials for Teaching Forensics Using

Forensic Science: Fundamentals & Investigations*

Bertino & Bertino, 2nd Edition

*These materials are unique to forensics and do not include supplies such as 3 x 5 cards, tape (clear and masking), scissors, transparences, plastic rulers, meter sticks, calipers, protractors, compass, marking pens and calculators (with sine and tangent functions).

A digital camera is optional. Large purchase item is indicated in Chapter 14. Check individual activities in text book for specific ordering information including quantity or item.

Items needed are only mentioned once on the list even thought they might be used in multiple labs.

Teachers may choose not to perform every activity as well reducing the number items.


Supplies mentioned above.

Hand lenses, socks, forceps, latex or nitrile gloves, re-sealable bags, penlights,

compasses, tape measure, wooden corner markers

Microscopes, slides, cover slips, clear nail polish, hair samples

Fiber samples, alcohol or Bunsen burners, thread counter or 3X5 cards

Toothpicks, small beakers, pollen samples, flowers

Balloons, fingerprinting pads (ink-less are preferred), ten cards, paper towels, cleansing wipes, magnetic powder, brushes

Access to computers, unprocessed wheat germ, alcohol, liquid soap, meat tenderizer

H2O2, ethanol, reduced phenolphthalein, simulated (vampire) blood, meter sticks, string, newspaper, dental floss, cardboard boxes

Aleve, Tylenol, aspirin, Motrin, test tubes or vials, well plates, (test solutions can be made in small amounts (Marquis solution, sulfuric acid, formaldehyde]), tannic acid 10% solution, ferric chloride 2 g/100ml water, concentrated nitric acid, KOH or NaOH

10  Paper money or projected images of paper money, hand lenses

11  Small jars, hand sanitizer, liver, blowfly larvae (live or preserved), alcohol, large empty coffee cans, kitchen-sized plastic liners, thermometer, stereomicroscope

12  Thermometer, 66 L tub, cart

13  Sand samples, sieve set, acetic acid, HCl, AgNO3, teaspoon, graduated cylinders, pH paper, paint brushes, cheesecloth, magnets, UV light, watch glasses or glass plates, Petri dishes

14  Sherlock Bones Kit (Wards) at least one or two to share (~ $350/kit), 6 preferred

15  Window and tempered glass, hemispheric plastic dishes, test tube racks,

methanol, isopropyl alcohol, olive oil, castor oil, 10 ml pipettes, balances

16  Cardboard boxes, hair spray, Plaster of Paris, wooden paint paddle coffee cans, petroleum jelly, fingerprint powder or chalk, laser measuring ruler, tires (bicycle or car) Styrofoam plates, transparency film

17  Modeling clay, screwdrivers (borrow), hammers (borrow), small pine boards

18  Dental floss, dowels, cereal boxes, spent cartridge casings

Check ,

click on ‘Teacher Resources’,

Supplies/Lab Equipment for inexpensive sources of supplies.

Bottom line for cost: Ask for an open P.O. for about $800 for supplies not on hand

Add 2 Sherlock Bones Kits ~ $700 (but 6 preferred)

Total cost ~ $1500 - $2900 to have what you need to complete all activities for 1-2 classes of 24