Attendees: Rick Rivera (Salv Army), AlitaLethrop, David Gomez (ATCIC), Hosie Washington (Safe Place), Trey Nichols, Elizabeth Baker (ATCIC), Sandra Chevez, Audrey Staples, Natalie Metzger-Smit; Richard Dodson, Darilynn Cardona Beiler; Ann Howard, Niki Paul, Kameron Fowler, Kathleen Ridings, Melinda Cantu,
Welcome and IntroductionsAnn Howard, ECHO
ECHO Updates:ECHO Staff
CoC Consulting-2014
oRetaining Sam Woollard to assist with the 2014 NOFA
oECHO will send out invoice to CoC funded agencies after confirmation of 2013 HUD funding
APR Changes
oOneCPD update for FY12 Grants
- Coordinated Assessment
- 30 Day SPDAT Pilot 4/1-4/30
- Reminder to let folks with ESG or COC funded programs that use HMIS-Eligibility Module Criteria must be completed ASAP (due 4/1/14). Unable to test the module until all agencies have completed
- Currently working on community-wide definitions at the Housing Work Group, next work group focused on Rapid Rehousing definition.
HIC/PIT ReviewRichard Dodson, ECHO
- Reviewed Point In Time Count
- Declining population-need to identify % decrease
- Reviewed Housing Inventory Count (HIC)
- Changes-Rapid Rehousing is considered “Permanent Housing” for HIC purposes
- Question-Salvation Army transitional housing follows all transitional-all recipients for RR are considered “permanent”
- Current HIC has 2013 data, need all programs to update and review for night of January 24, 2014
- All sites to review data and send Richard any updates by April 18th
- The HIC and PIT are due to HUD on April 30th
- HUD VASH is not on the list currently, but on the verge to include-which will increase our permanent supportive housing count
- New HMIS Director, Veronica Neville will start full time 3rd week in April
Streamlining Program Performance MeasuresKameron Fowler, ECHO
- Noted variance in additional performance measure and interested in streamlining process
- Majority are based on self-determination and self-sufficiency, but not streamlined. Possibly add outcomes of where we want to go
- Topic ideas: Increase income, employment, meaningful life events, (easier)
- If we have the same performance measures, it would make it easier to develop one streamlined report
- ECHO send email to all CoC before next meeting after discussion with Sam
- Possible opportunity to discuss with City (for their additional measures)
- Intention to have the discussion prior to NOFA process to make an informed decision
Ending Chronic Homelessness-National PrioritiesGroup Discussion
- Increase permanent supportive housing capacity through State, local, and HUD's Continuum of Care Program funds.
- Leverage mainstream resourceslikeHousing Choice VouchersandMedicaidto expand permanent supportive housing.
- Conduct assertive outreach and proactive engagementto reach the most vulnerable, highest need individuals experiencing chronic homelessness.
- Prioritize the most vulnerable and highest need people experiencing chronic homelessness for assistance through permanent supportive housing.
- Adopt Housing Firstcommunity-wide to ensure that people experiencing chronic homelessness can obtain housing without preconditions.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 7th 9:30, LifeWorks